View Full Version : security

01-22-2012, 05:32 PM
What are the best / your ways to make sure you're dogs are safe from dog nappers. This is a problem every o ne with high class bull dogs. Tips best dvr system to use. I know none of this beats nobody simply knowing were you lay you head.
Please any help. Thanks in advance!

01-22-2012, 05:51 PM
Locked n loaded all day everyday!!! Try me, I double dog dare ya....


And It's best to keep your high class stock secret if ya know what I mean. But there is no fool proof plan to keeping people out your yard. The best way is honestly to not tell people you have dogs period. JMO

01-22-2012, 06:06 PM
Lol yeah i can dig it. If they had their own set of ears would be fantastic. But sadly they don't so i will just hafe to continue to get joy from putting sumin hot in there ass for tryin :twisted: g.

01-22-2012, 06:30 PM
I did see some where that someone made some really nice collars with locks to help prevent theft. Not sure where I saw it posted, maybe someone here may know. It was a whole chain setup with collar and lock.

The Boys
01-22-2012, 06:41 PM

What is that? A Mossberg 930--and a s&w mp pistol.

I like Benelli's ( M2 ) and Glocks. How's the Reliability on the Mossberg?

The Boys

01-22-2012, 07:00 PM
Yes, your are correct. The 930 spx is a monster, 2009 shotgun of the year. I personally put over 2,000 rnds threw mine with not one problem to date. M&P is great too, although I do like glock, I shoot better with M&P and I don't get the forearm fatigue from the steep angle of the glock handle. JMO

01-22-2012, 07:01 PM
I did see some where that someone made some really nice collars with locks to help prevent theft. Not sure where I saw it posted, maybe someone here may know. It was a whole chain setup with collar and lock.
Well if anyone knows please let me know so im not sharing showers in the pen for some idiots thanks

The Boys
01-22-2012, 07:24 PM
Nice, I have to try one of those SPX. I have been thinking about the m&p
Pistols also. The Glocks are very nice also, heard a lot of people are changing over tho. I have a couple of h&k's.

Getting back on topic, get some security cameras, or someone to watch
The house, as well as some form of protection.
The Boys

01-22-2012, 10:22 PM
Thanks for the help guys.

Officially Retired
01-23-2012, 04:53 AM
I wouldn't use a shotgun on a guy running off with your dogs, as you're liable to kill your dog too. Same thing with a Glock.

Unless you catch them before they have a dog in-hand, shooting at a man with a dog with either gun is as likely to kill the dog as much as the man.

The smartest way to avoid dog theft is 1) live in a good, rural area not a lousy rural area, 2) make sure no one can see your dogs from any angle, and 3) never show anyone where your dogs are.

The reality is no security camera is going to stop a theft, it will just record it, and the rest is fantasy and watching too much TV.



01-23-2012, 05:45 AM
I did see some where that someone made some really nice collars with locks to help prevent theft. Not sure where I saw it posted, maybe someone here may know. It was a whole chain setup with collar and lock.
Well if anyone knows please let me know so im not sharing showers in the pen for some idiots thanks

I know someone who lost two dogs with lock collars. All they did was cut the collars where only the nylon was showing.

Officially Retired
01-23-2012, 05:52 AM
I know someone who lost to dogs with lock collars. All they did was cut the collars where only the nylon was showing.

They can also just pull-up the axles and take the dog, collar, and chain.


01-23-2012, 05:54 AM
i guess the next best thing would be to have aggressive dogs. So bad they arent worth the risk of taking.

01-23-2012, 02:19 PM
A sketchy female German Shepard from the newspaper and a very private yard.

01-23-2012, 02:20 PM
i guess the next best thing would be to have aggressive dogs. So bad they arent worth the risk of taking.

never, i like your first solution best

01-23-2012, 08:21 PM
I have a design for a locking dog collar that actually works... Now i jus need someone to make it for me lol

01-23-2012, 08:35 PM
I have cameras on my dogs. the neighbor on my left has 4 or 5 great danes as guard dogs and they are damn good at what they do. The neighbor on my right is a former police chief and has been awesome on keeping an eye on my dogs, and not in a bad way, the last time we had a bad storm that put trees through peoples houses he was shining a light on my dogs making sure they were ok and has even got out with me in the yard. And the neighbor on the other side of the woods behind us is a current county cop. Needless to say we don't have a problem with people stealing things or dogs in our neighborhood. All of out neighbors know who is and who isn't supposed to be here or in the neighborhood. It does suck being surrounded by current and former cops but at least I know my property is safe for now.

01-23-2012, 10:43 PM
This is my method that I use.... -- All you need is a regular collar and then add an o ring to it. And get a lock and connect the lock to the o ring and the collar ring and the person wont be able to take the collar off. But still all a person needs is a chain or lock cutter , but my method can stop some random scum bag dog thief without any supplies on him to cut a chain or lock....

but if you are really worried you could try getting a camera in the front of your house and back if your really worried. and also if you can get it setup so that it gets a good view from the street to get a license plate but it will cost some decent money...

