View Full Version : know you breeder

01-15-2012, 12:57 PM
Hey was wondering how are some ways to find a respectful. Im trying ti stay away from the people that will tell you whatever you wanna here or that will hang papers from dog x on dog z.

01-15-2012, 03:40 PM
IMO, Any serious breeder will have a website and will NOT advertise in newspapers.
A serious breeder has a job for his dogs, no dog.......no dog in yard of a serious breeder is jobless they all play an important role.
A serious breeder has PROVEN champions, currently in his or her yard regardless what the sport is
A serious breeder has LOTS of haters
A serious breeder has planned breedings
A serious breeder do NOT breed to make a buck and could care less if you adopt his or her puppy
A serious breeder will NOT bash another breeder
A serious will be happy to answer any questions you may have
A serious breeder will NOT just sell his (or) her puppies to just anyone
Usually a serious breeder will breed if he (or) she needs a puppy and MAY have a few left to put up for adoption.
A serious breeder is active with their dogs.
and lastly a serious breeder will make sure YOU are worthy enough to adopt one of his puppies

01-15-2012, 05:09 PM
You are on a forum run by a really good breeder

01-15-2012, 06:41 PM
I was taught, breeders breed and hunter hunt...

As far as know your breeder. I think it's the way they talk, walk and the record of the animals they breed... JMHO

01-15-2012, 10:30 PM
I was taught, breeders breed and hunter hunt...

As far as know your breeder. I think it's the way they talk, walk and the record of the animals they breed... JMHO

Im not sure that applies that much. All most every breeding has been tried and tried again, and in all these tries there has been a format that has shown what works. I consider jack something different from the norm! ( I say that in a good way). Very few if any can do what jack has done and thats create a very competetive line of hounds without competing. For the people like me it's following a format on the hounds i run then compteting and culling. I can say i could never breed good working hounds without checking, but i check and i only have made one breeding in my life and because its only my first doesnt mean That it wasnt a first class breeding. I think it's simple work the hounds by competing. Then take most proven cross or inbreed, regardless its knowing whats worked in past with the line u run.

01-16-2012, 03:24 AM
It's a small % of cj's out here... They all say the same thing, what I said... I know there are exceptions... For the most part hunters, hunt... So I wouldn't buy a grown hunting dog, from a hunter unless he in a bind and the dog has caught a hog. I wouldn't buy a grown dog from a breeder, unless the dog has produced. I would get a pup from either lol

I think the most important thing is, have some common sense... Ask questions, listen to the answers.. Research the info, if it doesn't add up,well on to the next one.. You should do all research first. Then when you find the person your are looking for ask the questions, that while you were researching you didn't get the answers... This is jmho...

01-16-2012, 03:37 AM
The first sign of a good breeder I look for is overall health of their dogs and cleanliness of their yard. Because no matter how good a person says their hounds are, I'm taking no dog from any yard that is dirty an has unhealthy dogs. Second, I try to identify the reasons why the breeder breeds his/her dogs. I like breeders that don't produce litters often, and who strive to produce quality in each breeding. And third, I look at the individuals being bred and finding out as much info on the performance of the animals chosen to be bred. If I can not find out these 3 things, then I have no interest in dogs from that breeder.

01-16-2012, 03:39 AM
IMO, Any serious breeder will have a website and will NOT advertise in newspapers.
A serious breeder has a job for his dogs, no dog.......no dog in yard of a serious breeder is jobless they all play an important role.
A serious breeder has PROVEN champions, currently in his or her yard regardless what the sport is
A serious breeder has LOTS of haters
A serious breeder has planned breedings
A serious breeder do NOT breed to make a buck and could care less if you adopt his or her puppy
A serious breeder will NOT bash another breeder
A serious will be happy to answer any questions you may have
A serious breeder will NOT just sell his (or) her puppies to just anyone
Usually a serious breeder will breed if he (or) she needs a puppy and MAY have a few left to put up for adoption.
A serious breeder is active with their dogs.
and lastly a serious breeder will make sure YOU are worthy enough to adopt one of his puppies

what is this, u starting of with "has a website" already. are you kidding??? the guy is asking for good advice

01-16-2012, 03:42 AM
The first sign of a good breeder I look for is overall health of their dogs and cleanliness of their yard. Because no matter how good a person says their hounds are, I'm taking no dog from any yard that is dirty an has unhealthy dogs. Second, I try to identify the reasons why the breeder breeds his/her dogs. I like breeders that don't produce litters often, and who strive to produce quality in each breeding. And third, I look at the individuals being bred and finding out as much info on the performance of the animals chosen to be bred. If I can not find out these 3 things, then I have no interest in dogs from that breeder.

