View Full Version : Alfalfa

09-04-2016, 10:43 AM
Been doing some research and it seems alfalfa provides many benefits for dogs and is very digestible just curious if anyone has any hands on experience feeding alfalfa or why I haven't heard of it used more in keeps. Any experiences or info on it would be much appreciated.
Creek Bottom

09-04-2016, 02:13 PM
curious what are some of the benefits?

09-04-2016, 02:25 PM
Here are some that I've seen listed on multiple sites.
I just started doing some research on alfalfa and Oates and how they are broken down and digested in dogs. I know the comparisons are not the same as dogs are carnivorous and horses are not but to see a horse that is maintained on alfalfa and Oates and the physical specimens they are I was curious if a dog could benefit from alfalfa. It appears they can break down a lot of the nutrients and was just curious if anyone had tried supplementing with it. I believe I'm gonna give it a shot.
Creek Bottom

09-04-2016, 06:09 PM
Interesting read creek bottom, I'd like to hear some feedback after you feed the alfalfa for awhile. Hopefully someone else has already used it and can give some feedback as well. On a lighter note, I got a kick out of the comments under the article you posted.. You'd Think they're talking about a human kid the way they're talking about their dog. Lol

09-04-2016, 06:23 PM
Lol I read that too. I've read several articles on it but that was just the easiest read that gave a general overview of the benefits. I'm always open to trying new things and I've always fed some sort of greens in my keep be it kale or spinach or mustard greens I was just looking for the most beneficial and if dogs are able to break it down and benefit from it, it would seem alfalfa would be the way to go.
Creek Bottom

09-05-2016, 04:11 AM
In order to be the closest to a natural raw diet you have to have some sort of greens as a dog in nature will eat animals that are herbivores. When they eat their prey the stomach and organ meats are usually the first thing they will eat and in doing so they will be eating whatever it is their prey has been eating. The amount of greens they digest will not be a lot but it is very beneficial for aiding in digestion. My plan is to find the greens that are most beneficial I aiding in digestion while providing the most digest able nutrients. Dogs need greens in a balanced raw diet.
Creek Bottom

09-05-2016, 07:58 AM
Creek bottom, I'm not sure that this would even be an option or not, but I do remember back when I was a kid in the late 80's - 90's we raised lots of Rabbits. Our pellets that we fed were made up of primarily Alfalfa. I'm certain that other ingredients were included but you might look into it and find out that all the ingredients included could be benificial to add to a raw diet. Just an idea!?

09-05-2016, 08:10 AM
I will look that up. Also the fact that rabbits do eat primarily alfalfa if it's available and rabbits are one of the top prey animals for wild dogs, may be a reason dogs are able to digest alfalfa easily. Just a thought.
Creek Bottom

09-06-2016, 05:38 AM
I've fed alfalfa and kelp powder to my dogs for some years, in and out of keep.

09-06-2016, 01:10 PM
Do not stop there Frosty Paws. LOL Tell us more, did you see any advantage in the Alfalfa and kelp? Helping a dog in the work keep or in the show performance ring versus a dog that was not feed any Alfalfa or Kelp?

Alfalfa and Kelp are noted to being rich in minerals. Horses do require a lot of minerals for strong bones. Do not remember if Maffie used Kelp and Alfalfa in his feed keep.

I personally eat a Sea Salt-Iodine and a kelp product made by Braggs on all my meals. Along with applying a 2% iodine product when needed or getting sick. Not keeping iodine levels up can lead to various thyroid problems in humans. Cheers

09-08-2016, 04:04 PM
CYJ, I didn't see any advantage in using it to be honest. I feed it strictly for the minerals and what not. The kelp I used on all bitches just to prevent any type of thyroid problems as I've had issues with that before.

09-08-2016, 09:26 PM
Ditto FrostyPaws. I figured as much, thanks for the reply. Any one wishing to try herbal type supplements. Should buy the Eat right for your blood type book. It has all the human blood types and the best recommended herbals/foods etc.

For instance, Alfalfa is a avoid herb for any O Blood types, which I happen to be a O+ blood type. Alfalfa will worsen my Asthmatic condition if I take it. My wife being a A Blood type has tried Alfalfa tea with no bad effects. It is considered a super beneficial herb for A blood types.

With all that said, one stills needs to see some good results. If not best to move on to something else. Noni Juice is a very good product that appears to be good for all blood types. I take two ounces AM & PM each day along with concentrate lemon juice. Helps my Rheumatoid joint pain and works well with my meds. Cheers

09-09-2016, 05:51 AM
Great reading as usual, fellas. I learn a lot just from reading the normal conversations like this. Whether it's dog related or how CYJ just related human health to this topic. I'm thankful for you all's posts.

09-09-2016, 06:47 PM
I always commend the ones who are willing to try something different and then be honest about their results.

I used kelp a lot with the Fila Brasileiros for the thyroid issues as well. I can't say whether it worked or not. Over the years I had two that had issues and 4 or 5 that did not. Maybe it helped some I am not sure. When we first got into the dogs one of the old timers said, "Son, this is what you do". I followed in the beginning and in time started to form some of my own opinions. The two bitches that had thyroid issues were on the kelp, and that was early on. I stopped and the next two or three after that did not.

I am just about sure it did not hurt anything.

I never tried it or Alfalfa on a bulldog.

But I did run out of hay one night and all the feed store had was an expensive ass bale of alfalfa hay. I figured it would get me through the night. The dogd ate it like it was prime rib. I thought I was going to have to run a garden hose down their throat like a horse with cholic. They shit clods of hay for a day or so. I am sure it was some horses some where wishing I had not wasted it on some old dog. LOL


09-11-2016, 02:51 PM
EWO, the alfalfa I feed is a powder..Not the hay!! LOL

09-11-2016, 03:01 PM
I know, thought I would just add a little with a play on words. LOL

Great series of posts.