View Full Version : Wormers

01-18-2012, 08:19 AM
I was on Thomas Labs website and notice they have Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension, http://www.thomaslabs.com/thomaslabs/pr ... nsion.aspx my question is, is Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension the same ingriedent in Pamix and Nemex? I am asking because the word "Suspension" is throwing me off a little bit. Need to make sure before I buy the wrong stuff.

The second question is do Pyrantel Pamoate rid tapeworms in the puppies or just pinworms? Or do I need a different wormer for tapeworms?

I have the PBB and the DVD's but I just have to make sure! These questions may be dumb, but I have a litter of puppies due soon and I be damned if I am unprepared when time comes to worm and shoot them up with the vaccines.

Thank you in advance,


01-18-2012, 11:21 AM
Nevermind, i just had to re-read a chapter in the PBB. :D

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01-19-2012, 03:34 AM