View Full Version : looking for info on intesten surgery ( obstipation) asap

12-21-2015, 12:31 PM
Iv got a 16 month old dog who needs surgery on his intestine because he ate a collar. Didn't shit nor ate in 54 houres now.
Its very unfortunate as im about to go on an important trip this weekend. Surgery will be about 800 dollar. To be honest I don't have so much to spend at the moment and I don't know if the dog is even worth it. Still considering getting it done.

I read sometimes they have to remove intestine partially too. Does anyone have experience with such surgery, how was the recovery and did the dog experience any negative effect in his life after? Racing is the only purpose for this dog.

12-21-2015, 01:00 PM
Have you given the dog some mineral oil? B.Baily told me to give it to a dog that did the same thing. I thought he was joking . Within 8 hours he started shiting the collar out little. It worked for me. Good luck

R.I.P my friend

12-21-2015, 02:19 PM
Thanks for your answer loot. I will have to inject it with a syringe , how much cc should i give at a time?

12-21-2015, 02:45 PM
I found my note on it. 15cc of Mineral oil and a can of dog food. Hope it works... Your welcome

12-21-2015, 03:09 PM
Sure will give it a try, he eats nothing though. Boiled some chicken for him, wont even take a small piece. Will try to inject 15 ml into his troath. probably best a mixture with some water to prevent it lubing his thoath?

12-21-2015, 03:42 PM
Sure will give it a try, he eats nothing though. Boiled some chicken for him, wont even take a small piece. Will try to inject 15 ml into his troath. probably best a mixture with some water to prevent it lubing his thoath?
Seen this work mineral oil I tried it but didnt use enuff dog would shit but not the chunk of kong ball he had in him at same time buddy used a whole bottle on his male that eat his water bucket both dogs drop to near death I had my vet put mines down as i felt it was to much for him! My buddy kept pumping his with mineral oil and his passed the blockage!!
Internal damage is done had a dog named Garners king who was the great grandfather to my male never be shown because of his run in with a kong ball also might have been a good thing as he could give u a bulldog even when bred to a rabbit!

12-21-2015, 10:14 PM

If it don't suck bad enough to spend that kind of money on a dog who hasn't proven himself, and bring a scarred dog into the vet, internal damage would make it all for nothing.

Dog won't come out of his crate this morning. Will need to make the call now.

12-21-2015, 10:54 PM
Nah ill get surgery done in a few hours. Hope cost and damage will be as low as can be.

Officially Retired
12-22-2015, 04:15 AM
What you should have done is given him hydrogen peroxide the moment you knew he ate the collar, then he would have vomited it out.

The only reason you need part of the intestines removed is if you do exactly what you did: wait too long which allows the gut to rot.

An Intussusception is when the intestine devours itself, usually caused by eating something long, like a collar.


1) If you catch the problem right away (as in you know for sure he JUST ate the bad thing to eat), use hydrogen peroxide to make him vomit it out immediately.

2) If you realize something's wrong, but it's a few hours later, THEN use mineral oil, to facilitate the ease of passing all the way through the intestinal tract.

3) If the dog doesn't pass the object within 24 hours, get him to a vet and perform surgery, otherwise, YES he will have to get part of his gut removed, and may die while you sit on your add and wait too long.


12-22-2015, 04:33 AM
Hydrogen peroxide worked for me when one I have ate a scotchbrite pad. Worked within 2 minutes!

Officially Retired
12-22-2015, 04:47 AM
Hydrogen peroxide worked for me when one I have ate a scotchbrite pad. Worked within 2 minutes!

The intelligent use of hyrdrogen peroxide, immediately, will save hours of worry and hundred$ of dollar$ ...

DOSAGE: 5 ml/10 lb.
Walk dog immediately after giving; should puke within 15 min,expelling the item. If not, repeat above.


PS: Will ONLY work if dog has just swallowed object within an hour or two, and object is still in stomach.

If it's been more than 2 hours, object has moved to intestines, and can no longer be vomited out, which is where mineral oil needs to be used (to help lubricate the passing of the object anally).

If no shitting, and/or dog won't eat/repeatedly vomits, and can't keep anything down, surgery will be required.

12-22-2015, 08:35 AM
I did make him vomit wit peroxide but nothing came out that day. I've seen some pieces in his shit hoping that will be it. Only 4 weeks later he threw up 1 part, and that probably allowed another piece to enter his intestines and cause a blockage. Next time I won't hesitate to bring the dog to the vet to give him a shot of "apomorphine" to make em throw up heavily. Making sure everything comes out.

Just came home and luckily surgery succeeded, no part of his intestine had to be cut out.
https://scontent-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xlf1/v/t1.0-9/12369221_1650495608549550_6956806159826159330_n.jp g?oh=e12de5c6deeca1775d594ee92a04e694&oe=56D6D746

12-22-2015, 09:31 AM
Good to hear it went well. I didn't mention the peroxide because it was past the time frame to work. Good luck with him.

Officially Retired
12-22-2015, 09:40 AM
I did make him vomit wit peroxide but nothing came out that day. I've seen some pieces in his shit hoping that will be it. Only 4 weeks later he threw up 1 part, and that probably allowed another piece to enter his intestines and cause a blockage. Next time I won't hesitate to bring the dog to the vet to give him a shot of "apomorphine" to make em throw up heavily. Making sure everything comes out.

Again, vomiting only works if it's caught in time.

If fragments go into the intestines, all the vomiting in the world won't help (and may actually hurt) the dog.

Just came home and luckily surgery succeeded, no part of his intestine had to be cut out.

Very glad to hear that, good luck with him and Happy Holidays,
