View Full Version : Scratch and go kennels

Stronghand Luke
11-18-2016, 09:18 PM
So I joined this site because I found this guy in the gazette and his pedigree linked me back here.so here I am trolling the site waiting on a pup.now I was very specific about what I wanted we made an agreement on a specific breeding Mac and juju to be exact u can check it on his website this breeding did take and all pups where sold,his words not mine.i want a rednose female, I send him $500 after making him send me a contract and many text and phone calls.there wasn't what I wanted available.so I ask him to send my deposit back like he said he would and this has been months now all I get is excuses of bro I ain't got it I had to build new kennels and all this bad luck he has had.but then he brags about selling all the pups. I'm sure there are some scratch and go fethers I'm gonna ruffle but I have gave this guy months to do right and he hasn't I have all the text and emails save I will send to the moderator for proof that this is how this went down but Some of this has my actual name on which I'm not using his and I don't expect mine to be seen on an Forum. I ain't tryin to start shit but this dude has ripped me off pain and simple and I was tryin to get my money back to buy a dog but this boy I guess needs that $500 so bad He gonna steal it from me.

11-19-2016, 06:20 AM
Sucks when this happens.

It happens in all buying/selling endeavors. Other breeds as well.

Any time money is involved there is always someone willing to bend, stretch and break rules.

It is a buyer's beware market and when dealing with a fraternity that the number one objective requires breaking the law, it should not be so surprising when it happens.

Never happened to me in the bulldogs as I have never bought or paid for anything up front or sight unseen. I miss out on a lot but it keeps my money close.

I did let myself get ripped off on a Fila Brasileiro once to the tune of $1500 so I know how you feel. I hope it works out for you and maybe you and he can get straight.

Best of luck.


11-19-2016, 08:20 AM
Any time money is involved there is always someone willing to bend, stretch and break rules.

Well said.

The greed of money makes people do stupid things.
No need to dig out examples, it happens all the time everywhere.

Sorry to hear you lost your money Luke.
Next time I will make a breeding I will give you a pup, but you have to come and get it.

11-19-2016, 08:51 AM
I'm definitely not taking sides as I am only a message sender. I sent a message to a friend who is also friends with Scratch n Go and it sounds to me like all you wanted was a 'red nose'. I don't know if there were any 'red noses' or not but why not just take a pup with a different colored nose? I could be wrong so don't shoot the messenger but I'm pretty sure your pup is still there, it just may not have a red nose. Personally, I don't care what color a dog's nose is. If that is the only reason you want your money back then , well, IMO it's not a good reason. But it's your money and if you HAVE to have a red nose dog, then that's your choice. Good luck.

11-19-2016, 09:09 AM
I'm definitely not taking sides as I am only a message sender. I sent a message to a friend who is also friends with Scratch n Go and it sounds to me like all you wanted was a 'red nose'. I don't know if there were any 'red noses' or not but why not just take a pup with a different colored nose? I could be wrong so don't shoot the messenger but I'm pretty sure your pup is still there, it just may not have a red nose. Personally, I don't care what color a dog's nose is. If that is the only reason you want your money back then , well, IMO it's not a good reason. But it's your money and if you HAVE to have a red nose dog, then that's your choice. Good luck.

You don't know what kind of contract they had or what kind of deal for that matter! So your opinion on if it's a good reason or not to get his money back doesn't matter. This is a matter between him and scratch and go and up to them to sort and work out.

11-19-2016, 09:19 AM
I have never bought or paid for anything up front or sight unseen.


This Right Here. I don't know how many times I've said this over the years, but if you do NOT know the person personally, as in have some type of relationship with them, you should NEVER send your money to anyone. DRIVE, pay your money, and get your shit.

11-19-2016, 09:34 AM
You don't know what kind of contract they had or what kind of deal for that matter! So your opinion on if it's a good reason or not to get his money back doesn't matter. This is a matter between him and scratch and go and up to them to sort and work out.

And your comment means as much as my opinion. =Worthless.

11-20-2016, 03:08 PM
I've missed out a number of times because I could not get all the things lined up and would not send money to someone I did not know. It is part of the deal.

The closest thing is I built a mill once and traded it for a puppy that was on the way. 10-12 years ago and he is still on the way. LOL

It happens. In the dogs you will meet some of the nicest, most respectful, completely honest people in the world and the very next one you meet, not so much.

Hopefully the situation gets worked out between the two parties. Best of luck.


This Right Here. I don't know how many times I've said this over the years, but if you do NOT know the person personally, as in have some type of relationship with them, you should NEVER send your money to anyone. DRIVE, pay your money, and get your shit.

Stronghand Luke
11-20-2016, 04:03 PM
It sounds like where on the right track to getting this squared away and on the rednose thing.never mind I ain't even addressing that.sometimes you gotta use leverage and this is all I had.so anyway I made it public so it's only right that I make it clear it appears I was wrong and if plans go thru he is a stand up guy .i will update with a pic of the pup.

Stronghand Luke
11-20-2016, 04:39 PM
Read the post first off Rainman that's a very generous offer I do not disagree with anyone about sending money to people you do not know but no risk no reward until I found this website The gazzette was my only resource. I'm doing this for my old man he had few of game dogs.got cat scratch fever after being fanged about killing him mom made him get rid of the dogs that's was early 90s .maybe even late 80 he had some dogs out of art and local boys name the testers that I think he said was Eli dogs I'm not 100pecrent we have talk dogs so much.

11-21-2016, 07:46 AM
Always best to breed your own and only deal with people you know.

11-21-2016, 08:52 AM
Luke glad to see you guys are working it out. Sometimes a little communication is all you need!

Stronghand Luke
11-30-2016, 05:38 PM
I got a pup.lesson learned