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09-05-2016, 09:29 AM
I believe CH NINJA to be off of CH JEEP.


09-05-2016, 10:10 AM
I wasn't even aware there are as many versions as there are of the story of Brodt's Ninja. :shocked:

Some say Jeep x Dotty, others Chinaman x Dotty, then I find the TG stuff that says Chinaman x Bandit. Along with who is Jeep really off of and was he even bred after the bout with Homer.

My vote is leave it Jeep x Dotty as shown by Brodt. There are "tales" behind how Carver, Boudreaux and Teal show some dogs but those aren't changed.

09-05-2016, 10:55 AM
There is even contradictions in that article from maybe a miss placement of the word A. Note it says to "A CH Chinaman dog. Not to the CH Chinaman dog.

The other questions arises is why would the owner of Jeep give this Brodt fellow a stud certificate. If Jeep was not the sire. Why would the owner of Jeep want to get even with Tom or Vinny over this Brodt man's hard luck story. What would they have to gain?

ADBA would not register any of my litters or someone breeding to one of my ADBA stud dogs. Their bitch dog had to be a ADBA registered dog. A stud certificate had to be signed and dated by me. A individual unregistered dog could not be registered by ADBA without proper proof of pedigree/pictures of siblings and known witnesses. The dog would be in the ADBA system but not get a assigned ADBA #.

If this Brodt fellow was that revengeful. Not much one could believe of what ever he says or has done. Will put back as Jeep x Dotty. Cheers

09-05-2016, 11:07 AM
Exactly CYJ, why would the owners of CH JEEP entertain a fake breeding off of their stud. And I don't buy the story to give him more points on the ROM list.

I believe the CH NINJA dog made his way to Cali and VR took a liking to him and wanted it to be off CH CHINAMAN...this wouldn't be the first of suspect dealings I've heard throughout the years with him. As far as Don Brodt, he's dead but I'm sure folks that knew him personally talked to him about this as its been controversial for quite some time.


10-08-2016, 07:19 AM
The guys who bred him came clean
He'd off Chinaman x Dotty
They started the jeep rumor because garners mom kicked them off her property for not paying rent

10-09-2016, 05:10 AM
Rolltidepride, I don't think Garrett or Brodt have ever "come clean" about anything of the sort.

10-10-2016, 12:16 PM
Rolltidepride, I don't think Garrett or Brodt have ever "come clean" about anything of the sort.

Garrett did not come clean about that because when I spoke with him he said Brodt had bred several dogs to Jeep.. He said he was told that Jeep was the sire but after years folks was bringing up Chinaman.

10-13-2016, 04:59 PM
Ninja is a spitting image of Ch.Chinaman

10-13-2016, 05:00 PM
Genetics shine past them lies. IMO

10-14-2016, 02:56 PM
Ninja is a black dog just like a ton of Rascal dogs were also, and I don't subscribe to the idea that just because a dog is black, that it has to be off Chinaman when Ninja's dam was black also.

10-15-2016, 12:38 AM
Ninja is a black dog just like a ton of Rascal dogs were also, and I don't subscribe to the idea that just because a dog is black, that it has to be off Chinaman when Ninja's dam was black also.


10-15-2016, 09:29 AM

10-15-2016, 09:35 AM

10-15-2016, 09:41 AM

10-15-2016, 09:43 AM
Champion Ninja is the top dog...I don't need Muary Povich to tell me who that dog's daddy is. ;)

10-15-2016, 09:47 AM
http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j243/nolovekennels/Mobile%20Uploads/FB_IMG_1476551281834.jpg and then there's this guy claiming to be the daddy. Are you kidding me? SMH

10-15-2016, 09:54 AM
Exactly. you are aware that Ch.Rascal was black and off Black Shine and also a grandson of eliJr. Right..using Rascal isn't go to help validate your argument, In fact, it helps mine. Learn your History.

10-15-2016, 11:24 AM
you are aware that Ch.Rascal was black and off Black Shine and also a grandson of eliJr. Right..using Rascal isn't go to help validate your argument, In fact, it helps mine. Learn your History.

I know my history, also owned half litter off of a daughter of CH Johnny Handsome (son of CH NINJA). The bitch definitely showed her CH JEEP traits! lol

Its all an opinion because none of us were there, but BRODT always maintained CH JEEP was the sire and VR always tried to manipulate it as CH CHINAMAN. You weren't there neither was I so facts we have not.

