View Full Version : Question for the dogmen

08-05-2015, 10:07 AM
I am by no means a peddler or a breeder for that much, but a couple of years ago I made a breeding just for the backyard (lg x burns). I don't use my animals in the otc every weekend bash so in my area I catch a lot of criticism for it. So I made a breeding just for that, so that I can be a part of the weekend warrior club (I cant even stand a lg dog). Well I sold 2 of the 4 pups, a male and a female for $700 for the pair (tells you how much I thought of them). Of course mine died on my cousin yard at 2 months old, no biggie. The guy that bought them was looking for a way into the fast lane. We talked as associates for a year or so then fell out cause I wouldn't keep telling him how they were bred. I gave him a printed ped and told him a few times how they were bred. They turned out to be decent dogs from what I have heard. Now they have won 2 a piece in the backyard against weak street bred hogs. Now the saying is that I didn't mean to sell dogs this good, I sold better dogs than I own, they can beat anything I have, etc... Im about tired of the talk since it has been a year. (question) Is it right for me to take my retired 4xw ch lil mighty out into a no namer for less money just cause they keep worrying me to do her, knowing its an easy 30 minute win for lil mighty?

08-05-2015, 10:39 AM
I don't know you or dog's but the whole situation sounds dumb, you bred a litter to be able to otc with backyarders?If your gyp is a 4xw why not take her into credible comp and obtain your title? Taking her into inferior comp will prove nothing at all, let them be happy with what they have and that be the end of it.

scratchin dog
08-05-2015, 10:43 AM
Who cares what other people think. I wouldn't let anyone pressure me into doing something I didn't want to do, or something I didn't think was right. It's not worth getting your dog injured even if you think it will be an easy win. Ultimately it's up to you but if you have held out this long then it seems like it's not really something you want to do.

scratchin dog
08-05-2015, 10:50 AM
There's no glory in a win like this. Like ragedog said, go into some good competition and feel proud about earning the win/title.

Officially Retired
08-05-2015, 10:51 AM
Of course mine died on my cousin yard at 2 months old, no biggie.

Why is it a "no biggie" that your pups died?

Why would you send them to your cousin, who (apparently) is SO BIG OF A PIECE OF SHIT that you say, "Of course" the pups placed with him died? :angry:

The guy that bought them was looking for a way into the fast lane.

Why would someone buy a dog from you, a self-admitted "weekend warrior, backyard breeder," as a way into the fast lane?

Now they have won 2 a piece in the backyard against weak street bred hogs. Now the saying is that I didn't mean to sell dogs this good, I sold better dogs than I own, they can beat anything I have, etc...

People who bought dogs from me always said what they had was "better than what I had" ... that is always the way of idiot-owners.

Im about tired of the talk since it has been a year. (question) Is it right for me to take my retired 4xw ch lil mighty out into a no namer for less money just cause they keep worrying me to do her, knowing its an easy 30 minute win for lil mighty?

I don't know about "right or wrong," but it sounds like you have several thinking disorders, have retards for associates, and can't seem to realize all of this on your own.

If you want to match your dogs into nobodies, that is your right.

To me, the only thing that's "wrong" is you putting your pups with your POS cousin, apparently knowing he is a POS that can't take care of dogs, only to let your pups suffer/die to neglect.

Have you ever thought about WHAT IT'S LIKE to waste away due to neglect (lack of food/water/medicine needed)?

This is called SUFFERING ... and it is FUCKING WRONG to place your pups in a situation where YOU KNOW they are going to suffer like this :angry:

These dogs/pups have no way out of their situation. We all make mistakes of placement, but to purposely place your dogs in shitty hands makes you as guilty of neglect as the hands you placed them in.


08-05-2015, 11:23 AM
The responses are right on, why cave to the pressure of non-dogmen types like you describe? Do they contribute directly to you or your yard? If the answer is no then move on.

Who creates dogs to lower their standards of competition? Sounds ass backwards to me, and very unfair to those animals. Take a look inward...

Caving to that pressure puts you in their class or lack thereof.


