View Full Version : Over the counter antibiotics may be a thing of the past.
08-03-2016, 10:52 AM
Read this article on new legislation on antibiotics and see how it may effect our ability to get over the counter antibiotics. I know the article is geared toward the cattle industry but it ultimately effects everyone. I'm curious if ordering fish antibiotics without RX is gonna be effected?
A few years back there was a bill in the NC house that was pretty much wanting the same thing with wormers. It basically read if your dog has worms and you treat him it is in so many words ' performing veterinarian medicine' without being a liscenced veterinarian. The key wording would be in treatment of a known issue vs. preventative.
It never made it anywhere. It was one of those things that I wonder 'there has to be something more important than this'.
Stock up I guess.
08-04-2016, 07:30 AM
I didn't read the whole article and maybe I should before commenting BUT the part I did read made me believe that it was for animals that are for human consumption only. Maybe it later clarifies that and I didn't read that part.
If that is how it is worded throughout then that would not affect the fish antibiotics because fish are also pets.
When I have more time later I'll read it and maybe I just posted this for nothing lol.
I think one can lead to the other.
The first step will be "it is for human consumption" so most anything will pass. The next step would be for non-food grade animals.
I am not sure how much traction it would gain when voting. Those cheesy bills usually make it or not make it when they are attached to a bigger bill in compromise. Hopefully not.
08-04-2016, 10:33 AM
Thats horrible. Not only are famers affected but pet owners as well. I guess if they wanted to crack down on anything you would target famers first then sit back and watch the ripple effect. Too many tree hugging liberals who think their way applies to everyone.
It is not like I am all into politics. I was having my truck inspected and while waiting I read the article in a farm magazine. This particular bill was aimed at 'performing veterinarian care'. Wormers, antibiotics, topicals all were on the list. Anything where you were caring for a known ailment.
There were some quotes in so many words, "if I don't know my dog has worms, I can just worm him to prevent worms. But if I know or at least think he may have worms, I can't purchase worm medicine because I would be practicing veterinarian medicine".
It was also tied to a bill connected to the former Senator Edwards from NC to make dog hunting illegal in NC. No fox hounds, deer hounds, etc. etc.
When we start tree-huggin' in the south, the rest of the world will really suck.
08-04-2016, 07:19 PM
I was born and raised in Texas, it was a common thing when you hired a Ferrier to shoe your horses he would also float your horses teeth if needed. I have a brother Inlaw that shoes horses on the side on his off days as a fireman. A couple years ago, I went home for thanksgiving, we were talking and he informed me that he was no longer allowed to offer teeth floating as a service even though he's already shoing your horse. He said the laws have changed and requires a veterinarian to come out and do it. Lol times are changing and our government sure is doing its best to keep picking at our pockets every chance they get.
These AR nuts are busting our balls on ALL fronts. What the fuck do you do? I mean god damn there are so many pussies in this world...
08-05-2016, 12:36 PM
These AR nuts are busting our balls on ALL fronts. What the fuck do you do? I mean god damn there are so many pussies in this world...
X2 on that, SB. If it isn't what type of housing is "appropriate" to whether we can tether or not and now this. I sure hope this isn't true and/or going to get passed. It would affect a whole bunch of people. How many hunters of any sort go to the vet for any antibiotics? I'd be surprised to find a single one.
08-05-2016, 01:27 PM
It's a crying shame that the tree hugging community has gotten rich off of bleeding heart pussies to the point that they are controlling our daily lifestyles and traditions by using there sympathy money to pay lobbyist to pad the pockets of the people who are supposed to be our voice and represent us in Washington. It's just one stepping stone after another until we are all just working to pay taxes with no other purpose! I mean come on.. To tell a man what he can or can't do with his own property (Animals are property) is ridiculous! I'm not real educated but nor am I a do nothing bastard that sets on his ass and waits on a government check every month! I work, I own land and I pay taxes and should be able to do what I want as long as I don't hurt anyone else. Anyway, I guess we just keep on keeping on until they have complete getting off topic so I'll end my rant. Politics and me don't mix.
08-05-2016, 07:32 PM
Its really sucks because this is not going to change. The more tree huggers move into the country, or increase their agenda in urban areas, the less freedoms we will have. My vet is old school, he is very understanding, and you can trust him. I could see a kid who wants to be a vet, coming from an agricultural area, farming community, etc, being understanding. A lot of the newer vets are in it for the money and come from the city. The do not understand the working man, or rural America.
Its really sucks because this is not going to change. The more tree huggers move into the country, or increase their agenda in urban areas, the less freedoms we will have. My vet is old school, he is very understanding, and you can trust him. I could see a kid who wants to be a vet, coming from an agricultural area, farming community, etc, being understanding. A lot of the newer vets are in it for the money and come from the city. The do not understand the working man, or rural America.
And that is on the button Brickface! This will funnel more money to the drug companies and line the "new" age veterinarians pockets. Bleeding heart kids who grow up in fur mommy homes think they want to "save" all the animals by becoming a vet. Exactly all the WRONG reasons to become one imo.
This is a slap in the face to all ranchers, basically saying you don't know wtf you are doing, and we're gonna make it EVEN HARDER for you to provide the population with food. So eventually we will control that too!
Common sense isn't common anymore, we're becoming a dependent society and it is a damn shame!