I've got a bitch that looks like a clone of GR CH BUCK, but not a drop of that in her. A picture proves nothing!


Doc Ellis
10-15-2016, 12:09 PM
I think going off pics from the 80s is silly but.....look at the slope of the back end of Ninja(from the gut back) and look at Honeybunch's. Chinaman shows it in that classic pic, but not that much in others. Honeybunch always shows that slope and it more severe.

10-15-2016, 01:47 PM
I've seen a ton of black dogs that look like Ninja in that picture but they had zero Chinaman in them. You simply can't look at any picture and determine heritage. Don't be ridiculous.

10-15-2016, 04:22 PM
Being, that dog IS off Chinaman. Yeah ya can! There's only 1 dog in question..Jeep... There's no way jeep produced that specimen. Anyone, with a good bit of knowledge of breeding the apbt can see ninja, is off chinaman.

10-15-2016, 04:44 PM
Nothing, personal. You just don't have the experience to look for the traits I'm speaking of S_B. But being you see jeep all over that genetic structure of Ninja. I would have to question you eye sight also.... anyway, this is my last post on this topic. Going to work on another one...

10-15-2016, 06:32 PM
Nothing, personal. You just don't have the experience to look for the traits I'm speaking of S_B. But being you see jeep all over that genetic structure of Ninja. I would have to question you eye sight also.... anyway, this is my last post on this topic. Going to work on another one...

I don't have the experience? lol You don't have the FACTS to prove your opinion. If you did I'd believe the story.


10-15-2016, 08:54 PM
I can see how you don't understand, this is something that can't be taught.;) someone posted a picture of a dog for sale.. as soon as I seen that male, I knew he was off one of my dog's that was stolen... it turned out, he was.... I've owned 100s of chinaman dogs...I damn for sure can tell one when I see it . Ninja is a son of chinaman. But there's I can do to prove this to you, so what's the point.....so get your last word And go to sleep....I'm not responding again. Y.I.S. J.HODGES

10-16-2016, 07:28 AM
Not that it really matters to me either way but I really enjoy these conversations. Lester Hughes told us once that the only way to tell how a dog is really bred is to 'win three or four, or produce a couple that win three or four'. Then there is always some 'sumbitch standing in the corner that 'knows' how they are bred.

Never fails.


10-16-2016, 01:55 PM
Being, that dog IS off Chinaman. Yeah ya can! There's only 1 dog in question..Jeep... There's no way jeep produced that specimen. Anyone, with a good bit of knowledge of breeding the apbt can see ninja, is off chinaman.

Where is your factual proof the dog is off Chinaman?

10-16-2016, 06:31 PM
Where is your factual proof the dog is off Chinaman?

It's right here:
I've owned 100s of chinaman dogs...I damn for sure can tell one when I see it . Ninja is a son of chinaman.

Thought you saw that part. lol


10-16-2016, 07:41 PM
To me the pic of jeep he posted looks very similar to Frisco's pic on his ped. I'm no chinaman or jeep picture expert. Just saying. http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_dogs_profile.php?dog_id=555

10-17-2016, 03:42 AM
If anybody thinks they can look at a pic and tell a specific bloodline then I would like to hire your services to help me pick winning lottery numbers. You have a special talent.

10-17-2016, 08:22 AM
If anybody thinks they can look at a pic and tell a specific bloodline then I would like to hire your services to help me pick winning lottery numbers. You have a special talent.

I believe that someone that has bred there own line of dogs for20-30 years can tell one of there own!

10-17-2016, 09:35 AM
http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j243/nolovekennels/Mobile%20Uploads/FB_IMG_1476551281834.jpg and then there's this guy claiming to be the daddy. Are you kidding me? SMH

Lol you show a pic of old fat jeep instead of one of him younger and shaped better?

10-17-2016, 09:39 AM
Ninja is a black dog just like a ton of Rascal dogs were also, and I don't subscribe to the idea that just because a dog is black, that it has to be off Chinaman when Ninja's dam was black also.

This post right here. Folks say the same thing about GrCh Blackjack saying he must be a double bred Big Casey dog and how Crenshaw lied about the breeding, but then have no idea that Crenshaw, White and them did not even do the breeding. It was another guy who did the breeding who also got out of dogs. Hell makes more sense and would of made more money being Double Casey lol.

