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View Full Version : Vice-Grip/Little John

08-09-2016, 03:29 AM
For sale $1500 firm. Great little female....pm for more information.

Sub Grappler
08-10-2016, 04:03 AM
Lewis you don't have papers on this dog nor did you pay a dime for her. You were to return her if you did not want her
And you had the opportunity to return her before and I had already set up transport for her and you changed your mind 3 times. Now you try to sell her?

08-10-2016, 05:03 AM
Hopefully there's a misunderstanding between you two. The dog world needs more stand up, honest folks then the lying low lifes that unfortunately are attracted to this great breed. Hope you all get it worked out.

No Quarter Kennel
08-10-2016, 08:14 AM
Fellows, I know Sub Grappler extremely well. Straight up man of integrity. No way in hell there's a misunderstanding. This douche bag is trying to make money on a dog that does not belong to him, he does not have papers on and he is violated his agreement with whom he obtained the dog. Scumbag piece of shit. Get the dog back to Grappler like you are supposed to.

The "fraternity" is smaller than you realize and circles overlap more than you know. Do what's right b/f it costs you something significant.

08-10-2016, 09:05 AM
Hold on a sec man...first off I have $500.00 in this dog between the transporter and the vet bills. Its not like I received a healthy dog...the dog had coccidia, runny eyes ,worming and malnourished both of the bitches and yours too. I was told to do whatever I WANTED TO DO.WITH THE DOG....whatever....I truly dont recall no quarters kennels being on the phone...I assumed the bitch was mines...if it were all about money, I could have bred her and sold pups and made more....u think no quarters. ...just bred the bitch out....

Understand that I could have had this dog for 10 years and did god knows what and Steve she would still be your dog....I could have gave her to other people to bred as long as I trusted them,you would have known nothing...because you said do what you want with her....

Youmare correct about the 3 times....I told you she was an extreme barker....barks 24/7....no fucking matter what I.did...bark collars and all, yet I LIKED THE BITCH SO MUCH FOR OTHER THINGS, that I was willing to work with it.......I really dont care about papers.,crash was 8 months old when I got his only ask for those because I bought him and it took so long...

If I were trying to hide anything from you...or no quarters kennels. ...I damn sure wouldn't post it next to your post.....I thought the bitch was mines...

P.S. I dont appreciate you using my name like that but cool...

08-10-2016, 09:19 AM
Everybody is different and we all act and think differently. Having said that, if I was in that same exact situation, I would have called grappler and explained the situation and gave the opportunity for him to get the dog back. That's just from my point of view and how I would have handled it. Not to take sides but that's how I would have done it. Sounds like he may want her back. That's the right thing to do. In my humble opinion. Good luck, both of you.

08-10-2016, 09:33 AM
Better yet...you can have her back...no problem. ...

08-10-2016, 10:32 AM
See, all just a little misunderstanding. That's good. Glad y'all are working it out.

On another note, if it was just barking causing you to sell her then it must be really bad. I don't care about barking at all. It may be a little further away from the house and probably a longer 20' chain or possibly a long 100' cable run but I wouldn't get rid of a dog for that. Like I said before, good luck to you both.

08-10-2016, 10:41 AM
That's why it took 3 times....I have explained to another member on this borad exactly what transpired and tomSub as well...I just dont want to put my business out there...to be honest i chalked it up as maybe it was the inbreeding that had her barking so much...however I controlled that by bringing in the house.....and making the other mad as hell...treez honestly I did everything till I said forget it....and bought a bark collar....well you still have to take those off....yap.yap.yaap...and I still said fuck it she stays......because I considered her to valuable hence my thread.....

Anyway Sub IS a cool dude I never stated he wasn't. I love MY CRASH DOG from him...also to be honest he didn't directly send those pups this way from his yard I dont think....so maybe he didn't really know the condition of them....

Like I said earlier he can have his pup back...no problem...

08-10-2016, 10:48 AM
The barking would have people thinking im not paying attention to my dogs.....furthest thing from the truth...she began to show other they could do it....that's the only reason it took 3 times, again I was set on breaking her but from barking...I didn't want to give up on her....the bark collar began to bother her neck....as if I had been somewhere with her....she would sometimes shake that head to move the electrode around the back of her head......@3 in the morning crank up.....now every bodies barking...im like wtf. .....imma break her I thought...

08-10-2016, 11:19 AM
I feel you, man. Just saying that I would have tried more. A spring pole in her chain spot all day or something. To each his own, of course. I completely understand about teaching the others those bad habits as well. Maybe a long range pellet would have helped. I've heard it before but like I said, the barking don't bother me. I'm out in the woods and dogs can be heard barking all night long from miles away, right along with the coyotes. The sound carries out here. So, barking from my dogs would just blend in those dogs and the coyotes.

Sub Grappler
08-10-2016, 12:41 PM
Sorry just getting a chance to post. Thunder and I talked this morning it's all good now. No hard feelings we are on the same page. Really don't want to argue over a dog on the board. I should have waited a little longer on the phone call back
My bad. Like I said its all good. I'm sure you will get some nice ones from her

08-10-2016, 12:51 PM
Good deal.

08-10-2016, 03:48 PM
Yep the old man told me a pellet gun works wonders...he was serious tho lol

08-10-2016, 05:34 PM
Yep the old man told me a pellet gun works wonders...he was serious tho lol
I've heard the same and they were dead serious as well. If it gets that bad I'll try it.

08-11-2016, 03:16 AM
A shock collar works best. The bark collars work but not near as effective as a shock collar. I had a Fila Brasileiro once that barked til the batteries went out on a bark collar. I think it stimulated her. I went to a shock collar.

She would bark and hell would rain down on her. It only took a few zaps and she stopped barking. Funny thing is I had to put a dummy collar on her afterwards. With no collar she went back to barking. With the dummy collar she clammed up.

Hope you can control the barking. I live off the road and the barking at the dogs is not that big of a deal. If neighbors are close or if the dogs are close to the house then barking can be a much bigger issue.

Great you two made communication.


08-11-2016, 01:26 PM
once they hear me pump mine the all go in there dog houses.

08-23-2016, 06:12 PM
once they hear me pump mine the all go in there dog houses.

Not for noting, but I would get rid of jeep if he was a crazy barker. Then again I'm not out in the country. Had one that I broke with a 30 year old red rider. She got passed around about 4 different yards before the age of 2 she was so bad. Thank god she got the hint before it broke. All I had to do was shake it and all nonsense stopped.

10-12-2016, 08:09 PM
lmao so this guy really thought he could sale a hound that much without the papers???

10-14-2016, 12:49 PM
Lmao 2 murpkykidd. ...that bitch is more than likely worth more with or without the papers......probably why YOUR searching........

10-15-2016, 09:41 AM
lmao so this guy really thought he could sale a hound that much without the papers???

For me the paper game is over. If the dog cone with papers fine. If not, as long as I know and trust you or trusted acquaintances vouch for you, it all good. I don't register half my dogs anyway, and none of them are even in my name. Papers don't make bulldogs, bulldogs make bulldogs.
With all the surveillance and monitoring of these site and registries, papers are just not worth it anymore.


10-16-2016, 06:36 AM
I second that...

10-16-2016, 07:33 AM
Very true. I like pedigrees and papers as much as the next guy. Half the dogs I own now I do not have them registered. I can point to their parents in adjoining chain spaces.

Papers are very important though. One can't pay $$$$$ for a non-papered dog and in turn sell puppies off that non-papered dog for $$$$$. Papers play a role.


10-16-2016, 12:17 PM
On everything.... Mocha is the truth....worth every red cent...no joke...all I can say..I miss the gyp, just not the barking! !