View Full Version : Think about doing this With my boy D

unknow kennel
10-31-2015, 06:28 AM

11-01-2015, 03:26 AM
Was told Cholo cur'd out, hopped the scene and ran to the getaway car.

unknow kennel
11-01-2015, 06:09 AM
Lol crazy red first time of hear that one but lol I'm ask my boy d about it

11-01-2015, 06:09 AM
Was told Cholo cur'd out, hopped the scene and ran to the getaway car.


11-01-2015, 07:47 AM
Was told Cholo cur'd out, hopped the scene and ran to the getaway car.

According to evolution famous cur'd as well.. That was written on this very database after her encounter with pretty.. She didn't dip from the scene but from evolution's written account she did wave the flag

unknow kennel
11-01-2015, 08:46 AM
Evolution worlds may carry weight with u but with me it don't ask him he tell . He never see famous go in she won 4 in lost 1 won 3 in one years every thing she beat was a 2 time winner or better never took the easy route went in to the best of the best in u rather go pay 2,000 to breed to dogs never got a tooth put on them or breed to a ch who won 4 in lost 1 lol a joke .o let me ask u this mister or u feed a 4 time winner on your yard. YEA SHE LOST BUT NO BODY SAID THAT SHE PUSH WEIGHT A POUND TO BE EXACT LMAO HEY IM GOOD OVER HERE

unknow kennel
11-01-2015, 08:49 AM
BY THE WAY SHOW ME A PED THAT DONT GOT A DOG THAT LOST OR QUIT OR GOT PICK UP ALL 3 of them situations is a lost no matter how u put it put the peds up let's debate

unknow kennel
11-01-2015, 08:55 AM
From evolution said famous a cur in she won 4-1 that just tell me they throw the show so she couldt make gr he can control the pup sell yall better get some fuck since in evolution is a good guy but he got always have control think about it

11-01-2015, 11:46 AM
I'm not gonna mess Jack's database up debating you because 1) you run evolutions blood, 2) yes she won 4 but pushing weight or not she quit.. 3) you made her push weight so its in fact your fault she quit bc you failed her when you seen that the weight wasn't right you should've took the money and left.. I'm done with this conversation, bc evo supported famous all way thru bc she carries his blood but because you're too incompetent to do the right thing by your dog let alone spell I like many others know you failed her

unknow kennel
11-01-2015, 05:31 PM
Lmao Mister at u - yes I can said I failed her cause Im her Onwner in mangers I could had load her up in went home . Have u every went for GR CH Mister.My point so how u no what I couldn did.In the heat of the monument we all have made bad decisions but but if I was with the best keep man in the world why was he encouraged me to push the weight.so mister you need to do your homework before talking about shit u don't no about u MUST be from Tx lmao .We all run some body blood lol .In u don't want messy jack page up because u don't run dog lmao .Tell me or u feeding a ch Mister yes or no .From now own if u never had -own a ch don't talk to me cause I don't care what u think about me cause I feed my dog- buy my dog -in run my own dogs my self.

11-02-2015, 01:32 AM
A 4W should be respected for what she did, not be hated upon from what you heard.

Officially Retired
11-02-2015, 03:34 AM
A 4W should be respected for what she did, not be hated upon from what you heard.

Very well said.

While I have the utmost respect for a dead game dog, I also have the utmost respect for reality.

I wasn't there, I don't know if this bitch stopped (or not), but I do know that any bitch with the talent to win 4x into good comp, who lost her 5th in an hour, pushing weight into a Champion, is better than 99% of the bitches being bred today.

No dog is perfect. They all have strengths, they all have weaknesses.

And the bottom line is any bitch who wins 4x into good comp, and loses #5 going for an hour into a Champion, has more strengths than weaknesses.


11-02-2015, 08:15 AM
Very well said.

While I have the utmost respect for a dead game dog, I also have the utmost respect for reality.

I wasn't there, I don't know if this bitch stopped (or not), but I do know that any bitch with the talent to win 4x into good comp, who lost her 5th in an hour, pushing weight into a Champion, is better than 99% of the bitches being bred today.

No dog is perfect. They all have strengths, they all have weaknesses.

And the bottom line is any bitch who wins 4x into good comp, and loses #5 going for an hour into a Champion, has more strengths than weaknesses.


I agree with you. Any dog male or female that wins 4 in good comp. gets my vote.