01-24-2012, 01:39 AM
Just like Jack said, live in a good area or a rural .

Or live in a area with a whole bunch of old folks, because they are always home and are 24-7 windows peepers. ( I love them)

Another option would be put a chip in your dogs, and also secure your pens, although if a theif really wants your dogs they will get them but this is were the old folks come in, it will take alot of effort to steal my hounds, and if my dogs don't bite the crap out of you then by the time you steal them the old folks have already called the boys in blue.

Officially Retired
01-24-2012, 02:51 AM
That is actually a really great idea--a microchip.

01-24-2012, 03:38 AM
what you want to do with a micro chip?

its not like they can be traced

Officially Retired
01-24-2012, 03:46 AM
I thought the whole point of them was that they could be traced.

01-24-2012, 04:08 AM
I thought the whole point of them was that they could be traced.

no, well here they can only be scanned by a vet or animal police with a device which need to held directly above the chip. its useful when a lost dog is brought to shelter for example, easy for them to read the chip and find the owners cell, or to identify it with a pedigree or something. tracable chips would be allot more expensive

Officially Retired
01-24-2012, 04:21 AM
I see, so they only work if the dog is actually in-hand.

I have never used one before (except when I had to for foreign shipments), but would think that an "advanced" microchip (that could be traced) would be a great means of security ... and then maybe the Glock would come in handy to get any stolen dog back ;)

01-24-2012, 04:39 AM
just called my vet to be sure and he said there aint, but if anyone knows about distance traceable chips id be glad to hear.

Officially Retired
01-24-2012, 04:41 AM
Sounds like a good business opportunity for an enterprising dogman ... maybe I will have to see about doing one of these too :lol:

01-24-2012, 06:36 AM
it would be big money i tell you, and i think its strange if it doesn't exist already
not only to trace stolen dogs but also lost dogs from all kind of breeds. how often does it happen to people to find their dog dead days or weeks after they lost it in the woods or where ever. now they'd call you jack and you'd be driving across the state with an antenna on a jeep tracking these dogs within a day.

01-24-2012, 06:54 AM
R.F.I.D. chips

01-24-2012, 07:42 AM
R.F.I.D. chips

for all i know, all dogchips are rfid

more info? i never heard of someone who tracked a dog by chip

01-24-2012, 07:51 AM
There are no microchips on the market today which are traceable. It's basically designed so that if you lose your pet, and it's picked up by animal control, or a good samaritan, they can scan the dog and have all of the owner's information readily at hand. There are a lot of glitches with that system, too, though, in that a lot of people have their dogs microchipped, and then fail to register the microchip, also certain brands of chips can only be read by certain brands of scanners, and no vet's office or animal control keeps all of them in stock, so even if you chip and register your dog, there's still a chance the scanner being used won't pick up the information. Not to mention, if you chip your dog, someone comes along and steals it and then skull drags it or does something else horrible to it, then leaves it on the side of the road, do you really want to get that phone call? If the dog had ANY old scars, you'd be hardpressed to convince someone that your dog was stolen and THEN beat to hell and back.

They DO make collars that can be tracked, bird dog and coondog folks use them, they're just incredibly expensive for a set and I think they only work within a certain radius....

01-24-2012, 08:03 AM
listen to what the reporter says...wherever they go.so u guys think that it can't be tracked?.....http://youtu.be/yNPDgudPmXE this is big biz....people need to wake up

01-24-2012, 08:38 AM
turk?????that owned the gyp deez????if so pm me homie .

01-24-2012, 10:44 AM
All of the formentioned sugestions are good. I personaly like cameras ,and the most important (Gaurd/sentry) dogs. Do some research of different breeds kennels that have them available. Some things to consider when looking, non dog agressive breeds,live stock freindly, and what you are willing to pay for a well traind sentry dog? I have two they work in pairs best. A great sentry dog will have good control, a food refusal , no dog agression , size (man stoping power) and should only be handeld by imediate family. Good luck.

01-24-2012, 12:35 PM
I agree with Jack. The infra Red security Cameras are a good deterrent. However, the best thing to do is not let anyone know where you live, and GET ALONG WITH YOUR NEIGHBORS. In the morning, when you take out your trash, take theirs out too. If you get home before they do, bring the trash cans back in. Buy them a nice bottle of scotch when you get your bonus. Your neighbors can be your best friends or your worst enemies. You really have to cultivate that relationship. Magnum 10X 10 Kennels with locks also are a good deterrent

01-24-2012, 12:39 PM
All of the formentioned sugestions are good. I personaly like cameras ,and the most important (Gaurd/sentry) dogs. Do some research of different breeds kennels that have them available. Some things to consider when looking, non dog agressive breeds,live stock freindly, and what you are willing to pay for a well traind sentry dog? I have two they work in pairs best. A great sentry dog will have good control, a food refusal , no dog agression , size (man stoping power) and should only be handeld by imediate family. Good luck.

