View Full Version : SORRELLS DOGS/Blood

01-17-2012, 10:13 AM
Can Anyone Give Me some input on the Line?? How Has it Crossed Well to produce good bulldogs? What does it bring to the table in a breeding program??.............Youngin

Officially Retired
01-17-2012, 02:20 PM
Can Anyone Give Me some input on the Line?? How Has it Crossed Well to produce good bulldogs? What does it bring to the table in a breeding program??.............Youngin

I personally have never seen or dealt with any "pure Sorrells dogs"; however, I did know an old man who bought this 5xW after losing a bet against him:

Gr Ch Milo 5xW (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=150859)[/center:2kvkxzjm]

Milo was heavy Sorrells on the bottom and was an exceptionally-game dog. The one thing I remember about most of his pups is they were very leggy and HUGE for their weight, standing 2-3 inches taller at the shoulder than their opponents at even weight.



01-18-2012, 10:47 AM
Much Appreciated ,Jack. I'm actually looking for brood but fell on a female prospect that's 50% sorrell blood. I don't know how it's been working but I'm friends with the gentleman who offered her to me and I've had nice animals from his yard before. I didn't wanna be 1 track minded focusing on blood before bulldog so I accepted. I'm hoping she proves her worth in the near future cause honestly I wanna do something I've never done before... Build My own family.In Closing, Hopefully all is well with the doggers/hunters/breeders and fanciers of the bulldog everywhere! I'm here in my own zone..... Youngin'
Jack, Nice forum Thanks. I hope to try some of the vise-grip's blood one day. If things work accordingly I may be adding it to some Sorrell blood soon.

Officially Retired
01-18-2012, 11:57 AM
Sure thing. There is actually a hair of Sorrell's blood in the Hollingsworth dogs, and therefore my dogs (Sorrell's Bull (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=762)), who is just Bolio's sister bred back to their mutual sire, so I would imagine that certain Sorrells dogs would cross well with my own. In fact, the old man bred a daughter of Gr Ch Milo above to my Icon (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=98065) dog ... but unfortunately she lost the whole litter and was a bad mama.


PS: Let me clarify what I said about the old man "losing a bet" on Milo: He actually came to a match with the other side, and was betting on a badass dog his buddy had against Milo. (Milo was owned by the opponent.) Well, Milo did take a killing ... and the key word was take ... because Milo never wavered at all from the brutal assault, and ultimately turned things around, stopping the dog the old man was betting on in ~2 hrs, with Milo winning his own Championship in the process. The old man was so impressed with Milo's gameness that he pulled out his bill-fold and told the owner, "Name your price," and when his opponent named it, the old man paid it and took Milo home with him on the spot. The old man won 2 more with Milo, and then bred him, and (last I heard back in 2008) Milo had at least 2 Champions on the ground, with several 1-2x winners.

Fool Killer
01-18-2012, 12:58 PM
Haven't seen many Sorrells hounds in my part, but the ones that were garbage were pure trash, and the good ones were extremely game. Impressed at the bottom of the ones I saw, they also seemed to be very intense. Again, I have not seen much more than a handful of them, which were either pure or crossed with the bolio blood.

01-18-2012, 01:21 PM
Any knowledge you can share on this sorrell dog :" Gr.Ch. Sorrells' Ace of Ace Poor-boy" My gyp is pretty heavy on him on her bottom side but I'd never heard of this animal & don't think I saw the name in my old journals under gr.ch. Was this an adba show champion or weight-pull champion or bulldog of yester-year? Thanks for all the input Jack and Friends. I'm taking notes!!..................... Youngin'

01-19-2012, 05:25 PM
Redboy, Jocko , alligator, and tonka. Seen these crosses work.

03-17-2013, 05:29 PM
sorrell-jeep/ nigireno crossed has showed some hot pups so far , also has touch of ofrn.

03-27-2015, 06:41 PM
Fool, before you trash a great line like the Sorrells blood....check around.....check around for Bleedwater, Bellons Club and House of Corrections.....not to mention Mad & Skip.....of course you probably don't recognize these kennels because you're not in the loop of these men who represented their Sorrells hounds and crosses with pride.....Ch Chambooger, Ch Hurricane, Whitehead(beat LG in 2 hrs), OSO, GrCh Deuceson, Stubby, Ch Javalina Jr plus many more with Stu Fowler Pedro Art crosses.....Fool you really don't know what your talking about...