Good key points... I concur 8-)

01-16-2012, 01:14 PM
IMO, Any serious breeder will have a website and will NOT advertise in newspapers.
A serious breeder has a job for his dogs, no dog.......no dog in yard of a serious breeder is jobless they all play an important role.
A serious breeder has PROVEN champions, currently in his or her yard regardless what the sport is
A serious breeder has LOTS of haters
A serious breeder has planned breedings
A serious breeder do NOT breed to make a buck and could care less if you adopt his or her puppy
A serious breeder will NOT bash another breeder
A serious will be happy to answer any questions you may have
A serious breeder will NOT just sell his (or) her puppies to just anyone
Usually a serious breeder will breed if he (or) she needs a puppy and MAY have a few left to put up for adoption.
A serious breeder is active with their dogs.
and lastly a serious breeder will make sure YOU are worthy enough to adopt one of his puppies

what is this, u starting of with "has a website" already. are you kidding??? the guy is asking for good advice

if you noticed, I said "In my opinion" or "IMO" this is what came to my mind first. I gave very good advise, you disagree? That is fine, that is your right. But what sense does it make to have a yard and potential familes can't see the dogs? Anyone can say "I have this and I have that" but when it is all said and done before I even consider calling, to even talk about the adopting a puppy from a yard I want to see what the animals look like, and IF I like what I see then I call, if I like what they say, then I go visit the yard. But usually a great yard is always far away so do you not need a visual of the parents and puppies before you buy? Usually a Serious breeder have a website and this is one way I seperate BACKYARD BREEDERS from serious Dogmen.........Peace!

Officially Retired
01-16-2012, 01:28 PM
I know a lot of extremely serious dogmen who don't have websites ;)

01-16-2012, 01:38 PM
ok this can be your opinion but i think its the other way around, serious dogman have nothing to show or proof on a website. in fact i think websites of non peddlers are hard to find. it all depends on what's your goals tho.

01-16-2012, 02:16 PM
I agree @ Jack,

@ R2L it all depends on the mission, for example depending on the SPORTof your liking, me for example I am into the sport of Schutzhund and conformation shows so I want to advertise my animals and I accompolishments. But some dogmen is word of mouth, take Jack for example, dogmen like him do not need website showing his dogs, just order his DVD's and read his books and you know what he is about. Hell look at my Bulldogs, they have Jack written all over them, and their not APBT lol! In fact I agree with you to a certain extent, because the only way I found about Jack was through another dogman, but you have to remember I am not referring to running the dogs, of course you can't have up a website.

01-16-2012, 10:11 PM
Some dogmen consider websites to be paper trails & evidence for a conviction so they stay away from the internet & keep it underground.

Officially Retired
01-17-2012, 02:38 AM
Some dogmen consider websites to be paper trails & evidence for a conviction so they stay away from the internet & keep it underground.

Fact: Almost every major "bust" has been to dogmen who don't have websites ...

01-17-2012, 02:58 AM
Some dogmen consider websites to be paper trails & evidence for a conviction so they stay away from the internet & keep it underground.

Fact: Almost every major "bust" has been to dogmen who don't have websites ...

lol, guess this is where the discussion about websites is coming to and end. of course that is true, because no one has a website. but still not underground or smart enough i figure.

Officially Retired
01-17-2012, 03:22 AM
lol, guess this is where the discussion about websites is coming to and end. of course that is true, because no one has a website. but still not underground or smart enough i figure.

No, the truth is "websites" don't get people busted ... snitches do.

Almost every single major bust is the result of a SNITCH, or some under-cover operative posing as "a dogman" who gathers direct evidence in some way.

The only exception I can think of would be Tant, who had undercover operatives watching him, one of whom tripped a booby trap while on his property in disguise. But it still was a matter of direct evidence, and not a website.

Therefore, unless you're advertising upcoming shows to the world on your site, and showing up to meet just anybody to do your thing, a website really can't do much to hurt you. People may use "this or that" on a website as supplemental evidence to support a case, but BY ITSELF the truth is having a website with dog pedigrees on it, or even outdated historical information on it, has NEVER resulted in a single bust ... so it is just pure ignorance to say otherwise.

What results is busts is some snitch gathering direct evidence on you, in your presence, so choose your crowds & company carefully.



01-17-2012, 08:05 AM
I'd like to add that the use of a website can advertise anything it's owner likes -- including things that would work AGAINST a conviction if it were brought up in court. For instance, there are doggers with websites that showcase nothing but conformation shows, therapy work done with their dogs, fantastic references and testimonials by show/pet people who send in pictures of the dog they purchased lounging around with their toddlers and tea-cup poodles. As with anything on the internet, it's a TOOL, and can be used to a person's advantage OR disadvantage, depending upon the individual.