Fila Brasileiros. I want two :D

01-28-2012, 06:35 PM
A good non pit bull fenced away from the reall dogs yet surrounding them. I am working on getting a Scott line American bulldog just for that reason.
Kinda like a double yard

01-30-2012, 09:02 AM
This is a good topic and something I have always prided myself on. Currently we have an American Bulldog, and a couple of Belgian Mals that run our property, and do a great job of keeping any unwanted visitors away from our land. Luckily, the few neighbors that are around, are good folks. The key is to raise the the AB and the Mals to be dog friendly, that way they can run in the same area as the bulldogs. They were raised since puppies to NOT be dog aggressive to anyone within the pack; this way the dogs and houses are protected. They will still run any strays off, but are very comfortable around our chained bulldogs.

02-01-2012, 04:07 AM
listen to what the reporter says...wherever they go.so u guys think that it can't be tracked?.....http://youtu.be/yNPDgudPmXE this is big biz....people need to wake up

tracked where ever they go indeed. but they mean they can read where ever they are just like the regular chips we inject in our dogs. it's not like they chip them in case a cow escapes.

iv done some extra research but injectable microchips for animal do not exist yet. most important reason why is that they can not be powered for a long time. you can though buy gps chips to attach to their collars. for example check out the garmin gtu 10, but a thief has to be dumb for real to leave that on his neck.
you should be able to install a safety zone so youll be allerted on your phone when it leaves its chainspot. but you might aswell install sensors on your yard then. they're not that expensive, you'll be alerted on your phone when someones trespasses and its "animal proof" ( won't go off when a cat or bird passes)

02-01-2012, 05:10 AM
listen to what the reporter says...wherever they go.so u guys think that it can't be tracked?.....http://youtu.be/yNPDgudPmXE this is big biz....people need to wake up

tracked where ever they go indeed. but they mean they can read where ever they are just like the regular chips we inject in our dogs. it's not like they chip them in case a cow escapes.

iv done some extra research but injectable microchips for animal do not exist yet. most important reason why is that they can not be powered for a long time. you can though buy gps chips to attach to their collars. for example check out the garmin gtu 10, but a thief has to be dumb for real to leave that on his neck.
you should be able to install a safety zone so youll be allerted on your phone when it leaves its chainspot. but you might aswell install sensors on your yard then. they're not that expensive, you'll be alerted on your phone when someones trespasses and its "animal proof" ( won't go off when a cat or bird passes) were is thw best pl to buy those sensors that you speek of. Or whats the offical name for them?

02-01-2012, 06:46 AM
sry im not from the states, but look at regular alarm/security system sites to get an idea. its 1 central alarm system and you can buy as many sensors for them as you like. standard sets for in the house with wireless sensors are around 200 euro. iv got one in the house as well, you can install 3 phone numbers on it, which all will receive a text message when someone passes by. you will need different ones for outside i guess regarding reach, fog, rain. but im sure they are there.

02-01-2012, 09:29 AM
sry im not from the states, but look at regular alarm/security system sites to get an idea. its 1 central alarm system and you can buy as many sensors for them as you like. standard sets for in the house with wireless sensors are around 200 euro. iv got one in the house as well, you can install 3 phone numbers on it, which all will receive a text message when someone passes by. you will need different ones for outside i guess regarding reach, fog, rain. but im sure they are there.

Thanks anyways i haven't had much look with Google none of them have all the features combined of the one's i want. But thanks for the ideal

02-02-2012, 05:37 AM
well scary... check this out!!!!


you ain't going to find a better electronic security system then this!!
it won't detect your dogs or other animals
cost more then 200 tho :mrgreen: don't know what kind of valuta that is on their site.

02-02-2012, 05:52 AM
Its hard to beat the good ole Nosey Neighbor Secutity System. lol

02-02-2012, 07:11 AM
well scary... check this out!!!!


you ain't going to find a better electronic security system then this!!
it won't detect your dogs or other animals
cost more then 200 tho :mrgreen: don't know what kind of valuta that is on their site.

Well that's more like it. Thanks R2L

02-02-2012, 04:57 PM
I agree with Jack. The infra Red security Cameras are a good deterrent. However, the best thing to do is not let anyone know where you live, and GET ALONG WITH YOUR NEIGHBORS. In the morning, when you take out your trash, take theirs out too. If you get home before they do, bring the trash cans back in. Buy them a nice bottle of scotch when you get your bonus. Your neighbors can be your best friends or your worst enemies. You really have to cultivate that relationship. Magnum 10X 10 Kennels with locks also are a good deterrent

i do this all the time :mrgreen: my neighbors love me and my dogs

02-03-2012, 09:53 AM
All of the formentioned sugestions are good. I personaly like cameras ,and the most important (Gaurd/sentry) dogs. Do some research of different breeds kennels that have them available. Some things to consider when looking, non dog agressive breeds,live stock freindly, and what you are willing to pay for a well traind sentry dog? I have two they work in pairs best. A great sentry dog will have good control, a food refusal , no dog agression , size (man stoping power) and should only be handeld by imediate family. Good luck.

Fila Brasileiros. I want two :D

Fila Brasileiros. those are some tuff doggs top flight guard dogs