03-27-2015, 07:05 PM
Fool, you would not have wanted to be across from him....lol

03-27-2015, 07:54 PM

He would eat up and park any hound you've ever owned fool.....take it how you want but I'm giving you some g.a.m.e.

03-27-2015, 07:56 PM
I personally have never seen or dealt with any "pure Sorrells dogs"; however, I did know an old man who bought this 5xW after losing a bet against him:

Gr Ch Milo 5xW (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=150859)[/center:2kvkxzjm]

Milo was heavy Sorrells on the bottom and was an exceptionally-game dog. The one thing I remember about most of his pups is they were very leggy and HUGE for their weight, standing 2-3 inches taller at the shoulder than their opponents at even weight.



Very nice dog!

Fool, you would not have wanted to be across from him....lol

Another nice one!

I always wanted to try one of those dogs. They sure are uniform in looks and structure and if they have the bottom described....whoowee!

03-28-2015, 04:12 AM

He would eat up and park any hound you've ever owned fool.....take it how you want but I'm giving you some g.a.m.e.

Really like this guy....he still around?

04-01-2015, 05:49 AM
One of the gamest dogs I ever handled was 3/4 Sorrells. I strongly believe that blood works best crossed with Poncho blood.

05-01-2015, 06:10 PM
Seen some that Chris Wilkerson had , seen some Carl Winn had , see a few from out in Arizona crossed into the Bad Billy / Badger dogs .....all worth feeding for the most part. Once Bert retired , the line seemed to soften up a little .....but find the right sourse , you should still get a quality dog from this family.

05-02-2015, 05:42 AM
Hello Prince, if all will allow me. One of your questions was what blood lines cross well with the Sorrels' dogs. So I will add a little fly to the ointment from a first time personnel experience I had. When I was visiting R. Bass in Dillon S.C. at his home. At that time Bass kept Red Boy and the Cleo bitch at his house.

Now this was my personnel experience and a statement I made that day. When I for the first time saw the Bass' Cleo bitch. I asked Bass point blank was this bitch a Bert Sorrels bred bitch or had Bert Sorrels breeding in her. This Cleo bitch was built and looked like the type dogs Bert Sorrels was breeding back then.

Now 35 years or so later, some topic discussion comes up about crossing various blood lines to the Red Boy dogs over on the on lines pedigree site. At that time I was not a member of this site or even knew it existed. In this topic it was mentioned that one or some dog men had great success with Red Boy crossed with some Bert Sorrels' dogs.

Later on I ran across this on lines pedigree site, pedigree. This pedigree was dog id=446664 that showed the sire to Bass' Cleo bitch as CH Sorrel's Number One Son.

in my discussions some months back with Carl Mims, he insists that Cleo was bred out of the Bill Cotton's Bullet dog. Being he is my elder I never argued one way or the other with him out of respect. I have seen several Cotton Bullet bred Bitches in my lifetime and no dogs on Katie's yard ever looked like a Bullet bred dog or a Colby marked or Colby looking type dog. JMHO.

Now as to finding a good rugged strain of the Red Boy dogs to cross with your Sorrell's dogs. Try the best of the Holland dogs/Bailey crossed Red boy stock. Check with on lines pedigree member, Deacon86. He has that Snake dog. Shown on this site as K. Jacksons' Snake. K. Jackson and Deacon86 are one and the same person.

The Holland Red Boy dogs generally are stouter, longer/tougher skinned/ bigger boned/harder mouths than some of the other Red Boy blood lines. I have a pretty good idea why, as does member EWO. He can tell you more in a p.m. message. Well for what it is worth, good luck to finding a good cross for your dogs. Cheers

05-02-2015, 05:52 PM
Seen some that Chris Wilkerson had , seen some Carl Winn had , see a few from out in Arizona crossed into the Bad Billy / Badger dogs .....all worth feeding for the most part. Once Bert retired , the line seemed to soften up a little .....but find the right sourse , you should still get a quality dog from this family.
M & S blood !

09-12-2016, 05:59 AM
Hello Prince, if all will allow me. One of your questions was what blood lines cross well with the Sorrels' dogs. So I will add a little fly to the ointment from a first time personnel experience I had. When I was visiting R. Bass in Dillon S.C. at his home. At that time Bass kept Red Boy and the Cleo bitch at his house.

Now this was my personnel experience and a statement I made that day. When I for the first time saw the Bass' Cleo bitch. I asked Bass point blank was this bitch a Bert Sorrels bred bitch or had Bert Sorrels breeding in her. This Cleo bitch was built and looked like the type dogs Bert Sorrels was breeding back then.

