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If you could travel back in time and sit pit side, which match would you want to see?
There are so many I'd love to see, but if given one choice I'd pick Burton's (Mayfiled's) Pit General. An extraordinary animal in the accounts I've heard, and to rub elbows with those in attendance, it'd be a high I'd never come down from.
04-29-2017, 11:34 PM
Since I'm relatively new, on top of my head.
One of Robert T's matches
One of Melonhead's matches
One of Tornado's matches
Jeep vs Homer
Titere vs Balboa
Buck vs Sandman
04-30-2017, 05:30 AM
If you could travel back in time and sit pit side, which match would you want to see?
There are so many I'd love to see, but if given one choice I'd pick Burton's (Mayfiled's) Pit General. An extraordinary animal in the accounts I've heard, and to rub elbows with those in attendance, it'd be a high I'd never come down from.
That's an outstanding choice S_B! I often wonder just how much some of the stories we hear have been embellished? Either way there is no doubt he was a super animal.
My pick would be to see Bullyson and Benny bob, that's a classic that I'd like to see both animals work. Not to meantion, I'd use the opportunity to stand around and listen to all the legends in attendance tell stories. Priceless!
I often wondered that too. Did those great matches get greater and greater with time? Did the nostalgia embellish the accounts?
I'm going with they were that great and go with the stories as they were told. If I went back in time I may get my feelings hurt, LOL.
I would have to go with the Molly Bee matches. Decimation and destruction.
That's an outstanding choice S_B! I often wonder just how much some of the stories we hear have been embellished? Either way there is no doubt he was a super animal.
My pick would be to see Bullyson and Benny bob, that's a classic that I'd like to see both animals work. Not to meantion, I'd use the opportunity to stand around and listen to all the legends in attendance tell stories. Priceless!
You know a lot of matches got greater with time, but I'm sure just as many were never promoted as much but should have been. So many great dogs I'd love to have seen... Molly Bee would have been one, she's not as known where I'm from but she sounds like a rare one for sure!
05-02-2017, 06:27 PM
For sure I would want to see Jimmy Boots vs. Benny Bob and if that wasn't possible I would also choose Zebo vs. Greaser. Lots of others stand out as well, but definitely those two.