View Full Version : The Truth About HSUS & PETA

Officially Retired
12-22-2011, 01:50 PM
There is something that every single sporting dog fancier should be aware of, namely that you are a target for organized criminal attack. “What?”, you may ask. Yes, there are extremely powerful criminal organizations that may well attack you, right in your own home, over your ownership of a sporting dog breed. “Who do you mean?”, again you might ask. I mean the criminal organizations of The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA); these groups are in truth criminal enterprises and their target is you. The truth is, these groups target any kind of animal owner, especially breeders, so you need to be aware of what you’re dealing with.

These groups are not comprised of “animal lovers,” as the like to portray themselves, but of animal killers. They are organizations of animal fanatics who are in fact enemies to you and your dogs. So I write this brief opening post to make you aware of their agenda and how these criminal organizations operate. But first a few facts:

FACT: The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) doesn’t own a single animal shelter, anywhere, in the world: they are entirely a fund-raising organization whose proceeds are used to lobby for extremist animal legislation and organized terrorism against animal owners;

FACT: The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have killed over 90% of all animals (of any breed or species) that they have ever “rescued” in one of their so-called shelters. They have ruthlessly killed so many animals in their concentration camps that the Center for Consumer Freedom are lobbying as I write to have PETA re-classified as a slaughterhouse, not as an animal shelter;

FACT: These two organizations, HSUS and PETA, both operate in the same way: they prey on the ignorant public for “donations,” and yet their entire existence is a lie and a double-standard. Their true agenda is to destroy the entire human/animal relationship. They preach veganism and love, but in truth they want to stop all forms of animal farming, breeding, raising, and (ultimately) even pet ownership.

Paid-Off Informants
These animal terrorists groups, known as HSUS and PETA are (as I write this) filing lawsuits against Ringling Brother’s Circus, trying to stop decades of tradition as “animal enslavement.” Regarding dog owners, anyone found to own a kennel of pit bulls is immediately attacked. HSUS has been offering a $5,000 reward for anyone to “call-in” over suspected dogfighting. This means, if any person who breeds pit bulls has a neighbor who needs five-grand, all that neighbor has to do is pick up the phone and call HSUS, and this “anonymous tip” supposedly gives HSUS the authority to call your local sheriff to get a warrant to search your home. This is outrageous! Paid informant are supposed to be illegal! That is tantamount to bribing a witness! But yet HSUS remains at liberty to lure anyone with the promise of $5000 to give them a “tip,” so that HSUS can call the sheriff and get the home of any pit bull breeder raided, which immediately leads to the man's dogs getting confiscated and killed (while his name gets smeared in the papers)—and yet 9x out of 10 the so-called “dog fighters” ultimately have their cases dismissed or are found “not guilty.” Yet their dogs are dead, their money is gone, and their lives are ruined, all thanks to the un-Constitutional practices of HSUS.

All during this time, HSUS (who also pay off the news media) will take this as another opportunity raise millions of dollars in donations to keep their ball rolling, all swindled from a gullible public who think they're doing something “nice,” when all HSUS really wants to do is get to kill the dogs and then go about their merry way. In fact, because HSUS so frequently fails in their efforts to get a conviction, and because they have been getting counter-sued by outraged dog owners whose animals have been destroyed and whose lives have been ruined by being forced to spend tens of thousands of dollars defending themselves from bogus charges, HSUS right now is trying to pass legislation whereby “if they’re wrong” in their attacks, they become immune to counter-suit. You read that right: HSUS is trying to enact legislation whereby they can attack you, deprive you of your property without due process, smear your name with slander and libel, without a shred of evidence (just an anonymous “tip”—that they paid $5,000 to get), and if they’re wrong they believe they should "not have to be held accountable" for their actions. Again, this is outrageous! HSUS is nothing more than a cult who believe "they" should be able to ruin your life, cost you tens of thousands of dollars in defense attorney fees, ruin your reputation in your community--but hey, if they’re proven to be 100% wrong in their accusations, they believe they should not have to suffer any consequences for their lack of discretion. In essence, while these fanatics believe “animals” should have rights, they believe that animal OWNERS should not!

