View Full Version : RIP KING ARTHUR

09-21-2015, 12:23 PM
Rest in Peace King. A Texas bulldog legend known for his jenny keep. In the 90's he brought em every 36 days...ready to hunt in this Texas heat...gruff and tough and could look through a hound and tell you whats what. Gonna miss you old friend....thanks for the best hound I've had to date...����
The dog in my avatar came straight from him....a House of Corrections product...proved what a deep game high abilty Maverick hound was capable of...

Officially Retired
09-21-2015, 12:40 PM
Sorry to hear of your loss, it sucks losing what we know will take a long time to replace :crying:

09-21-2015, 01:00 PM
Thanks Jack!

09-21-2015, 07:37 PM
RIP King Arthur. I enjoyed the few times i was able to share with him bulldoggin.

09-23-2015, 01:25 PM