View Full Version : Redboy Jocko and Redboy eli

01-17-2012, 02:53 PM
The Redboy dogs itself bring game at it's peak to the table. With that said there popularity and introduction into the fast lane did not come by itself but with the cross chavis ch jocko who showed to be a smart, intelligent, bulldog with a good biting ability, "Something that the Redboy dogs did not have"
Redboy dogs showed to be extremely game dogs with no hardware to lead them through the woods.

Now with this all said:

Redboy dogs: Game, soft mouth dogs

Chavis Jocko: Intelligent, Rough, Hard mouth dogs

Eli: Rough, Hard mouth dogs

Finally My question is: Since The Eli and Jocko dogs threw the same characteristics into there offspring's "Rough, Hard mouth dogs" If that was the case would the cross of redboy/eli and redboy/jocko throw the same type of dogs, why or why not?

01-17-2012, 05:29 PM
You cant just generalize like that. Not all redboy dogs are game plugs, just like not all eli dogs bite hard.

01-18-2012, 04:39 AM
You cant just generalize like that. Not all redboy dogs are game plugs, just like not all eli dogs bite hard.

I am speaking as hypothetically, as if that's what they where supposed to in the traits. Not saying that they did have those traits but if they did and threw those specific traits into there offspring, then they should probably produce the same type of dogs.

I might be wrong or i might be right
just want honest feedback, based on experience, and knowledge on these particular lines

01-18-2012, 05:12 AM
how about jocko/eli

01-18-2012, 05:21 AM
Impossible because there is no such thing as a pure jocko bred dog

01-18-2012, 05:49 AM
ok, why? the way you put it sounds like jocko was a complete dog, it lacked gameness then?

sure not a problem with eli dogs, so no reason to cross with redboy i figure

01-18-2012, 08:18 AM
ok, why? the way you put it sounds like Jocko was a complete dog, it lacked gameness then?

I never made any statements saying that Jocko was a complete dog, and honestly No one can say he was or wasnt unless they actually seen him in show, but what i did say is that he had mouth which "Redboy dogs" did not have which is why the Tant and Mr Chavis made the cross.

sure not a problem with Eli dogs, so no reason to cross with redboy i figure
I never said that there was a problem with the Eli line, but what i did say is that if crossed with redboy it should probably produce the same type dogs with the same type of charecteristics just because eli and jocko strain both were both rough, hard mouth bulldogs, and if crossed with redboy genetics, it might have the same results


01-18-2012, 08:11 PM
I think you could get very different styles of dogs in one breeding and very similiar styles of dogs in another. See the problem with the hypothetical questions like these is that since we arent speaking about particular dogs known to throw particular traits, but the strains in general there is a vast possibility to the outcome.

Even with similiar traits your still gonna get vastly different animals more often then not imo. Reason being is some lines are more dominant genetically then others. Ch. Yellow John x Tant's Miss Jocko created Gr. Ch. Yellow. Now if Yellow John would've been bred to an Eli bitch instead of getting the just do enough to win Gr. Ch. Yellow the genes may line up perfectly and you might get a much rougher, faster, finisher. Or the genes may not line up and you could get a litter full of curs.

Eli dogs are said to be rough, fast , high ability dogs with plenty of mouth. The story's of the past lead you to believe Jocko was similiar. But Jocko was drawing his traits from a different gene pool then Eli dogs are drawing theres. So when both crossed into Redboy your probably not gonna get the same type stuff. A few may be similiar but the majority in my opinion will be different.

Now if you had a proven producing Redboy gyp of Game plugs. And you bred her to a Eli stud who was a proven producer of hard mouth, high ability animals. And then turned around and bred her to a Stud who had a nice % of Jocko blood in him and like wise had proven to produce high ability, hard mouth animals do I think the outcome will be similiar? Maybe. I would think more so then just sticking a random Redboy dog to a random Eli dog then sticking a different random Redboy dog to a random Jocko dog, and assuming you'll get similiar offspring. But the only reason I would think so then is because all animals have proven to produce a "Type" and when crossed to what they lack theoretically you would get "complete" animals in both litters. And both litters being "complete" would make them similiar if even in the most primative way. This is jmo though and im not expert on genetics.
