View Full Version : need help asap

4th qtr kennels
01-22-2012, 04:21 PM
I have a bitch who is about 6 yrs old I picked her up about 4 months ago and she was a lil sickly when I got her had a belly but had ribs and spine showing when I got her home when she dedicated it had a little blood in it and some times was soft and wet I had her on 1000 mg of amoxicillin for 21 days she still never picked up any wet but was more energetic and her stool tightened up yesterday wen I fed her she seemed a little weak so I put her in a crate in the house when I went to feed her today she was wobbeling and couldn't stand she is extremely dehydrated so I gave her iv sub q 1000 mg of amoxicillin and pedialite honey and pepto for her to drink she started off trying to eat and then quit wat could this be and wat should I do

01-22-2012, 04:42 PM
I would probably get bloodwork done first thing tomorrow. Have them run a tox panel on her... Hope it gets figured out.

01-22-2012, 05:30 PM
She needs to see a vet asap. When you picked her up, she most likely had a bad case of whips or coccidia, left untreated, both of these can be fatal conditions eventually. I would get a fecal tested immediately and rule that out before you go jumping to blood work and other screening procedures. She'll still likely need an IV and concentrated treatment, but I'd for whips/coccidia before dumping loads of money into your vets hands.

01-22-2012, 08:15 PM
I bet you that dog has worms, deworm the dog and see if that works.

Officially Retired
01-23-2012, 03:47 AM
I have a bitch who is about 6 yrs old I picked her up about 4 months ago and she was a lil sickly when I got her had a belly but had ribs and spine showing when I got her home when she dedicated it had a little blood in it and some times was soft and wet I had her on 1000 mg of amoxicillin for 21 days she still never picked up any wet but was more energetic and her stool tightened up yesterday wen I fed her she seemed a little weak so I put her in a crate in the house when I went to feed her today she was wobbeling and couldn't stand she is extremely dehydrated so I gave her iv sub q 1000 mg of amoxicillin and pedialite honey and pepto for her to drink she started off trying to eat and then quit wat could this be and wat should I do

The first thing you should do with any newly-acquired animal is bring it into the vet for some basic bloodwork and a heartworm screen. That is just Basic Ownership Responsibility 101.

You giving her 1000mg of amoxicillin is just ignorance. Amoxicillin is not a wonder drug; it has specific purposes and it is dosed at 5 mg/lb twice daily. By you giving 1000 mg of this drug, you gave her enough for a 200 lb dog, and you gave it for 3x longer than what it is usually given. So you need to get a little professionalism in your game, and not just sling drugs around without a clue what you're doing.

As far as "what you should do," you should have taken her to a vet already because you clearly are not qualified to make good judgement calls. The only time "home remedies" are good is when a person KNOWS what they're doing, not when a person has no clue whatsoever what they're doing. So you're being extremely irresponsible at this point, and your bitch is suffering because of it.

As for "what is wrong" with her, I agree it is most likely a bad case of worms (rounds/hooks/whips), but it could be worse than that. I would worm the bejesus out of that bitch, not be giving her an antibiotic that does nothing relative to her condition, but I would also be taking her to a vet for a blood profile and to have her lymph nodes felt up.

A distended belly like that could be a sign of worms, but it is also a sign of pancreatic cancer, which is fairly common in older kibble-fed dogs, especially rednose bitches. That is how Trinx came to me at 5 years of age, her gut bloated like a gourd, and her problem was pancreatic and liver cancer, not worms. That doesn't mean your bitch has cancer also, in your case it just may mean she's got a bad case of worms because no one who's had her knows how to dose for worms properly (and 99% of dog men do NOT know how to dose for worms properly), but the possibility of cancer should be explored because it usually starts hitting poorly-fed dogs around the ages of 5-8.

Good luck, and it's time for you to start educating yourself on meds, and not just be slinging them around without any idea what you're doing. Depending on the meds, that kind of irresponsible usage could have catastrophic effects. So, as a recap:

1) use pyrantel @ 50mg/ml dosed at 1 ml/5 lb of weight (double-dose), twice daily, for 3 days (kills rounds/hooks)
2) use panacur @ 10% do dosed at 1 ml/4 lb of weight, twice daily, for 3 days (kills rounds/hooks, whips).
3) take her to a vet for bloodwork, and a heartworm test, before treating her for heartworm;
4) have her lymph nodes palpated and screen her for cancer

Good luck,