And it's not just pit bull owners who get attacked, but circus owners, horse owners, as well as other sporting dog owners. For example, these groups attack ‘coonhounders in diabolical ways also. They do this by secretly passing legislation which makes it “illegal” to keep dogs on chains. They are trying to pass laws making it “a crime” to have your ‘coon dogs run across another man’s property, knowing that the runs these dogs do involves potentially many properties. Other laws HSUS and PETA try to pass affect all breeders, include their effort to making it “illegal” for you to keep dogs outside in winter. Just think about that! They are saying it’s “against the law” to have your doggie be cold outside. Naturally, this premise appeals to all of the toy mutt fat ladies, who look at their lil’ foo-foo doggies in their sweaters, and can’t bear the thought of shoo-shoo or foo-foo being cold out there. So HSUS and PETA get still more donations, to help their “cause,” and what happens is if one of these laws gets passed in your area, you can no longer have an outside kennel of dogs during winter! Don’t laugh, because these groups are trying to get such a law passed in Rhode Island as I type. That is how these insidious groups operate—by raising money and then by trying to pass extremist animal legislation, all of it being aimed at hamstringing the prospective and established breeders of the world. Laws against keeping more than 3 animals at any residence are more fruits of their labors.

Who to turn to?
Well, so what can you do to protect yourself against these (quite literally) organized crime operations? How To Protect Yourself? The first thing you need to do is follow my recommendations in Chapter 2 of Pit Bull Bible (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/index1.html) and get yourself set-up in the right spot first, which means a place that is properly-zoned for animals, and one where officials of these criminal enterprises are far, far away from you. Selecting an agricultural area to live is ideal. The second thing you need to do is pay attention to the proposed laws in your local town, city, and county. Be aware of any laws that these enterprises might try to sneak in there. Make sure you (and anyone you know) shows up at any and all council meetings to oppose any anti-dog-ownership effort that you spot or hear about. Always remain aware of your local laws and any political efforts to change those laws. The third thing you should consider doing is joining some of the better animal-ownership alliances. Here are but a few: Center for Consumer Freedom (http://www.consumerfreedom.com/), PETA Kills Animals (http://www.petakillsanimals.com/), U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance (http://www.ussportsmen.org/), and the National Animal Interest Alliance (http://www.naiaonline.org/).

Unlike HSUS and PETA, these animal groups truly do love animals and they truly do want to bring about the best in animal husbandry and rearing practices. These outfits vehemently oppose HSUS and PETA and labor tirelessly to keep us all informed of their latest agenda. You would do well to join all 4 of these organizations, and to make periodic donations to all 4. Try to take time out once a week to read their websites too, so that you stay updated on the latest goings-on that may affect you and your animals. To help illustrate their stance, here is a piece I copied that was put out there by Patti Strand, the director of the National Animal Interest Alliance (http://www.naiaonline.org/), speaking out against HSUS:

“We wear (our badges) with honor, many of our members believing HSUS is corrupt to the bone. This corruption comes down to three major elements:

“First, HSUS allows its financial supporters—ordinary, animal-loving Americans—to believe it spends an enormous annual tax-free budget of $123 million on caring for animals, when its real agenda is passing extremist legislation.

“Second, HSUS calls itself a mainstream advocacy group, hiding or downplaying the fact that it has an extremist agenda. HSUS is all about promoting vegan diets—no meat, no dairy—and ending traditional human-animal relationships across the board, from agriculture to biomedical research.

“Third, HSUS constantly engages in deceptive propaganda, half-truths and outright lies in well-funded media campaigns to win its political and legislative battles are the true goals of HSUS. But they are not held accountable for their tactics because they are a nonprofit group that enjoys political free speech protections.

“NAIA believes it is our responsibility, as animal experts and proponents of true animal welfare, to point out the facts. What qualifies us to know fact from fiction? NAIA is rapidly becoming the nation’s leading advocacy organization for animals and the people who actually care for them.

“Our members include individuals who interact with animals regularly in a wide variety of settings. We are pet owners, farmers, researchers, animal trainers, biologists, sportsmen, animal caretakers, dog and cat breeders and enthusiasts, educators and entertainers. “Our members have earned their credentials by working with, and in many cases living with, animals, not by reading philosophical treatises or emotional propaganda. We support the responsible, traditional and humane use of animals in agriculture, biomedical research, education, leisure and recreation, entertainment and companionship. We support and advocate reasonable, effective and enforceable laws that ensure the humane treatment of animals and provide penalties for animal abuse.

“We support the rights of others to disagree with our views but not to employ defamation and propaganda to force their views on others. To recognize HSUS’ deception and sit idly by would be to shirk our responsibility not only as animal experts but as citizens; for we believe the HSUS is destroying the mainstream animal protection movement.

“(HSUS Director) Mr. Pacelle also seems baffled that anyone would go after HSUS for not having shelters because as he stated, ‘We never said we run—local animal shelters.’ This is vintage HSUS. They call themselves a ‘humane society’ and then blame the public for being confused.