11-02-2015, 12:49 PM
To answer your question yes I've owned a CH right off CH gator half bro to grch black jack.. 2nd no I've never pushed weight bc I always wanna play on an even keel so heat of the moment or not I'll simply take the fit and go home and hook into someone who know how to come in on weight(not my fault theirs)... 3rd yes I've been in a position to go for a title but still I'm not gonna push weight...

I've lost to the dog who beat grch tangos titled brother so top comp is how i play. 2grch and a CH one litter that's the type of comp I play with... I also don't take nothing from famous she won 4and I tip my hat to her on that note but when I read what the owner of the sire says happen I'm gonna believe that bc he has nothing but ”gain” being his stud sired a potential grch... Imagine the stud fees that would be collected... Again no ill will towards you or your dog just keep it real with yourself first that way it'll be easy to keep it real with everyone else...

Keep bulldoggin Unknown

11-02-2015, 03:17 PM
The sire's owner could insinuate human error by a bad camp to defend his blood.Not to say that was Evo's motive.Originally I thought it was a stand up post by Evo being it was his blood,but I also thought he was close with their camp which doesnt sound like the case.

unknow kennel
11-02-2015, 04:56 PM
MISTER I said what or u feed now 2015 not what u had 15 year ago 2000 .Funny every body there said the bitch was fuck up in 5 min.But u in Albert who never see her go said she a curl lmao. Hey I bring It like I talk it -In talk it like I walk it u- u can have this internet. So u from tx not far from me put your gloves on in show the world 45 MY SHOES SIZE now let me see u STEP IN THEM.Last time me in famous was out there I left my shirt any way I need to come get it so can I have a invitation PLEASE

11-02-2015, 07:06 PM
The sire's owner could insinuate human error by a bad camp to defend his blood.Not to say that was Evo's motive.Originally I thought it was a stand up post by Evo being it was his blood,but I also thought he was close with there camp which doesnt sound like the case.

Exactly, unfortunately famous owner is incapable of simple comprehension skills along with basic grammar. I now see why events played out as they did...

11-02-2015, 07:09 PM
MISTER I said what or u feed now 2015 not what u had 15 year ago 2000 .Funny every body there said the bitch was fuck up in 5 min.But u in Albert who never see her go said she a curl lmao. Hey I bring It like I talk it -In talk it like I walk it u- u can have this internet. So u from tx not far from me put your gloves on in show the world 45 MY SHOES SIZE now let me see u STEP IN THEM.Last time me in famous was out there I left my shirt any way I need to come get it so can I have a invitation PLEASE

All you need to know is I had one off cholo and I just gave him away bc of the discrepancies with his sire.. I run a tight ship here.. Hope y'all get it done tho

Officially Retired
11-03-2015, 06:14 AM
MISTER I said what or u feed now 2015 not what u had 15 year ago 2000 .Funny every body there said the bitch was fuck up in 5 min.But u in Albert who never see her go said she a curl lmao. Hey I bring It like I talk it -In talk it like I walk it u- u can have this internet. So u from tx not far from me put your gloves on in show the world 45 MY SHOES SIZE now let me see u STEP IN THEM.Last time me in famous was out there I left my shirt any way I need to come get it so can I have a invitation PLEASE

Typically, I think people who advertise their dogs should be left in peace. If a person wants to breed two :04 wall-jumpers together, that is their prerogative, same as it is a person's prerogative to outcross, scatter-breed, or linebreed the finest dogs he has access to.

As far as Albert goes, he has been booted off this board for his failure to follow direction. IMO, Albert is a highly-successful breeder, and he was welcome here, but unfortunately his sole purpose here was to continue to try to promote his own pitiful website and pedigree structures, and he was cautioned against doing so at least 10x before being given the boot. I explained to Albert that he can link back to pedigrees on "his" site, in the classifieds, but that if he is going to post the self-serving pedigrees of only his dogs on any other section, that those pedigrees needed to link back to OUR pedigrees here. Time and again, Albert failed to comply with our requests, to the extent that he would first post a photo of some winning dog he bred ... and link it back to a pedigree here, as instructed ... but later (after he thought I had checked it) he would then sneak back and "edit" days later, re-linking the photos he posted back to his own commercial enterprise, thinking he could "fool me" that way. No such luck, Al, and thus the inevitable bootmark was given to his ass

Meanwhile, Unknow, you have run your mouth to me in the past, I do believe about Ch Famous in fact, and you went on and on about how Famous would "cur out" any Vise-Grip dog, etc., etc., blah-blah-blah, and yet HERE (and in other places) I have tried to stick up for you and your dog ;)

My honest opinion, Unknow (aside from the fact you don't know how to spell Unknown) is that Ch Famous is a gorgeous, stunning bitch, and that you are to be commended for trying to go all the way with her. My honest opinion is that you should have the right to breed whatever two dogs you want together, without being insulted, taken to task, ridiculed, etc.

