09-08-2017, 09:32 PM
1 female and 2 males available. ADBA registered. Located in Southeast Texas. $500. Pm if interested.
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IXTHUS, please feel free to use the breeding feature or even test breeding feature to advertise a breeding.
:censored: Pedigrees such as Honey x Tito are prohibited here. I edited this particular pedigree to Tito Jr. Please feel free to change the name to whatever is correct for a male or female pup from this litter. If you like, this ped can be deleted upon request.
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IXTHUS, please feel free to use the breeding feature or even test breeding feature to advertise a breeding.
:censored: Pedigrees such as Honey x Tito are prohibited here. I edited this particular pedigree to Tito Jr. Please feel free to change the name to whatever is correct for a male or female pup from this litter. If you like, this ped can be deleted upon request.