You put together a website that shows the dogs you produce helping old people and cuddling with babies, and you could post the Cajun Rules on your homepage, they'll still be hard pressed to find anyone who could argue all of the dogs bred, owned or sold by you are fighting monsters, good for nothing but the gas chamber.

01-17-2012, 11:53 AM

+1 if used as a tool to credit yourself in other ways and keep out what's only for a select few

01-18-2012, 07:15 AM
Some dogmen consider websites to be paper trails & evidence for a conviction so they stay away from the internet & keep it underground.

Fact: Almost every major "bust" has been to dogmen who don't have websites ...

I don't doubt that for 1 bit. I had a website up b4. Now, I made the comment cuz there are a few who computers were confiscated & was used to convict them cuz of what they were posting on the site; fresh busted up ch. & bragging about it.

Officially Retired
01-18-2012, 09:55 AM
I don't doubt that for 1 bit. I had a website up b4. Now, I made the comment cuz there are a few who computers were confiscated & was used to convict them cuz of what they were posting on the site; fresh busted up ch. & bragging about it.

By itself, being found with the fresh, busted-up Champion is enough to get a conviction, especially with witnesses/snitches there to testify. Gathering the computer materials was only supplemental evidence.

By itself, posting on a computer about yesterday's dog matters, or on philisophies about what would make for a good combat dog, or theoretically how to care for a wounded dog, means nothing and is insufficient evidence to do anything.

It is only through the dropped-dime of a snitch (or undercover operative) that a "bust" can take place, which (if it does take place) then they will take whatever evidence they can get, once they get in (which naturally also includes a computer).

Yet, here again, the website isn't the problem (or even the main evidence), the chopped-up dog and the testimony of the witness is the main evidence; the braggings online are only supplemental ... and would never stand up in court by itself, without a chopped-up dog or witness.

However, I would imagine that if any person foolish enough to directly brag they have a "new Champion," and if their address is known and they indicate the "fresh evidence" is there onsite, that might be grounds for a raid based on self-incrimination.

But talking about old events of events far in the past has never led to anything that I can think of, nor could it ever stand up in court by itself.



01-18-2012, 12:03 PM
I don't doubt that for 1 bit. I had a website up b4. Now, I made the comment cuz there are a few who computers were confiscated & was used to convict them cuz of what they were posting on the site; fresh busted up ch. & bragging about it.

By itself, being found with the fresh, busted-up Champion is enough to get a conviction, especially with witnesses/snitches there to testify. Gathering the computer materials was only supplemental evidence.

By itself, posting on a computer about yesterday's dog matters, or on philisophies about what would make for a good combat dog, or theoretically how to care for a wounded dog, means nothing and is insufficient evidence to do anything.

It is only through the dropped-dime of a snitch (or undercover operative) that a "bust" can take place, which (if it does take place) then they will take whatever evidence they can get, once they get in (which naturally also includes a computer).

Yet, here again, the website isn't the problem (or even the main evidence), the chopped-up dog and the testimony of the witness is the main evidence; the braggings online are only supplemental ... and would never stand up in court by itself, without a chopped-up dog or witness.

However, I would imagine that if any person foolish enough to directly brag they have a "new Champion," and if their address is known and they indicate the "fresh evidence" is there onsite, that might be grounds for a raid based on self-incrimination.

But talking about old events of events far in the past has never led to anything that I can think of, nor could it ever stand up in court by itself.



I see your point bro.

01-19-2012, 05:03 AM
How many times have you seen someone get busted because they had something else going on that lead the police to call animal control? Like someone selling guns or drugs or someone getting busted because they got puled over and they had enough drugs to be considered a dealer which gives the law the right to go to the listed address on the driver's ID and search the home. But then they find a yard full of dogs who have not had proper after care nor proper food or shelter?

This is what get's us into trouble many times and it gives the public the idea that all owners and dogmen are drug dealers and thugs.

01-19-2012, 09:06 AM
I live near a city that is overrun with "pitbull type" dogs. I'd say that the problem is from people not taking care of their dogs and not finding them good homes if they don't want them anymore. The other problem is lack of care. It takes a lot of work to maintain a yard of dogs and many people think they can do it, but they can't. Money is also another factor that is overlooked. It is expensive to keep dogs healthy and in shape. If people took care of their animals, kept them from disturbing others, and shelters weren't overrun with "pitbull type" dogs, the breed would be in a lot better shape.

The PBB has saved me money and time and has been a wonderful resource. In my eyes its a requirement for any dog owner of any breed.