You are slowly seeing Socialism into Communism programs being implemented in all factions of our life styles. These Communist bureaucrats start with groups that do not have the money to hire lawyers to fight the establishment.
Start at the top of the tree slowly plucking a leaf here and there till they get to the root. These liberals are shutting down proven various energy sources. We only needed two more Nuclear electric plants to ensure plenty of cheap electricity for a lot of years to come.
Hillary Clinton becomes the next President with a Democratic senate and house. We can kiss our right to bear arms and first amendment rights good bye. Plus a whole lot more. Khrushchev while pounding a podium with his shoe back in the 50's said Communism would take this country without a shot fired. Looks like he is being proven right. Nothing to cheer about here.
You should to see how these new Vets rip off silly men and women animal lovers. These people think their little poo poo is a human. Think nothing of spending thousands of dollars on a dog/cat etc. that needs to be put down.
Some time back I was on a dog yard. Saw a dog with a injured first joint. Person said dog was hurt in a kennel accident,foot got caught in some loose wire. Could not take the dog to the local vet since dog was a A.P.B. T.. Would be turned into the law and H.S. Very sad situation to see indeed.
I understand Obama just passed a executive order that will force Gun Smiths to pay a high additional tax to work their trade. I was told he has also sold a deep water sea port up in Alaska to China. Hillary if elected wants to be able to sue the Firearms manufactures if any of their weapons are used to commit any type crime or murder by whoever.
Preach it ! All that you state can and will be enforced if we continue to allow it. I hope those of you having children EDUCATE them not to be "brainwashed" by the education system. The poor and weak (young) minded are their first targets!
Well said. I'm not sure if Trump will be any better of a president that Hillary but at least it appears the pendulum will not swing so far with her in the office. Personally, I do not think there is much to choose from either party. Maybe the Gary Johnson guy from New Mexico. But he does not have the money required to be president, just a good plan.
Guns are on the way out. I'm in my forties. I fully expect within my lifetime to see our laws much in alignment with the Eurpoean nations. Only criminals and terrorists have guns.
I will end up being a criminal because I can't see living without them.
It is a slippery slope.
08-11-2016, 05:04 AM
Well said. I'm not sure if Trump will be any better of a president that Hillary but at least it appears the pendulum will not swing so far with her in the office. Personally, I do not think there is much to choose from either party. Maybe the Gary Johnson guy from New Mexico. But he does not have the money required to be president, just a good plan.
Guns are on the way out. I'm in my forties. I fully expect within my lifetime to see our laws much in alignment with the Eurpoean nations. Only criminals and terrorists have guns.
I will end up being a criminal because I can't see living without them.
It is a slippery slope.
I may give up my bulldogs if mandated , but when it comes to my guns,as the old saying goes "pry them out of my cold dead hands".
08-12-2016, 10:06 AM
I'm not advocating violence, by any means. But I have served my country, my community,and society as many of you have.We can accept it or not but this country was settled by the gun.To say I have to surrender mine, because of what some nut job or some kid whose parents, should be locked up for refusing to parent, their little menace to society in the first place has done. IS UNACCEPTABLE!
08-12-2016, 10:26 AM
I'm not giving up my guns or bulldogs. No way, no how.
Kendall Hoyle
08-12-2016, 08:04 PM
My dad said very mountain,looks different from each side, now,I know this may cause some to be upset, but is there a
Legitimate reason why this may be put into law. I know if we, "humans " take to many antibiotics, they may become less
Affective to fight the next infection. The cattle man using the best antibiotics over and over, again, and doing his best know how,could this be creating
Strains of infections that will be stronger than the antibiotics? When you've done something for years,or all of your life,Change is very difficult.
I'm not giving up my guns or bulldogs. No way, no how.
Yes sir!
Kendall most ranchers know their cattle better than any fresh out of school rookie vet will ever know. It's ALL ABOUT MONEY for the greedy drug companies who are in bed with the board of veterinarian's.
It's fuckin stupid we can't practice medicine on our animals we've raised for years but get some school and you are an expert. Boo!
08-14-2016, 06:44 PM
Exactly right S_B.
08-16-2016, 01:33 AM
Kendall has a point regardless of how many people like it or not. The trouble is most of the time, antibiotics aren't taken for the proper amount of time they are prescribed for. That's why you have such things as MRSA and various other super bugs in hospitals today, of which I work in. The same is said for people and their giving of abx in animals. Think about all of the time where abx are given for maybe something viral, in humans or dogs. Abx do not work on viruses. They make work on a secondary infection, if there is one, but that's not always the case.
Most ranchers know their cattle as most people with dogs know their dogs, but that doesn't mean they know medication, when to give it, how long, or even what for.
I certainly am NOT proposing that the possible law is fair and just. On the contrary, I think it's a load of horseshit, and plenty of animals are going to suffer for it, along with the people that raise these animals.
And with that said Lakota I can agree. What my feed store said this law means for them is a lot more paperwork, antibiotics that are fed will no longer be available without a script, any injectables otc will still be available.
Seems to me the ease of feeding a cow/cattle medicaton would be much more feasible rather than trying to inject each cow that needs it, especially if you are running beef cattle as they are wild and not easy to handle.
None of us want our food (cattle) to be given meds incorrectly but taking the farmers ability to treat them for various ailments away is not the best solution imo. Tests on the meat to determine quality seems a better route to me as well as offering ranchers access to proper protocols of administering medications.