View Full Version : Great Foundation

03-19-2015, 05:14 PM

03-20-2015, 02:06 PM
Looks like a good breeding Big Easy. Got a call from C. Crews about a month ago and had a great chat. He is in good health, said he still had a couple of dogs but no longer active. No longer lives in the Charleston area.

Wished that R. Williams would talk with some of you younger Red Boy fans. He could tell you a lot about the most important Red Boy dogs that Katie had. He bought and bred to some of Katie's best dogs. Helped her with some of the schooling and breeding of her dogs. Williams' (Truett's Prince X Red Boy crosses) produced some good show dogs. Williams did well with those dogs, he did very private shows and many of his shows were never reported. Pee Dee Kennels used some of those Truett's Prince x Red Boy crosses also.

R. Williams has Diabetes real bad and will not talk anything about the dogs except from those he personally knew way back. So you have two good dog men I know personally, that bred good dogs back there in your dog's background. Another was D. Holcomb he and C. Cooke were a lively two that loved the dog game. Cooke may not be in your dogs pedigree, but liked the Jocko/Red boy dogs as well. Cheers

03-21-2015, 12:15 PM
I don't know R. Williams, but I can tell you that most of my redboy stock are black dogs. They all come from the same area...

03-21-2015, 04:14 PM
Run a 14 generation search on this breeding. Will get some interesting results. Bass' Cleo bitch was a black dog. I showed a solid black bitch years back that was owned by Louis Miles. That bitch was a straight Red Boy x Cleo bitch. Louis Mile's Bouncer was a full sibling brother to Red Boy and was a tiger brindle colored dog.
A dog man that lived not far from Bass, had a yard of young dogs bred off Bass' Red Boy x Cleo. Some were black, some where brindle/red brindle and some red /red nose dogs. I no longer remember his name. I might be wrong, thinking maybe Rowell's Fancy was obtained from this dog man. Rowell's Fancy was a red /red nose female dog. Cheers

03-31-2015, 06:44 AM
CYJ... You will really like this one. http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_profile.php?dog_id=47398

03-31-2015, 07:56 AM
CYJ... You will really like this one. http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_profile.php?dog_id=47398

Hell I Really like that one! :)

03-31-2015, 08:04 AM
Ditto BigEazy. I knew all these dog men and women personally. Lost contact with some over the years. Some have passed on. One being Mr. M. Gainey. Some of R. Williams' dogs were black and white. Especially those bred off the Truett's Prince dog that was formerly owned by Middleton. You can see how some of those R. Williams' dogs look over on the on lines pedigree site.

I plan to learn how to move pics from that site to ours. Some Pictures from over there I want to bring over. R.Williams' had some nice looking dogs and took excellent care of them.

R. Williams' knew all of those main Red Boy dogs of Katie's on a first hand bases. Was a close friend of Katie and knew which dogs were the over all best dogs. Cheers

03-31-2015, 05:00 PM
Hell I Really like that one! :)

Thanks, S_B. He will only be bred to what's on the yard. CYJ said it best "PRIVATE"

03-31-2015, 05:10 PM
Ditto BigEazy. I knew all these dog men and women personally. Lost contact with some over the years. Some have passed on. One being Mr. M. Gainey. Some of R. Williams' dogs were black and white. Especially those bred off the Truett's Prince dog that was formerly owned by Middleton. You can see how some of those Williams' dogs look over on the on lines pedigree site.

I plan to learn how to move pics from that site to ours. Some Pictures from over there I want to bring over. Williams' had some nice looking dogs and took excellent care of them.

Williams' knew all of those main Red Boy dogs of Katie's on a first hand bases. Was a close friend of Katie and knew which dogs were the over all best dogs. Cheers
Thanks for the info... It's more where this come from. I'm just glad I met the right people early in my career. My dad always had dogs. I guess you can say, It's in my blood...

03-31-2015, 07:30 PM
Hello Big Easy. I believe I have gotten my wires crossed. What I have said about R. Williams is all true. But I believe his Red Boy crosses were built around Truett's Prince dog.

As I looked at your pedigree some more. I noted the Gambler dog. I believe this Williams is L. Williams that was part of the Pee Dee Kennels group. His partner was M. Matthews. I knew both those fellows when they got their first dog. One of their first dogs I believe came from H. Hargrove and was off ole Molly Bee. A great looking and acting dog.