However, you come across as such a low-class, foul-mouthed person (with ZERO actual dog knowledge) that it is very difficult to stay on your side. I don't think Mister was being rude to you when he questioned what you were doing with this breeding. He is merely pointing out that, on the subject of GAMENESS, perhaps this breeding leaves something to be desired. Typically, when there is a question of gameness in one of the parents (usually an extremely rough cur), most breeders at least try to breed that dog in the direction of extreme gameness ... not to another dog whose gameness is also highly-suspect.

Ch Famous has proven she has what it takes to win, but most folks think she lost her drive and didn't make it to the hour mark, when put behind. I think the point Mister is trying to make is that, typically, BULLDOGS (when they can't win) either have to be picked up, or they keep going until they're gone. What I happen to find humorous is how the very bitch you said would "cur out" one of my bitches, herself couldn't make it to the hour mark when she was faced with adversity. Here are some examples of GAME individuals, and how they lost when faced with extreme adversity and were put behind by quality opponents:

Antwine's Rage (2xW) (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_dogs_profile.php?dog_id=49514)
Eloheem's Loki (2xW, 1xL) (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_dogs_profile.php?dog_id=11136)
O.G. Posse's Lil Kim (1xW, 1xL) (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_dogs_profile.php?dog_id=7535)
KSK's Sir Kilo (1xL) (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_dogs_profile.php?dog_id=48974)
Again, I think your bitch is a fine animal, worthy of respect, and probably has more ability than 70-90% of bitches being bred, and more wins than probably 95-99% of the bitches being bred right now. But, you see, the thing about it is, our fraternity has this obsession with valuing extreme gameness, almost over everything else, and in that key respect your bitch appears to be extremely common. This is not a slam, this is simply the reality.

Another reality is that you don't have a Size 45 shoe. Perhaps a Size 45 mouth, but not a Size 45 Shoe.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you didn't breed Ch Famous nor did you condition her.
If my understanding is right, someone else bred her and someone else worked her.
If this is true, and we pull out the ol' microscope, it can be clearly seen that you aren't "the brains" behind much of anything.

With that said, you might want to check yourself a bit, and realize that some of the folks offering advice might just have a bit more brains AND experience breeding truly game dogs than you do ... so you might want to listen more, and talk less :idea:


unknow kennel
11-03-2015, 07:13 AM
JACK I work famous for her first in second then super d got out of jail in Albert begged me to let him Finnish her in plus I was about to shut her down to take a job out of town.I didn't want no body to fuck her up cause she difficult to work.

11-17-2015, 12:13 PM
Anyone having questions in reguards to cholo contact me and please don't base your opinion on what you hear.

11-17-2015, 02:06 PM
Thank you Jack I believe you nailed it, I was not knocking famous in any way nor unknow. I merely was going by the report that was given.. Also I was called an evo dick rider yet I've never done business with him but in fact unknow allowed Albert aka evo call the shots on who should shape her... Idk but good luck nevertheless

11-17-2015, 02:11 PM
Anyone having questions in reguards to cholo contact me and please don't base your opinion on what you hear.

Maybe I should've done this prior to the trade but oh well it's a lesson learned I sincerely hope you find out what LIL MAYDAY is made of prior to breeding him nd if he not up to standard do what needs to be done... Good luck with him I just wish I was made aware of the discrepancies in the beginning

11-18-2015, 03:43 AM
.................................................. .............

11-25-2015, 10:05 AM
Ch. Famous only pushed 1/4 lb so stop trying to make excuses for that cur!!! She cur'd out at the 35 min mark...POS was cur'n out so loud the property owner started knocking the wood down and that's the God honest truth !!! The same should have happened to Ch. Queen in less than 10 mins ...

unknow kennel
11-25-2015, 04:40 PM
We was lock in at 39 ch famous hung at 38 -1/2 in pretty was 39.10 so my math not that good YELLOWJOHN so u tell me what it was

11-25-2015, 08:12 PM
We was lock in at 39 ch famous hung at 38 -1/2 in pretty was 39.10 so my math not that good YELLOWJOHN so u tell me what it was

Lmfao...Ch. Pretty was just under 39.25 and CUR Famous was just under 39...not even a half a pound difference!!! Please stop...you can never justify breeding that CUR!!! We gave Ch. Queen all the time she needed to cur Ch. Pretty out and she couldn't do it rotflmfao...where it only took us 35mins to have your CUR Famous singing the Blues and stand the line attempting to jump lol...so please stop with your lies...you're not going to get NO credit or recognition for that bullshit you're running lol so stand down!!!

