View Full Version : MASS EMAIL = Intrusive or Welcome News? <<<<<<<<<<<

Officially Retired
01-20-2012, 02:41 PM
Hello everyone, I would like you all to please participate in this poll to help me create a better resource for you all. The subject of this thread is whether you receiving MASS-EMAILS from me would be intrusive or welcome news (please read everything before you jump to conclusions!).

This Discussion Forum has a Mass-Email feature where I can email every single one of you at the same time. This has the potential to be a tremendously powerful tool for us all, but I realize it could also become a pain in the ass if all I did was spam everyone with bullshit ads. So let me state this is NOT what my intent is. I myself cannot stand being bombarded with useless email ads from companies trying to sell me something, and I am sure most of you feel the same way, and yet if someone takes the time to send me some useful information then I am happy to receive it!

I want to propose to you all the idea that I use this Mass-Email feature in a powerful, constructive way ... for instance, suppose there was a product recall on SportsMix dogfood ... because it was killing dogs ... and suppose you fed SportsMix but hadn't yet got the news. Say you haven't stopped by the site in a week, or even if you did stop by maybe you missed my post about it. This is where the power of one single, massive email warning could benefit a thousand dogmen (or ten thousand dogmen) INSTANTLY by this Mass-Email feature.

Consider the fact that, within one month, we already have 600 members here, and there's no telling how many members we will have in 10 months (or 10 years). Eventually, there will be so much going on that nobody will have the time to read every single post that's on this forum. Well, suppose when fellow members alert me of critical matters such as these, how many of you would WELCOME getting news like this instantly delivered to your email? How many of you would find this intrusive?

Or suppose some new drug comes out, or the dosage for a current drug changes, that is a widely-used, critical drug amongst dogmen ... how many of you think it would be valuable to the entire community here to receive an email INSTANTLY notifying you of these changes, as you might have overlooked a post buried in some thread that mentioned it?

It is my opinion that I can turn this Web Forum into an even more powerful, more beneficial tool than it already is by virtue of this Mass-Email feature it has, but I also know that some people don't like receiving anything from anybody. So this is where your opinions count: how many of you would LOVE to receive critical updates (no ads) and how many of you don't want to receive a thing?

It's all or nothing here. You either ALL get the updates emailed to you, or NONE of you gets the emails, because I cannot hand-pick through hundreds (and eventually thousands) of subscribers. Here is your chance to vote: would you all like this service or would you not?

Thank you sincerely for participating!



01-20-2012, 03:01 PM

01-20-2012, 03:33 PM
Sorry i was to stoned to read all, but if you want to send a mass email, that's your right. It's so easy now days to just put your email in the ignore list if don't like it.

The Boys
01-20-2012, 07:24 PM
Hi, are you talking about sending an e-mail where every member can see my private
E-mail address?

If that's the case, I would prefer that you wouldn't. Not so much that
I'm anti-social, just because I would not like to be bombarded by other
Persons ( not you Jack ) e-mailing me about dog stuff, or their latest greatest ideas, porn, etc.

I enjoy talking to my acquaintance 's face to face, because I'm an old
Fashion gent. So I voted against the mass e- mail notice.

Nothing against you or the site, thanks. The Boys

Officially Retired
01-20-2012, 07:54 PM

That is actually a good question, and the answer is absolutely not.

This will not be one of those massive string-list-type emails. It is not coming from my email account at all; it would be generated by The Forum, and it would look to you (and everyone) like a single email from me to you alone ... it would appear like a single email to everyone ... but it would go out to everyone.

And as for being personal, there is no way I would send out hundreds (thousands eventually!) of emails to folks on an individual basis :lol:

So this would be the best way: 1) your email identity would be protected and 2) you and everybody else could be sure to get vital information, immediately, and not miss it.


The Boys
01-20-2012, 09:35 PM
Thank you for clearing that up. It's a good idea Jack, keep up the good
Work. The Boys

Da District
01-21-2012, 02:24 AM
Great idea! I'm all in

Officially Retired
01-21-2012, 04:56 AM
So far, it is an overwhelming 16 (yes, I want the email) to 2 (no, I find it intrusive) poll result.

To reiterate, no, your email addys will not be visible to other members, and no, I will not be emailing you "ads" or any kind of nonsense like that.

What I would like to do, is be able to email everyone vital news, when it comes up, that could save a dog life or make a positive difference to everybody ... but I do need a vast majority approval to do so, because I don't want to piss people off, what I want to do is implement a valuable service that could really become a powerful community tool.

