View Full Version : Animal Rights Activists Use Their Money To Win

11-15-2018, 05:12 PM

They just killed this working breed.


11-15-2018, 05:51 PM

They just killed this working breed.


Fuck them

Black Hand
11-15-2018, 07:54 PM
The greyhound won’t die out because he can’t race in Florida. If it keeps going this way, it will just become a luxury of the rich like it was before the rise of the middle class. These dogs have a very rich history, pun intended.

I feel for the dogs really... but I don’t feel too much for the people. Most of the people crying about how devastated they will be are not even dog people. If you only got a hand in dogs because a certain infrastructure allows someone else to house your dogs, someone else to train your dogs, someone else to run your dogs. If you have to “get out of dogs” because you don’t have this infrastructure then whoopdeedoo. It’s not all of them, there are some real dog loving mf’s that got these hounds and they will continue to have them and they will travel with them. They are kin to us in a way...but this is a minority. If the ban in Florida drives you out of your beloved dogs then I got no feelings for you... we been maintaining yards of dogs flying under the radar for our whole life. And most of the places around the world where they really race hard (the UK, AUS, Etc) our dogs are outlawed or extremely regulated.. they dgaf. Now we need to stick together lol w/e.

Black Hand
11-15-2018, 07:58 PM
I love greyhounds though. Awesome dogs.

11-16-2018, 09:57 AM
I get exactly what you're saying Black Hand, they basically just forced the true dogmen and women with that breed to become "criminals" in societies eyes.

They should have been spoken for like we should have been spoken for but different "class" and "status" keeps some thinking they're better in one way or another.


11-16-2018, 03:27 PM
There has to be a way to fight the stuff. Budget bill trades. Liberals always looking for a victim. There should be some standard for housing and treatment of the dogs.