View Full Version : gr.ch.sam jr. vs gr.ch.tango

dance all night rece
01-26-2012, 03:46 PM
If u had the chance to breed to/get a pup off of one of these awesome animals which would it be and why?

01-29-2012, 02:37 PM
GRCH Tango..already out producing Sam Jr.

01-29-2012, 02:46 PM
GRCH Tango..already out producing Sam Jr.
Sam Jr offspring are still young...give it a couple more years then u can have this conversation..it's a little to early now

01-30-2012, 10:42 AM
Tango's kids are pretty young too...LOL

Some just produce some don't nothing wrong.

01-31-2012, 02:57 AM
he said right now....not a cpl yrs from now. tango already had two winners. Sam jr dont. sam jr might be rom off first two litters who knows, but as of today tango has produced more than him. cpl years things may change.

Officially Retired
01-31-2012, 03:09 AM
he said right now....not a cpl yrs from now. tango already had two winners. Sam jr dont. sam jr might be rom off first two litters who knows, but as of today tango has produced more than him. cpl years things may change.

Sometimes stats can be deceiving.

For example, I had a stud dog named Duke Nukem, who as a no-talent but game dog, who threw a very high-percentage of game dogs, who either won their deals or who (if they did lose) went out as deeply-game losses to Duke's breeding credit, many going 2-3 hours. In fact, not a single dog shown off of Duke Nukem ever quit: they either won, or they lost deepgame-to-deadgame.

Back at the farm, Duke had a sister named Jezebel, who had 10x the ability as Duke did, but who never whelped an actual winner. This was not because they weren't good enough, they just never got shown. Yet, at home, Jezebel's pups repeatedly and consistently whipped the dog piss out of every Duke pup they schooled with, including some of the "official winners" sired by Duke. Therefore, "on paper" Duke was a better producer than Jezebel. However, in the actual laboratory, Jezebel was BY FAR the better dog (and producer) than Duke, ability-wise.

What this means is that "common opinion" sometimes (if not often-times) has little to do with the actual truth of the matter.


01-31-2012, 05:03 AM
he said right now....not a cpl yrs from now. tango already had two winners. Sam jr dont. sam jr might be rom off first two litters who knows, but as of today tango has produced more than him. cpl years things may change.
Show me where it says "right now"....have u seen any of Sam Jr offspring??...how can u be so sure he doesn't have winners??....everybody don't post wins/loss on peds

01-31-2012, 04:51 PM
he said right now....not a cpl yrs from now. tango already had two winners. Sam jr dont. sam jr might be rom off first two litters who knows, but as of today tango has produced more than him. cpl years things may change.
Show me where it says "right now"....have u seen any of Sam Jr offspring??...how can u be so sure he doesn't have winners??....everybody don't post wins/loss on peds

you right...i jumped the gun there...my apologies.... as i go back and read the question slower....maybe a better answer would be "depends on what the dam bred like, but for me i would go witg Tango as i've seen his offspring myself, am mentored by his former owners and have heard how he rose to the top. Just more familiar with what Tango is bred like, throwing etc, than the Sam Jr dog."

02-08-2012, 03:58 AM
key look we looney toons bred sam jr to our ella gyp to get sam,samantha,gogo and a few more good dogs.sam jr i think had 3 litters on the ground before he went steril yes he shooting blanks,but he has a few offspring on the ground only time will tell.yes tango is going to out produce him cause he can't produce no more pups

02-14-2012, 10:32 AM
There you go, from the horses mouth.

02-14-2012, 11:11 AM
i feel like a dogs production isnt determined by the amount of offspring he has but the quality in that amount!
what about the good to bad ratio?
So isnt it possible for Sam jr to "outproduce" Tango?