“By calling itself the Humane Society of the United States, HSUS rides into every situation on a ‘case of mistaken identity’—an identity that, oops, just happens to raise millions of dollars: the mistaken impression for many Americans being that it is a humane society rather than a giant propaganda, lobbying and fund-raising machine.

“When citizens notice that HSUS’ carefully crafted image is at odds with reality and say so, HSUS responds with another opportunistic spin, saying that their critics are just people ‘who don’t really care about animals.’

“Using that logic, maybe (some of the true and legitimate local) humane societies around the country don’t really care about animal welfare either. Many of them have begun putting disclaimers on their Web sites urging their donors not to confuse them with the HSUS.

“As Pacelle himself stresses, HSUS is a lobbying group. Instead of representing the humane values of the American public, the well-oiled lobby and propaganda machine of HSUS virtually assures that the voting public will be systematically deceived whenever they’re asked to vote on an HSUS-backed measure. The history of successful HSUS ballot initiatives is a history replete with after-the-event self-flagellation and revulsion by people who recognized later that they were duped.

“To us it appears that the priorities of HSUS, as former employees have publicly written, are power and money, and that acquiring both justifies the means. That’s where the willingness to deceive comes in. These folks should make Pinocchio blush.”

Based On a Lie
In other words, HSUS is a great big lie. They use their name deceptively, and by doing so they have raised hundreds of millions of dollars at their disposal, yet they use this money not to help animals in need but to enact anti-animal ownership laws all around the country. And PETA is no different. Read what the Center for Consumer Freedom (http://www.consumerfreedom.com/) is trying to do against PETA right now:

“The Center for Consumer Freedom (http://www.consumerfreedom.com/), a non-profit trade group representing the interests of manufacturers and retailers, has formally petitioned the Commonwealth of Virginia to reclassify PETA as a ‘slaughterhouse.’ An official report filed by PETA itself shows that the animal rights group put to death nearly every dog, cat, and other pet it took in for adoption in 2006 (2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010). During that year, the well-known animal rights group managed to find adoptive homes for just 12 animals. The organization killed 2,981 of the 3,061 ‘companion animals’ it took in.

“According to David Martosko, Research Director for CCF, ‘It is absurd to classify PETA as a ‘humane society’ when its employees are slaughtering nearly every companion animal they bring in. PETA has killed over 17,000 pets since 1998. Given the group’s astonishing habit of killing adoptable dogs and cats with such ruthless efficiency, it’s only fair that the state of Virginia refer to PETA as a slaughterhouse.’ CCF’s petition was directed to Virginia’s Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. If approved, the new classification would force PETA to abide an entirely new set of laws and regulations.”

The Brutal Truth
Regardless of any sporting breed you may own, HSUS and PETA are your enemies. Their whole concept of “animal rights” is insane. They believe that animals “have the right” not to be kept, fought, hunted, or owned in any way by human beings—and yet they will execute any animal they take by force, basically saying that animals they claim to have rights DON'T have the right to life. And this is insane. It is logically-ridiculous and it is simply insane to claim out of one side of your mouth, “animals have rights” and then to say “but they don’t have the right to life” out of the other.

To show this, I can think of three top breeders of American pit bull terriers (Floyd Boudreaux, Pat Patrick, T.L. Williams) who had their dogs confiscated, which animals were put to death before the men who owned them even went to trial. HSUS ran press conference after press conference, calling these men “godfathers of dogfighting,” smearing their names in public, and yet two of the cases were dismissed as being groundless, while the third was easily defeated in court. HSUS destroyed three people’s lives, they killed hundreds of purebred dogs—they deprived U.S. citizens of their property and beloved animals without due process—slandering their names all through the media orally and in writing—and yet when it was all said and done HSUS had absolutely no evidence to back-up their accusations ... and the cases were ultimately dismissed or defeated. Their whole act was based on lies.

Their entire modus operandi was to kill the dogs, and they looked at the trial costs as a “business expense” to achieve their ends, which was offset by all of the funds that they raised, thanks to the media lying for them. The best advice I can give you is this: keep your kennels clean and keep your dogs healthy (all shots up-to-date & keep records of everything also). Knowledge is power, and record-keeping documents your knowledge. If you follow the recommendations of The Pit Bull Bible (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/index1.html), from start to finish, you should be in good shape and your dogs should be in impeccable shape. This won’t make you completely immune from attack from groups like HSUS and PETA, but it will make it a whole lot more difficult to get noticed, first of all, and for anything to stick, second of all, if you do get noticed. Proper housing, adequate chain space, impeccable food, impeccable kennel maintenance, disease and parasite management—all taking place on a yard far out away from the city and the prying eyes of nosey neighbors—will better ensure your longevity than trying to run a bunch of dogs in a city, kept improperly, surrounded by nosey neighbors.

