View Full Version : Feed twice a day during keep

01-21-2012, 08:21 AM
Has anyone heard of feeding a twice a day during a keep? If so can you elaborate or explain reasons for not doing so?

01-21-2012, 08:39 AM
i would like to hear a good reason to do so instead.

you train at the time of a show and feed afterwards.

01-21-2012, 08:46 AM
Yes, I understand that aspect of it. However it is possible to absorb more nutrients in small amounts. Your timing would have to be right also as undigested feed can lead to complications.

01-23-2012, 03:27 PM
If u work twice a day then u feed twice a day. For instance our morning work is simple not to physical n they get a light feeding n the evening they get on the grind n get another feeding only this time it's much more of a feeding

Officially Retired
01-23-2012, 05:31 PM
I don't recommend feeding solid food twice daily, as it is hard to get a dog empty if you do.

However, my keep does have a "morning meal" which consists of 1 cup Pedialyte, with Bee Pollen and other supplements, including oils. Bee Pollen is a complete food and amino acid profile, but it is powdered and easily-assimilated by the evening workout.

The evening meal is the solid meal, given after the workout.



01-24-2012, 05:24 AM

and feeding natural food in keep no is a problem with the water inside, no is posible to known the % of water in natural food??? what you think?


01-24-2012, 07:25 AM
around 60 %

01-24-2012, 08:02 AM
O"Stevens keep consisted of 2 workouts a day. And he fed once a day after the 2nd workout! :?

04-18-2013, 08:49 AM
Jack's morning liquid meal is a great tool. Electrolytes or water / Bee Pollen / Fat Bonbon/ Brewer's yeast/Oils. It will help any dog to keep working hard and to avoid any dehydration. The solid meal is given at show time when the dog has cooled down after his workout. I do believe that a dog has to work with an empty belly but with fuel in the tank nevertheless

01-10-2014, 01:52 PM
If I plan on working a dog I give bee pollen, oil, fruits and veggies a few hours before the work out. I've seen a big difference in the energy level.

01-10-2014, 09:07 PM
I am giving some info that was told to me many years ago by my Veterinarian. New and more up to date info could be more correct today. I was told a dog could clear the water or fluids from and via it's kidneys in six hours after drinking.

So we took the water away from a dog at the 24 hour mark before weigh in, and let the dog drink water or broth at the 12 hour mark and the six hour mark before weigh in time. Dog was allowed to drink till it lifted it's head. No fluids past the 6 hour mark. J. Crenshaw said he gave fluids up to the three hour mark before weigh in.

On the feeding twice a day, never gave any solid food in the AM work out. The AM workout for me was a 2 1/2 mile walk out and back in. Was mostly to break boredom, bonding time with the dog, to keep the dog limber and work soreness out of the muscles. Gives the dog time to empty out his kidneys numerous times.

I gave a fluid drink similar to what Jack mentions, the fluid was not all water but strong Chicken or Beef broth in cold weather and a weaker broth in the hot weather season. Depending on the dog's weight, size, how wet it appeared to be and time of year could be 8 oz. to 16 oz. of fluid. Always at least 12 hours before the hard work out and the main solid feed.

Feeding a dog two solid meals a day in the type climate I live in may not work out so well. May be to hard to keep dog on weight or get a true weight. In much colder weather and higher altitudes two solid feedings a day may be necessary.

The feeding in Desert type weather is probably different even the best time to feed the dog and work the dog. JMHO am no expert. Cheers

01-11-2014, 05:07 AM
I feed twice daily app. 12 hours apart. If it is a morning show I work the dog, rub down and feed a mostly liquid meal with all the supplements I am trying to get him in that thirty minute window. I use the pre-feeding weight, then weigh him again and feed him a 'weight management' meal app. 12 hours before the next morning's work. On a night show I just flip flop the above. This keeps me dialed in on the weight number I am looking for throughout the keep.

So for me it is not two full course meals per day. The amount of the weight management meal amount varies depending upon metabolism, amount of work, daily weight loss, etc..etc...

I guess in a way it is feeding twice per day just not two full course meals per day. EWO