03-05-2017, 11:33 AM
Little over two years. High strunged, she's very athletic and has excellent prey drive. Winter fat right now at 50lbs. Mid to low 40's if tone down. Great with people and kids. I have videos of her working the hide and treadmill. She's also great trotting along on a bike. Comes in heat regularity. Never been bred.
:idea::idea: Please post a link to a pedigree that is in The Pibull Bible Database. If you need help building a pedigree in this database PM me for assistance.
pm if interested in this bitch.
:idea::idea: Please post a link to a pedigree that is in The Pibull Bible Database. If you need help building a pedigree in this database PM me for assistance.
pm if interested in this bitch.