And finally, never keep more animals than you can care for impeccably. At the end of the day, it is hard for anyone to find fault with a person who truly has a beautiful yard of vibrant, healthy animals, all of whom have plenty of room and just beam with good care. I hope this book helps you in every real and tangible way to care for your dogs impeccably, from their basic care and nutrition, to their critical care, to their perpetuation and rebirth through proper breeding strategy and management, to keeping them safe from animal activists. Raising performance animals is fraught with hardships and pitfalls, but it is also very rewarding for the man who stays with it, who learns all he can, and who really knows how to appreciate, develop, cultivate, and perpetuate a great line of sporting dogs. If this book helps you achieve your goals in this end, then I am happy, for this means I have achieved my own goal in writing it.

~ California Jack


AL Clown
12-23-2011, 12:46 AM
I believe that the media is and will always be our biggest enemy. Although alot of time we provide them with the ammo, the fact that media is able to in my opinion fabricate statistics that protray the dog, especially the pitbull as some devil crazy animal. The propaganda and celebrity base they use makes it easy for them to influence the major of society.

Most dog people will agree that we should stand up for our chosen breed, but history has proven time and time again there is strength in numbers. We as dog owners will never out number the masses. So try as hard as we might, our voice will always fall on deaf ears. IMHO, in order for a breed to keep surviving it has to disappear from society eyes.

If we don't give them the ammo (i.e., dog biting incidence, poor/inproper care, the egos) then we can continue to enjoy our breed. When they do have to have a light shine on them try to make it a positive light. Support your local clubs, get involved in fighting BSL, contribute to the organizations that help fight against the BSL, and clean up home first and foremost.

Officially Retired
12-23-2011, 02:27 PM
I believe that the media is and will always be our biggest enemy. Although alot of time we provide them with the ammo, the fact that media is able to in my opinion fabricate statistics that protray the dog, especially the pitbull as some devil crazy animal. The propaganda and celebrity base they use makes it easy for them to influence the major of society.


Most dog people will agree that we should stand up for our chosen breed, but history has proven time and time again there is strength in numbers. We as dog owners will never out number the masses. So try as hard as we might, our voice will always fall on deaf ears. IMHO, in order for a breed to keep surviving it has to disappear from society eyes.

I disagree with you here. It has been proven time and again that, by burying our heads in the sand, the laws against the breed have only gotten worse.

The truth is, only by dogmen getting together and showing up to fight bad laws, have laws been overturned. There might be more overall citizens than dogmen, but 99% of citizens aren't going to join forces against dogs. Most don't care. When people go and speak on behalf of the dogs, more often than not the laws go our way. It is when no one speaks up that stupid laws get enacted.

f we don't give them the ammo (i.e., dog biting incidence, poor/inproper care, the egos) then we can continue to enjoy our breed. When they do have to have a light shine on them try to make it a positive light. Support your local clubs, get involved in fighting BSL, contribute to the organizations that help fight against the BSL, and clean up home first and foremost.




12-27-2011, 07:12 AM
With your permission, Jack, I'd like to copy and re-post this on my facebook page for other's viewing pleasure.

What we need is some celebrities and/or models to start taking their clothes off on billboards for the Sportsman's Alliance and PETA Kills folks. That would draw general public attention, fosho. Follow that up with some billboards/commercials advertising the photographs taken from some of the PETA "shelters", and we'd be well on our way.

Who wants to donate?

Officially Retired
12-27-2011, 03:26 PM
Sure thing, you can re-post, thanks for asking.

And did I read that right: are you going to start taking your clothes off for billboards to fight PETA now hun? :lol:



12-28-2011, 07:32 AM
And did I read that right: are you going to start taking your clothes off for billboards to fight PETA now hun? :lol:


hahaha, Well, I'm not quite the celebrity or model I had in mind. Someone like Jessica Biel, who's adopted pit bulls and keeps them in the public eye would be ideal, though not likely. Either way, we need some media outlets to get our message out there.

12-04-2012, 04:51 PM
Keep up the good work Jack! Time for us to stand up for our breed.

12-05-2012, 06:21 PM

01-06-2013, 04:16 PM
Real shit Jack you the best

Officially Retired
01-06-2013, 04:26 PM
Thanks fellas :)