View Full Version : The Evolution Of The Pit Bull Bible

03-21-2017, 10:38 AM
Doing my usual pedigree fixes I ran across a fully entered Patterdale breeding. (Currently this is prohibited, so don't get any ideas!)


And this lil guy is a 4xw also, not sure why they listed it that way but ok. Anyhow it got Brickface and myself pondering the idea of opening the database to ALL game bred breeds of dogs. A "Gamedog Bible" if you will.

It is my thought that all owners of game, hunting and working dogs should be in alliance with one another. I realize we're highly misunderstood as Bulldog folks, but the trend has changed in recent times with how easily accessible the dogs are through the Internet (mainly FB). While it has it's negative effects, there are positives also. Lots of folks like Bulldog sports, and more so now than ever they aren't afraid to admit it.

I remember watching cage fighting when it was highly frowned upon and almost illegal on TV, that's laughable nowadays. The dogs could eventually be at that point. I'm not sure how I'd feel about that as I like the very private aspect of the dogs more.

Back on topic, how do you guys feel about opening up the database? There would need to be a completely seperate system for each breed as not to get things mixed up and confused, but I think it's doable. I know lots of Bulldog folks who've switched over to the Patts.

Let's hear some thoughts...


03-21-2017, 02:06 PM
Im all for opening the Database to other breeds, but not the forum. I would make a mirrored, separate database for the other breeds and crosses with no traditional titles for bulldogs, except for fun show, weight pulls, ect. (ie. no CH, GRCH, POR, ROM, 1xw, titles for bulldogs in the mirrored database). I wouldnt separate the working breeds as they do a lot of cross breedings. But I've owned terriers, hounds, and Curs and always wanted a database to put the peds in.

03-21-2017, 04:36 PM
When there is a need for privacy and things go public it is a Pandora's Box.

I think it is a great idea but with reservations. The I look at what I type and as deceiving as I try to be it is clearly evident as to what I am talking about.

Inviting other breeds in makes me pause but I see the point.

I am sure they will appreciate the database as much as the next guy. It sounds good.

Since the databse is as nice as it is, the best of its kind, I have often wondered why it does not lead to a registry. Increase the yearly amount for a kennel registry or a pay as you register. A unregistered pedigree would printable in one format and the 'registered pedigree' would be in another format.

Always wondered?


03-21-2017, 05:51 PM
Im all for opening the Database to other breeds, but not the forum. I would make a mirrored, separate database for the other breeds and crosses with no traditional titles for bulldogs, except for fun show, weight pulls, ect. (ie. no CH, GRCH, POR, ROM, 1xw, titles for bulldogs in the mirrored database). I wouldnt separate the working breeds as they do a lot of cross breedings. But I've owned terriers, hounds, and Curs and always wanted a database to put the peds in.
I hear ya. I can easily make this forum accessible by password only!

03-22-2017, 04:24 AM
I recall MBFS software had the same idea years ago
basically its a cloud based service

03-23-2017, 01:35 PM
I hear ya. I can easily make this forum accessible by password only!

I dont think just making it accessible by password is good enough. While I would be all for the unification of a Game Dog Database I don't think it would be the best thing for game bred pitbull owners. Yes they are all game dog enthusiast but the sports of most of the others are legal sports. And yes anyone can join now but you have to specifically looking for game bred pit bulls to find this site. I wouldnt want someone who loves duck hunting with his or her lab to stumble on this "Game Dog Database" and spew their hatred for pit bulls and this sport.

03-23-2017, 03:01 PM
I dont think just making it accessible by password is good enough. While I would be all for the unification of a Game Dog Database I don't think it would be the best thing for game bred pitbull owners. Yes they are all game dog enthusiast but the sports of most of the others are legal sports. And yes anyone can join now but you have to specifically looking for game bred pit bulls to find this site. I wouldnt want someone who loves duck hunting with his or her lab to stumble on this "Game Dog Database" and spew their hatred for pit bulls and this sport.
The census among well know patterdale folks is they want nothing to do with or have ANY association what so ever with the APBT. So this site stays as is.

03-23-2017, 04:55 PM
I think that's a wise decision Brickface, as cool as it would be to have Patts here the risks aren't worth the rewards. Apeman, EWO and Gotap_d made very good arguments and I agree wholeheartedly.