Now 35 years or so later, some topic discussion comes up about crossing various blood lines to the Red Boy dogs over on the on lines pedigree site. At that time I was not a member of this site or even knew it existed. In this topic it was mentioned that one or some dog men had great success with Red Boy crossed with some Bert Sorrels' dogs.

Later on I ran across this on lines pedigree site, pedigree. This pedigree was dog id=446664 that showed the sire to Bass' Cleo bitch as CH Sorrel's Number One Son.

in my discussions some months back with Carl Mims, he insists that Cleo was bred out of the Bill Cotton's Bullet dog. Being he is my elder I never argued one way or the other with him out of respect. I have seen several Cotton Bullet bred Bitches in my lifetime and no dogs on Katie's yard ever looked like a Bullet bred dog or a Colby marked or Colby looking type dog. JMHO.

Now as to finding a good rugged strain of the Red Boy dogs to cross with your Sorrell's dogs. Try the best of the Holland dogs/Bailey crossed Red boy stock. Check with on lines pedigree member, Deacon86. He has that Snake dog. Shown on this site as K. Jacksons' Snake. K. Jackson and Deacon86 are one and the same person.

The Holland Red Boy dogs generally are stouter, longer/tougher skinned/ bigger boned/harder mouths than some of the other Red Boy blood lines. I have a pretty good idea why, as does member EWO. He can tell you more in a p.m. message. Well for what it is worth, good luck to finding a good cross for your dogs. Cheers , I run Hollands Red Boy with my bloodline that has Sorrels blood with Number one Son in it as a part of the base because of same rumor. http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=574954

09-13-2016, 01:54 PM
Nice bred dog.

The Ladybird dog had a brother that was the deal. I almost ended up with him when his owner was trying to move him. He was going to place him with me for safe keeping til he was in a better spot. Last minute a guy showed him the money. He sold Ladybird along the same time. I heard she turned out to be a game dog but not a lot of details. I see her pop up in a pedigree every so often. Bobby should have been matched but like the other post said, he was the goose and his owner was looking for the golden eggs. LOL

The one female I had was a loaner. I worked her and did her once. She was a game dog with excellent mouth. Her only drawback was she used that mouth on everything from barrels to rocks to just about anything. Ended her career a little soon.

I always heard the Cleo stories, some say off Bullet, some say off the Sorrells dogs. That is just part of what made Red Boy so perplexing. His mother was in question and his dad's parents were always in question. I always heard a lot of dogs were registered to Teal's Jeff.

All of that said, it was at least a day or two before my time. LOL. I was not there so my best guess/best option is to pick up where I started. The dogs from the Yellow John litter down, Britches and Mr. Bulldog down thru Spiffy, Jiggs and Punch.

My best friend's dad had a male out of the Yellow John litter. He called him JR. The dog would scratch no matter. He could not bust an egg but he was always coming. It was said he would scratch as long as one hair was still living.

Great series of posts.


09-14-2016, 07:41 PM
Good stuff EWO ! I seen lady bird once, & bred her twice & fed her more than I could remeber.
Of course Flame once before I bred her & so on down the line.
I think they work better for me as a small part on the topside with the Bolio bloodline running on the bottom .
I have some more with Kershners /Mayfields & Cates Nigerino being added in next years stuff. I run 9 different families together now & just a little of lady bird on the topside will do the trick.
The dog up there Shot clip is a good example.
I helped the guy that owned her breed her for @ least the 1st 2 breeding's she had back then. 1st litter died so second time I helped get her bred,whelped the litter & took Flame as payment.
It was a lot more than 2 breeding's I did for the guy. Looking back I should have made sure it was my name on the pedigree of Flame but my intentions wasn't to keep her.
Just used to out cross main line of dogs.
Like said before was never a real big Red Boy Fan but Ladybird caught my eye.
She had a decent mouth ,better than her comp & was game, but the real eye opener was that she had a brain unlike most red boy dogs I had seen in the past.Enough to want to add it to the Gumbo I was cooking.
Good info EWO ,Thanks.

05-04-2017, 03:43 PM
The Sorrell (Mad & Skip) blood has always crossed well with the Dead Serious Kennels stuff and the Bobby Hall stuff. The Sorrell blood is a hard recipe to start cooking with, when you got your recipe down however, it can add smarts, ability and make for some real early starters that love working. To much can get you some rough curs.