11-25-2015, 08:24 PM
Lmfao...I just noticed that you have a picture of your CUR as your logo...bro you need to reevaluate some things before you come on here talking shit...!!! It didn't have to go here but since you want to be popular...explain to the world why you took a RANK CUR home again and bred this CUR like she was a true Champ?!? When did Champs start hollering for their lives within 35 minutes and tried out for the hurdling team within an hour...STOP IT !!! Hahahahahahahahaha

11-25-2015, 08:29 PM
Dude started turning the lights on while you were still on the dance floor begging and you have the audacity to use a picture of that CUR as your logo and come on here and talk shit...Boi Stop !!! Baaaaahahahahahahahaha

11-26-2015, 05:40 AM
Yellow John I respect your position but let's leave this topic alone as it's becoming a pissing contest at this point... Some ppl have standards and some compromise their standards which is why they remain at the bottom... The reason for such praise on CH queen by a particular person is bc she did what his dog couldn't so just let this go the truth is known and anyone with a half a brain can decipher fact from bullshit...

11-27-2015, 02:45 AM
Hello y'all! Let me start off by saying that I wasn't there nor I am affiliated with any of the parties. I don't want to disrespect anyone but I would like to help uncover the truth. The only thing I have noticed and what I find suspicious is that the notes on Unknown Kennels' Ch. Famous' (4xw, 1xl) (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_dogs_profile.php?dog_id=6350) pedigree were changed from "update: *not* a true bulldog: quit to TN Bad Boyz' Ch. Pretty in 0:58." to "update: lost to TN Bad Boyz' Ch. Pretty in 0:58." One can see that is has been changed when taking a look at the log (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_dogs_log.php?dog_id=6350) of Unknown Kennels' Ch. Famous' (4xw, 1xl) pedigree. However, now it's becoming even more confusing because it was CA Jack who added the information that Ch. Famous quit in here fifth. Afterwards Unknown Kennel has changed the notes to the effect that the she merely lost. This begs the question where CA Jack got his information from...and after we know that we are maybe one step further in uncovering the truth. :-?


unknow kennel
11-29-2015, 07:46 AM
Lasse - Jack got his information from evolution kennel Albert who haven't been to the box or around a box in 10 year .. First what the meaning of NOT A TRUE BULLDOG ok my meaning is when u 100% really for the fight no excuse no fault in u lose .I will agree not a true bulldog .But I see famous go 4 time work her 2 myself so u can't tell me shit about that bitch.5 min tongue drag the carpet. I was really to pick her up in 10 can't breath want stay in hope.no excuse she lost.but I should had grad her up at 5 min cause she was fuc up.but after all that I have white paw jr 1* beat dirt snap crew -Rocket 1* beat ms boys -max1* beat Baton Rouge boys -in Rambo in the bull pen all this off of one litter one breeding.so guest what keep talk I'm getting bulldog off this bitch lmao just breed her to a pure red boy got one pup in she going be name lil famous acting real good so all that to say ---phrase her LOST have every yall like it still 4-1 no matter how u put it I'm out lmao clowns

unknow kennel
11-29-2015, 08:02 AM
Lmao yellowjohn u ask me why I took a 4 time winner home u are stupid. I see yellowjohn u a screen ganstger hu bro.FAMOUS lost in y'all still talking about her lol .HOW pretty was 39.25 the scale we use don't even read like that.in if they weigh that they wouldn't pay the forfit cause we agree on 4 oz over. In let me ask u this yellowjohn who weighed first cause I no u wast there man get off my fuck dick before u get FUCK bro I'm done talking to u so JACK block this clowns from post on my post THANK YOU

O by the way I don't sell puppies or got to pay no body to breed I might post a litter in sell one once every 2 year I use my --- in I can back up every thing I said inbox me if u think I'm lie

unknow kennel
11-29-2015, 08:11 AM
Almost 1,500 views ch famous still making me famous lmao :-bd