10-17-2016, 09:41 AM
Not that it really matters to me either way but I really enjoy these conversations. Lester Hughes told us once that the only way to tell how a dog is really bred is to 'win three or four, or produce a couple that win three or four'. Then there is always some 'sumbitch standing in the corner that 'knows' how they are bred.

Never fails.


Never fails. 100%

Doc Ellis
10-17-2016, 12:56 PM
Did Ninja quit or lose?

10-17-2016, 04:51 PM
My best friend's Pops saw Jeep and Homer. Coming along he always swore Jeep died that night. He always believed the "Jeep" dog that produced all those dogs post-Homer was off a son. He had a number of them back then and said the pre-Homer Jeep dogs did not bite like the post-Homer Jeep bred dogs. Especially when bred back to the Honeybunch type dogs.

I was just a kid back then. A story I remember him telling.


10-17-2016, 04:56 PM
Maybe not so much an entire bloodline, but an individual dog. I had dogs off of Patrick's Kasai. He stamped every dog he ever threw. The only thing the female had in the deal was the color. He stamped his size, his shape, his structure, his ability and his mouth, and even his bark.

A guy bred to him and 'did not get puppies'. Brought the bitch back and 'did not get puppies'. It wa agreed it was the female and a third was bred and she had one puppy. Two years later we visited the yard and he had 10-12 that looked just like my dogs, acted retarded like my dogs and barked like my dogs.

I could look and listen and I knew they were off Kasai.

Could I come to your house and look at your dogs and identify the line? More than likely not. But if you bred to that Kasai dog I could pick them out just about with my eyes closed.

And I do wish that worked with lottery numbers.


If anybody thinks they can look at a pic and tell a specific bloodline then I would like to hire your services to help me pick winning lottery numbers. You have a special talent.

10-18-2016, 04:23 AM
Maybe not so much an entire bloodline, but an individual dog. I had dogs off of Patrick's Kasai. He stamped every dog he ever threw. The only thing the female had in the deal was the color. He stamped his size, his shape, his structure, his ability and his mouth, and even his bark.

A guy bred to him and 'did not get puppies'. Brought the bitch back and 'did not get puppies'. It wa agreed it was the female and a third was bred and she had one puppy. Two years later we visited the yard and he had 10-12 that looked just like my dogs, acted retarded like my dogs and barked like my dogs.

I could look and listen and I knew they were off Kasai.

Could I come to your house and look at your dogs and identify the line? More than likely not. But if you bred to that Kasai dog I could pick them out just about with my eyes closed.

And I do wish that worked with lottery numbers.


That's a great point, EWO, and I totally agree with you. But maybe I missed where BA said he owned or was around Chinaman and Jeep to know which dog Ninja was actually off of. I thought he was just going by pictures, and that would certainly be a fine talent to have. And all I heard was the color of the coat and the shape of the dog's back. Maybe I missed some posts that were deleted? That happens a lot here.

10-18-2016, 05:25 AM
My best friend's Pops saw Jeep and Homer. Coming along he always swore Jeep died that night. He always believed the "Jeep" dog that produced all those dogs post-Homer was off a son. He had a number of them back then and said the pre-Homer Jeep dogs did not bite like the post-Homer Jeep bred dogs. Especially when bred back to the Honeybunch type dogs.

I was just a kid back then. A story I remember him telling.


I also was told something similar by an old fella who was there to see Jeep and he said up until he seen Jeep in his elder years that he thought it was true. He said if they were wise and good enough to find a surgeon to mark a dog on his grill the same way that Jeep was they were amazing but he said it was Jeep. His question was also how the dogs differed from the earlier ones so he believed it was possible that a son of Jeep was being used. He said the dogs just had that one Jeep trait and they could all produce good dogs but he thought that Jeep was actually being bred to better females after the Homer show. he said a lot of people then wanted to breed their good bitches to him and he said a lot more Rascal dogs were bred to him and then they started doubling up on Jeep and breeding him to more half sisters and that's when the jeep dogs really took off.

10-19-2016, 03:41 AM
I know a guy who visited garret made a couple of videos of jeep I have them here looks like it was jeep
reminds me of a story when garret send pups here of jeep
the guy who got the son called us all and we the whole fraternity in this area went to the airport with him
crate came out and it was the biggest 6 month pup we ever seen all white with red eyes ,long hair looked like a wolf

someone screamed he send us white fang