Fellows put the cart before the horse before they had learned much. Showed that dog against Tant and Mr. Burns. They had a great dog and was deep game, but lack of proper conditioning and in the middle of the summer. They lost a great dog. It was later that they got into some good dogs with the Gambler dog/Nitro. They too at one time had some Red Boy crosses off Truett's Prince along with some Garner's Chinaman as well. L. Williams and M. Matthews were good friends with Hanton.

Another dog man in that group was R. Nelson. We grew up together and even played some high school football. Nelson spent time on Katie's yard and helped her with the dogs as well. Nelson died some months back due to Diabetes. Nelson was the last owner of my little Young's Jake dog. Nelson wanted to breed Jake to one of his Red Boy bitches. Jake was around 11 years old when Nelson got him. Do not think Nelson had any success with getting any pups. Now I have my facts straight to the best of my past memory. LOL

03-31-2015, 07:41 PM
I was on Mr. Truett's yard about six or eight months ago. He showed me a old male dog that he said was one of the last living inbred dogs off that Gambler dog or Nitro. Whether this dog has been studded and got any pups, I do not know. Some dog men from the far North buy some of the extra pups he does not keep. Mr. Truett is up in age and in his late 80's. Last year had some of his young dogs, almost two years old stolen. One was a nice looking male buckskin dog.

Even putting fish hooks on lines and hanging them from the tree limbs on his back property. Did not slow those dog thieves down. A young crack head was sent to steal some of his dogs not to far back last year. The crack head stole his Sheep dog that was running loose in the yard. Had to take it back and try to get a bulldog. LOL What is this world coming to. LOL

04-01-2015, 03:29 AM
I was on Mr. Truett's yard about six or eight months ago. He showed me a old male dog that he said was one of the last living inbred dogs off that Gambler dog or Nitro. Whether this dog has been studded and got any pups, I do not know. Some dog men from the far North buy any extra pups he does not keep. Mr. Truett is up in age and in his late 80's. last year had some of his young dogs, almost two years old stolen.

Even putting fish hooks on lines and hanging them from the tree limbs on his back property. Does not slow those dog thieves down. A young crack head was sent to steal some of his dogs not to far back last year. The crack head stole his Sheep dog that was running loose in the yard. Had to take it back and try to get a bulldog. LOL What is this world coming to. LOL
He told me about those guys coming back to steal what they couldn't afford. The dog that you are talking about is a Nitro bred dog.

04-16-2015, 05:05 AM
They are finally here... 5 males and 3 females

04-16-2015, 01:34 PM
Nice breeding Big Easy.

04-17-2015, 08:02 AM
I will be letting 2 males go

05-18-2015, 09:38 PM
I know Mr. Williams and his buddy Dan, They came to my yard years ago and bought a couple. Ive been to Don's house back when he was loving the virgil hounds.....Also gave williams a gyp named ling-a-lot......He later changed it to Gyno she was a por hound.......Her ped only says she was bred once, But I bred her before giving her to williams.....I say this because sometime you never know who knows who in this game or how far back a person travels may be......Both williams and Don class A in my book.....And yes Dan and Williams had some buck dogs and like to cross it to the virgil stuff.....I think I got them started with the Frisco hounds, given them Gyno who was Dbl bred Frisco....She was bred to trojon horse so after...she was by far the baddest cur I ever seen and owned.....

05-18-2015, 09:54 PM
I don't know R. Williams, but I can tell you that most of my redboy stock are black dogs. They all come from the same area...

I know Mr. Williams and his buddy Dan, They came to my yard years ago and bought a couple. Ive been to Don's house back when he was loving the virgil hounds.....Also gave williams a gyp named ling-a-lot......He later changed it to Gyno she was a por hound.......Her ped only says she was bred once, But I bred her before giving her to williams.....I say this because sometime you never know who knows who in this game or how far back a person travels may be......Both williams and Don class A in my book.....And yes Dan and Williams had some buck dogs and like to cross it to the virgil stuff.....I think I got them started with the Frisco hounds, given them Gyno who was Dbl bred Frisco....She was bred to trojon horse so after...she was by far the baddest cur I ever seen and owned, never registered my litter.....