View Full Version : Garrett's Jeep's Death after the Homer show down.

10-24-2016, 07:02 PM
Was this past week talking with one of the ex retired dog persons of the Pee Dee kennels fame. This person was telling me about the various crosses they had made with their Nitro dog and other Red Boy crosses etc. They used some of the Garner's Chinaman along with the Truett's Prince dog as well.

Something came up about the Jeep x Red Boy crosses that Garrett had made overtime. I made mentioned of reading a article some where that Garrett's Jeep had died after the Jeep x Homer dog show. That the article had said it was a son of Jeep used to make all those future breeding's.

This person's reply was that the Jeep dog did survive that dog show with Homer. At a later date This ex member of the Pee Dee Kennels personally saw the Jeep dog on Marlowe's dog yard. Was there to be bred to some of Marlowe's choice brood bitches. Cheers

10-25-2016, 04:04 AM
I have no facts in either direction. HC was good friends of Marlowe's and had some of those really early Red Boy dogs via her and Bass. When they started making those Jeep Red Boy crosses he always told us that was not Jeep at Katie's and he said later on he was glad for it. He always said his post-Homer dogs could bite much better.

Goes into the folk lore of the dogs. At this point it does not really matter.


10-26-2016, 03:02 AM
@EWO , you're right I doesn't think it matters .
I read an interesting lengthy article the other day , it was about cloning basically it came down to the fact that there is no progress in cloning because due to evolution the next generation is actually a better version
in regards to dogs for example every couple of generation whippets get faster if you would have saved sperm from 15 years ago you would probably have a 23 second dog , the dogs these days run in the 20's
ofcourse it is not all genetics but also better food etc but it does make you think

10-26-2016, 05:01 PM
That is interesting.

I would like to read that. A link?


@EWO , you're right I doesn't think it matters .
I read an interesting lengthy article the other day , it was about cloning basically it came down to the fact that there is no progress in cloning because due to evolution the next generation is actually a better version
in regards to dogs for example every couple of generation whippets get faster if you would have saved sperm from 15 years ago you would probably have a 23 second dog , the dogs these days run in the 20's
ofcourse it is not all genetics but also better food etc but it does make you think

10-27-2016, 07:03 AM
and of course I cannot find the specific article
on top of my head reproductive cloning would give you the same dog , and for some reasons so far its been that most cloned embryos cannot develop into healthy beings
serious health effects: premature aging, short life span, increase in birth size, defects with immune system, defects in essential organs- liver, brain, and heart
that is as far as cloning
but also the study pointed out that actually using sperm etc would send us back in time , smart people from 3 generations back would be stupid today
due to the fact we create 3 generations in man very 100 years in dogs every 10 years it actually makes no sense to save sperm and or people cause every 3 generations the dogs and or human would bested out by the current animals or humans

some of my old friends in the dogs ben van hooten and peter parker have come to the same conclusion
ben van hooten has gone into whippets and whippet sperm from 10 to 15 years ago you wouldn't be able to give it away for free cause those dogs ran 23 to 24 now they run 20's
peter parker had sperm save from assassin and his son heckler , those he bred down naturally trough generation are far better than when he uses frozen sperm and he was one of the first to use it
I myself have frozen sperm of dogs from some years ago (some even 20 years old )

would love to hear your opinion
hence especially in a breed like whippets or greyhounds its easier to see progress than in our line of hobby
but check times call a few racers , none of them would be interested in sperm from dogs 20 years ago they would laugh in your face

whats your thought , feel free to continue in PM
cant believe I am talking breeding anyway LOL

11-06-2016, 10:54 AM
Was this past week talking with one of the ex retired dog persons of the Pee Dee kennels fame. This person was telling me about the various crosses they had made with their Nitro dog and other Red Boy crosses etc. They used some of the Garner's Chinaman along with the Truett's Prince dog as well.

Something came up about the Jeep x Red Boy crosses that Garrett had made overtime. I made mentioned of reading a article some where that Garrett's Jeep had died after the Jeep x Homer dog show. That the article had said it was a son of Jeep used to make all those future breeding's.

This person's reply was that the Jeep dog did survive that dog show with Homer. At a later date This ex member of the Pee Dee Kennels personally saw the Jeep dog on Marlowe's dog yard. Was there to be bred to some of Marlowe's choice brood bitches. Cheers

We were buying dogs from Garrett at that time and he sent 2 pics of Jeep taken after the Homer show



11-20-2016, 12:14 PM
Jeep survived, Mr Ozzie stated he believed jeep lived

11-21-2016, 05:43 AM
Jeep survived, Mr Ozzie stated he believed jeep lived

When the hate don't work folks start telling lies lol. I mean not like he couldn't of survived because he was so far gone or some BS. If Ickis was dead and brought back to life 2x and Buck survived etc why couldn't he? Also a friend of mine bred to Jeep as well as to one of his son's that was in deep south. he said unless James G was smart and crazy enough to get facial surgery to mirror Jeep's muzzle folks who seen him know it was Jeep

11-22-2016, 10:26 AM
From the perspective I was told they were happier with the post-Homer Jeep dogs than the pre-Homer. The guy that turned me onto him bred to him both ways. He had some of the first dog off Jeep to Katie Marlowe's dogs. He simply said Jeep dogs were not biting prior to his last match. The the next few breedings he was getting real biters. Bred to some of the same females/same type females. When he bred his Honeybunch males to his Red Boy females he got the same mouth he was seeing to the post-Homer Jeep bred dogs.

And with all that said, it is an opinion someone formed what seems like a hundred years ago, worth less than two squirts of piss.

He had dogs out of Bass' Cat as well as Bass' Cleo. Both game but one could bite a little and the other could not bite a lick. The first ones to Jeep could bite a little more. After Homer they all took a leap in the mouth department.

For me it is nothing more than interesting conversation. Either this way....or that way... or even another way.....all the same.