View Full Version : pregnant dog eating pot brownies

07-02-2016, 10:39 AM
Last night my friend had to take his pregnant dog to the vet after she eat 100 mg pot brownie. She started twitching ,her head was bobbling she couldn't walk and peed all over her self. So the vet gave her activated charcoal and fluids sub q said most of the brownie came up but doest know about the puppies and the thc do to there not being any studies on the pregnant dogs and thc.His dog will be fine but just wondering if there are any other people out there that has had this problem and if so what was the out come with the pups also he's dog is about 3 weeks in if she took.

07-02-2016, 12:14 PM
I would think that they would be fine as many human mother ingesting t.hc during there term. I am not a fan of this act during term. But it happens .

07-02-2016, 12:22 PM
The next thing I would say is that I would hope your friend does not have kids this time it was a dog ! I my self being my hounds inside and have a full time indoor dog. And I dog prove my house for them as I would a baby.