View Full Version : ~ GREAT DOGMAN QUOTES ~
Officially Retired
08-19-2015, 10:44 AM
It's funny how sometimes you read things, and they don't mean much to you then, but when you see them again they really sink in :idea:
I remember when I first started out, seeing full-page Bert Sorrells ads in the magazines, and they always had the same quote:
"The test of a Dog is the Show; the test of a Family is Time.
Selective breeding has Set this Family."
~ Bert Sorrells
These words sounded just like a slogan to me when I first started.
However, now, as somebody who has put in his own quarter-century into building his own line of dogs,
No truer, better, more succinct words were EVER spoken about the realities of breeding dogs.
Another great quote that I always liked came from Jesse Rods:
"The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten."
~ Jesse Rods
Those were under his Whitefoot stud ads, back in the day, and they always rang true to me. When I was starting out, I *never* went to bubble-gum breeders to try to get my best stock. I went straight to the best breeders I could [visited Wildside, bought Hollingsworth's Truman from Lester Hughes, bought Rio from Pat Patrick, bought Hollingsworth's Miss Trinx from a retard (but who was bred by a family breeder), bought Coca Cola from a friend (who got her from Patrick), bred to Hollingsworth's Bull, bred to Mason's Ch Hammer, bred to Gonzalez' No Regrets, and then pretty much interbred my own stock for 20+ years ... and produced dogs that won all over the world.]
I did not form my foundation by buying mix-bred mutts from people breeding the first dogs they ever got, no sir. I either bought from top breeders, bought the dogs I wanted from people who bought them from top breeders, or bred to Champions/studs bred by top breeders. And I paid top $$ for most of what I got ... and the results "stood the test of time."
Good quotes; good practices; good results 8)
08-19-2015, 11:56 AM
powerful quotes
The second quote can also be applied to feed. You can feed the least expensive kibble you can find and maybe your dogs won't have any issues. Or you can spend a little more money and time and feed raw or at least a quality commercial feed and get more out of your stock.
Officially Retired
08-20-2015, 04:56 AM
The second quote can also be applied to feed. You can feed the least expensive kibble you can find and maybe your dogs won't have any issues. Or you can spend a little more money and time and feed raw or at least a quality commercial feed and get more out of your stock.
True, which goes back to an even older quote from yet another dogman:
"It only costs a little more to go First Class."
~ Wiz Hubbard
I have a ton of these. Not so much as words of inspiration or words of wisdom, but quotes the same.
I can't quote this one exactly, but in so many words Lester Hughes once told us the only way to know how a dog is really bred is to win three or four, or produce three or four winners. There is always some SOB in the back that "knows" how he is bred......I have always liked this one.
"No dog man can tell you what his dog will do next time, only what he did last the last time. Last time is why I am betting on him next time"
....Ozzie Stevens
"The most important thing to know when working the dog is knowing when not to work the dog"
08-20-2015, 12:50 PM
"when the tailgate drops, the bullshit stops!''
ive always taken this as," talk all the shit you want, but the truth lies in the show".......
10-20-2015, 08:23 AM
~ If your dumb you gotta be tough ~
No Quarter Kennel
10-23-2015, 07:20 AM
Jack - who was the Black Boxer who said "B/c I couldn't go home and look my bulldog in the eye" or something to that affect?
Also - I like this one. One of our cross county rivals we played two weeks ago has an EXTREMELY large mouth. They have owned our school for 13 years. I've been here 3 seasons. First they beat us 19-22. Last year we beat them 42-12. This year, we scored 42 in a half and won 48-0 allowing only 41 total yards. Complete domination. Our cheerleaders made this sign, and of course got "scolded" for it........but it's like the tailgate dropping.
Officially Retired
10-23-2015, 08:03 AM
Jack - who was the Black Boxer who said "B/c I couldn't go home and look my bulldog in the eye" or something to that affect?
That was Archie Moore (, one of the great old-time boxers, still holding the record for most knockouts in his career. He faced Yvon Durelle (, and was kncoked down 3x in the first round, and several times after that, but hung in there and eventually KO'd Durelle in the 11th round.
After the fight, Archie Moore was asked, "How did you do it? How did you keep coming?"
Moore responded by saying, "I had to go home and be able look my bulldog in the eye."
No Quarter Kennel
10-23-2015, 08:49 AM
I love that story - BAD ASS
Officially Retired
10-23-2015, 08:51 AM
I love that story - BAD ASS
Me too :mrgreen:
Moore also had another great quote for his triumph, understanding better than anyone the value of a deep game-check.
His other quote was, "This was my finest hour." :idea:
10-23-2015, 10:27 AM
wow thats some deep shit i salute Archie Moore for that.
No Quarter Kennel
10-23-2015, 12:42 PM
Just watched the Marciano/Moore fight. Dude was game as hell. He's around 40 in that fight while Marciano is 32 or 33..........LOL.......Ain't no HW's like those anymore.
Sorry for turning this topic,,,,,,,but damn, guys like Archie just ain't around much any longer.
Officially Retired
10-23-2015, 01:19 PM
wow thats some deep shit i salute Archie Moore for that.
Moore was a helluva dude.
In addition to being a helluva boxer, and a helluva man, he was highly self-educated and well read.
I know you empathize ;)
Officially Retired
10-23-2015, 01:25 PM
Just watched the Marciano/Moore fight. Dude was game as hell. He's around 40 in that fight while Marciano is 32 or 33..........LOL.......Ain't no HW's like those anymore.
Sorry for turning this topic,,,,,,,but damn, guys like Archie just ain't around much any longer.
Not even close.
Archie Moore was cut from the cloth were fighters fight for a living ... every month ... sometimes a couple times a month.
They were rough, tough men who were still considered "green" when they had less than 40 fights ... unlike today's fighters, who fight once every year (or two years) and call themselves "veterans" with 20-30 fights.
If I am not mistaken, Archie Moore had almost 150 fights, and was in his late-30s, by the time he got his FIRST title fight ...
He would have been a phenom today ...
~ If your dumb you gotta be tough ~
So simple but I like it lol.
There a legendary Dutch soccer player; Johan Cruijff. One of his famous quotes is: "if we have the ball, they can't score" :mrgreen:
Could be applied to bulldogs as well ;)
This quote is sad but true. A friend of mine once said something like this; "When you're active with these dogs you sometimes lower your standards and deal with people you normally wouldn't deal with."
10-29-2015, 05:26 PM
Never make excuses for a subpar animal... "If you make excuses for one you'll make excuses for all"
10-31-2015, 04:08 AM
love the Archie Moore story, brilliant and Nut , Johan Cruijff was one of our childhood idols , we practiced all his moves , can still do a few lol
10-31-2015, 04:14 AM
"One more thing, whatever your "vice", put it on hold until after the show!!!! "
more advice than a quote I suppose but very true all the same.