11-30-2015, 02:50 PM
Hello y'all! Let me start off by saying that I wasn't there nor I am affiliated with any of the parties. I don't want to disrespect anyone but I would like to help uncover the truth. The only thing I have noticed and what I find suspicious is that the notes on Unknown Kennels' Ch. Famous' (4xw, 1xl) (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_dogs_profile.php?dog_id=6350) pedigree were changed from "update: *not* a true bulldog: quit to TN Bad Boyz' Ch. Pretty in 0:58." to "update: lost to TN Bad Boyz' Ch. Pretty in 0:58." One can see that is has been changed when taking a look at the log (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_dogs_log.php?dog_id=6350) of Unknown Kennels' Ch. Famous' (4xw, 1xl) pedigree. However, now it's becoming even more confusing because it was CA Jack who added the information that Ch. Famous quit in here fifth. Afterwards Unknown Kennel has changed the notes to the effect that the she merely lost. This begs the question where CA Jack got his information from...and after we know that we are maybe one step further in uncovering the truth. :-?


I believe Cali Jack got his info from evo when he posted the report of famous quitting to pretty

11-30-2015, 02:57 PM
Unknow I'm not being an ass but bro you should seriously consider taking some basic courses on reading, writing, and spelling. With every post it gets more embarrassing that a full grown adult repeatedly misspells the simplest of words hell with the technology we have today auto correct could even help.. Again this isn't a shot at you but it's a must being ppl communicate via text, email, and of course message boards....

PS.. The lack of spelling has to be sending Jack into orbit lol

11-30-2015, 07:38 PM
Unknow Kennel,
Haters don't hate you they hate themselves. " Because you're a reflection of what they wish to be."

12-01-2015, 01:40 AM
Why is it that it never disturbs me if someone can't spell. Is he writing a job application to me? The only thing that seems embarrassing to me is that "full grown adults" with the same passion have nothing better to do than to be negative about a 4W and playing father/schoolteacher.

12-01-2015, 05:44 AM
Why is it that it never disturbs me if someone can't spell. Is he writing a job application to me? The only thing that seems embarrassing to me is that "full grown adults" with the same passion have nothing better to do than to be negative about a 4W and playing father/schoolteacher.

Simply because as adults we should seriously be able to use simple grammar, it takes twice as long to decipher a post full of misspelled words and such.. Honestly I don't care bout the usage of slang but flat out being unable to spell is quite ridiculous being an "ADULT".

12-01-2015, 05:45 AM
Unknow Kennel,
Haters don't hate you they hate themselves. " Because you're a reflection of what they wish to be."

Lmao coming from you

11-04-2016, 06:18 AM

I saw famous win her first, she beat one nobody expected her to, titled, next thing I hear, she made Ch, good dog homie, even with 1 lost

11-05-2016, 06:50 AM
According to evolution famous cur'd as well.. That was written on this very database after her encounter with pretty.. She didn't dip from the scene but from evolution's written account she did wave the flag

I'm not sure who is quoting me on what. The fact is she was sick, just like her brother was. HCT's betweeen 26-35. A world class dogman pays the FF if hes below 37 HCT. Thats not opinion, thats science. If you dont have any mature red blood cells , you dont have the vesel to get oxygen to the muscle. Period. IMPOSSIBLE to WIN end of period. The fact she stopped at 5 after 4 doesnt take away that shes a proven champion.

11-05-2016, 07:00 AM
Very well said.

While I have the utmost respect for a dead game dog, I also have the utmost respect for reality.

I wasn't there, I don't know if this bitch stopped (or not), but I do know that any bitch with the talent to win 4x into good comp, who lost her 5th in an hour, pushing weight into a Champion, is better than 99% of the bitches being bred today.

No dog is perfect. They all have strengths, they all have weaknesses.

And the bottom line is any bitch who wins 4x into good comp, and loses #5 going for an hour into a Champion, has more strengths than weaknesses.


I totally agree! Great response...

11-07-2016, 04:21 AM
I'm not sure who is quoting me on what. The fact is she was sick, just like her brother was. HCT's betweeen 26-35. A world class dogman pays the FF if hes below 37 HCT. Thats not opinion, thats science. If you dont have any mature red blood cells , you dont have the vesel to get oxygen to the muscle. Period. IMPOSSIBLE to WIN end of period. The fact she stopped at 5 after 4 doesnt take away that shes a proven champion.

This not what you typed right after she lost buddy, but I'm gonna leave it alone. Good day to you lol

11-22-2016, 08:16 PM

unknow kennel
11-22-2016, 11:59 PM
Lmao haven't been on in a minute I been to business winning FEARLESS 1* -- JANGO 1* y'all computer geeks keep hate I'm getting this money lol ENJOY LIFE IM OUT