View Full Version : dog won't eat and need some help

05-23-2015, 04:33 PM
my friend has a dog that won't eat and his gums are white he lives way out in the country and the vet is closed tell Tuesday any help would be appreciated

05-23-2015, 04:47 PM
Might be babesia. Check the articles on the board. Theres always something as emergency vet if the life of his dog is valuable to him.

05-23-2015, 08:06 PM
It could be any number of things, but if the dog is active with other animals, or has had contact or ticks, I'd look at Babesia as a strong possibility.

Offer the dog fresh raw liver, if he/she won't eat it offer it cooked. Give some Red Cell and if you answered yes to yourself to the above possibilities at the very least run that dog on Doxycycline for no less than 10 says (2 x's daily).

It is important the dog eats but small meals are best.

Read the information Jack has provided here:

Good luck,

05-24-2015, 12:16 PM
good looking out nut and S_B the dog is is on a yard with about 12 dogs and thats exactly what i told him liver and red cell if he won't eat that try vanilla wafers just to get him to eat i thought it might be intestinal blockage and if thats the case i told him to give him as much sauerkraut as u can because my buddy told me this old vet told him it can help them pass stuff and he says he has see a dog pass everything from rocks to a half a leach. Has anyone else heard of using sauerkraut?Also S_B will Doxycycline kill Babesia? thinks for all the help

05-24-2015, 12:36 PM
Read the link Meathead, the answers are there for you.

Officially Retired
05-24-2015, 01:06 PM
good looking out nut and S_B the dog is is on a yard with about 12 dogs and thats exactly what i told him liver and red cell if he won't eat that try vanilla wafers just to get him to eat i thought it might be intestinal blockage and if thats the case i told him to give him as much sauerkraut as u can because my buddy told me this old vet told him it can help them pass stuff and he says he has see a dog pass everything from rocks to a half a leach. Has anyone else heard of using sauerkraut?Also S_B will Doxycycline kill Babesia? thinks for all the help

Sauerkraut won't do a thing for intestinal blockage. That "old vet" is an imbecile.

The only chance for blockage is a boatload of mineral oil, maybe a full cup, but even that chance is small.
(It is easy to tell if a dog has blockage, it will VOMIT OUT every time it drinks water ... babesia dogs won't.)

If a dog has an actual, lodged blockage ... this is a bigger emergency than Babesia, and the dog won't last more than 1 (or two days) most.

If the dog will nibble, and keep things down, and has pale gums, it is prolly babesia.

If the dog won't eat at all, and especially if it vomits-out absolutely everything it eats, take that dog to the vet or it will be DEAD by Tuesday.


05-24-2015, 04:44 PM
thinks jack that helps a bunch and iv been trying to order berenil from http://www.vetproductsonline.co.za and it won't process it i even had my wife try and still nothin is there something up that website? has any one else had this happen?

05-24-2015, 04:50 PM
if the dog is suffering from babesia it will be too late. it takes about 2 weeks for dilvery if it processes. so wouldnt get my hopes on that.

Officially Retired
05-24-2015, 05:00 PM
thinks jack that helps a bunch and iv been trying to order berenil from http://www.vetproductsonline.co.za and it won't process it i even had my wife try and still nothin is there something up that website? has any one else had this happen?

Nut is right. You can order, but it takes too long.

Need a blood transfusion to keep the dog alive long enough to wait for the drug.

This is why I say (over and over and over and over and over and over again ...) ALWAYS HAVE THESE DRUGS ONHAND ... DO **NOT** WAIT UNTIL A LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY HAPPENS AND GET CAUGHT WITH YOUR PANTS DOWN. (But who ever listens to simple, effective advice? Doesn't apply to 'you' ... right? Wrong!)

Best you could do now is take him to an emergency vet (ESPECIALLY A LOCAL UNIVERSITY **IF** THEY HAVE A VET SCHOOL) and get Imizol in him right now.

But he needs a transfusion first, unless you can get the drugs in him now.

Good luck,


05-25-2015, 03:48 PM
I told my friend every thing every has said and he on it and also says thinks for the help. i agree with you jack and was already going to order some and with my friends problem it put the cables to me to get it now i just can't get my order to process. Nut it sounds like you've had the same problem.Does that just happen from time to time or what is the problem?I put the numbers in with no spaces pick the country it just won't process.

05-25-2015, 04:06 PM
Its a while ago since I ordered but never had a problem. You should email them. But everyone I spoke too has always recieved their products after 2-3 weeks. Good luck.

05-25-2015, 05:34 PM
Ok right on did that so hopefully they will get back to me