08-05-2015, 11:51 AM
Life is to short .Why argue with stupid people or be involved with them ? Lol

08-05-2015, 12:32 PM
My thoughts exactly who breeds a litter to compete with half ass comp? Sounds like some bullshit, i/we don't breed much but we would never breed a litter even if we didn't like the blood with sole purpose of being abused by fake dog men.

Black Hand
08-05-2015, 02:29 PM
Life is to short .Why argue with stupid people or be involved with them ? Lol

Cuz this guy isn't so bright himself. Bird of a feather my friend.

08-05-2015, 02:46 PM
No, my dog has seen good comp all 2xwers. I retired her because she wont be able to take another keep (calcium deposits wouldn't let me). at the same time an otc with this one wouldn't take 30, 45 at the most. To answer the other reply, I bred my cousin's lg bitch just so I would have something to take around. my question is more on the basis of am I wrong to finish something that I bred up? I have plenty of good camps under my belt. The fastlane is no where near as fast in my area so im an outcast if you. And Jack if you could get sonny you would. I feel the same way about these cats as you do about Wac. Now would you keep letting him call you out with a dog down off just some of your blood and you still had lets say a young poncho?

08-05-2015, 03:04 PM
Black hand, maybe you should check my resume. I promise you I have more wins in one year if not one animal than you probably do all together into good comp. But around here you might see an otc for 5 figures. I don't do that with my animals that I use so I bred some for my cousin to raise.

08-05-2015, 03:24 PM
First person that tells me I SHOULD do OTC's with my dogs or talks down on me because I don't gets blocked and never be talked to again. Why would you care about or deal with retards.

08-05-2015, 04:29 PM
Stopem I'm not pickin on you man but I can't even believe you made this into a thread.Personally speaking this would be a non issue with me.If I was you I would stay away from that shit jmo.I mean far away .

08-05-2015, 04:30 PM
And you are most right. I have tried my hardest to stay away. But these dudes keep my name in their mouth. I have avoided this for other a year, but what makes it worse is the two best dogs that they own I bred up. I figure without them, they'll leave me alone. I have even went as far to remind them that every time they win I win (Dre day was Easy E payday). Im just tried of it now.

08-05-2015, 04:33 PM
You won't shut them dudes up even if you win,if they got it out for you bad enough they gone keep coming.If you beat them it just fuel the fire even more.Tell them breed up some of their own shit and get it ready and then we will see.

08-05-2015, 04:46 PM
Now you are right. Thanks for the input. That's one that I hadn't told them yet bama.

08-05-2015, 05:09 PM
Stopem, I believe we have all been there. Let this be a life long lesson. Keep your dogs or farm them to better homes farther away. Things like this pop up when your blood gets in the wrong hands. My first concern would be my female with the calcium deficiency. Seems like she has done enough for you. Bred her and make better, BETTER pups than they have if need be no need in risking her. Be honest alot can happen in 30 to 45 minutes, you just can't count on a sure thing. Think about it...JMO

08-05-2015, 06:09 PM
That's the lesson I've learned, thunder. And I am going to breed her when she comes in this fall. http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_breedings_test.php?sire_id=31339&dam_id=31593

08-05-2015, 07:00 PM
I'd keep her at home. Let others talk. Murphy's Law in so many words says your sure thing will more than likely come back and bite you in the ass. EWO

08-05-2015, 08:36 PM
Stopem, I believe we have all been there. Let this be a life long lesson. Keep your dogs or farm them to better homes farther away. Things like this pop up when your blood gets in the wrong hands. My first concern would be my female with the calcium deficiency. Seems like she has done enough for you. Bred her and make better, BETTER pups than they have if need be no need in risking her. Be honest alot can happen in 30 to 45 minutes, you just can't count on a sure thing. Think about it...JMO

Great advice Thunder. :)

That's the lesson I've learned, thunder. And I am going to breed her when she comes in this fall. http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_breedings_test.php?sire_id=31339&dam_id=31593

Looks good Stopem, you probably knew that all along! ;)