View Full Version : Tonka Bear blood

01-27-2012, 06:51 PM
Anyone know anything about the Sin City family .

01-27-2012, 08:55 PM
Have a lot of experience with the tonkabear Hell bend stuff. Never had any of the sin city stuff.

01-31-2012, 07:32 AM
Spoke to Sin City kennels not too long ago about a possible breeding in the future....was recommended by a good old time dog man....He seemed like a stand up guy.

01-31-2012, 04:53 PM
Have a lot of experience with the tonkabear Hell bend stuff. Never had any of the sin city stuff.

care to shed some light? have always admired how these dogs look in pictures...and how they're bred :mrgreen:

Officially Retired
02-01-2012, 02:52 AM
Anyone know anything about the Sin City family .

The Tonka Bear blood, and the Sin City family, are two entirely different families.

Therefore your thread title, and your thread content, are kind of confusing because they make no sense being together.

02-01-2012, 09:50 AM
Jack, do you know of any Tonka Bear blood around? Also, and info on the Sin City dogs would be appreciated...

02-02-2012, 10:29 AM
Anyone know anything about the Sin City family .

The Tonka Bear blood, and the Sin City family, are two entirely different families.

Therefore your thread title, and your thread content, are kind of confusing because they make no sense being together.

Sin city do have some Tonka back in there peds.


Officially Retired
02-02-2012, 12:58 PM
Sin city do have some Tonka back in there peds.

"Having Tonka Bear blood" in some of their peds is not exactly the same thing as being the frontrunner and main breeder of a family, is it?

This (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=83138) is more along the lines of what they bred mostly, which is quite similar to my Coca Cola (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=1044) blood.


02-04-2012, 05:01 AM
I dealt with SinCity years ago. He came across as a straight forward kind of fella. He did what he said. Purchased this gyp from him for brood.

http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/mo ... _id=109236 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Pedigrees&file=printPedigree&dog_id=109236)

In all honesty I was more intrigued with her bottumside than the top.

In respect to Tonkabear. I found going right to the well was the best way of obtaining this blood.

http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/mo ... _id=384833 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Pedigrees&file=printPedigree&dog_id=384833)

Indian Moon and Tonkabear were littermates.

And I obtained this fella with the tonkabear blood over the croc blood which you noticed in Junebug.

http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/mo ... _id=122281 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Pedigrees&file=printPedigree&dog_id=122281)

Jon Jon went right to the well on that one ,dealing with Otter.

02-04-2012, 07:18 AM
Have a lot of experience with the tonkabear Hell bend stuff. Never had any of the sin city stuff.

care to shed some light? have always admired how these dogs look in pictures...and how they're bred :mrgreen:

This is a breeding that I did last year. Those pups just turned a year and are doing great. http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pu ... _id=327452 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=327452)

02-14-2012, 04:29 PM
I'm not familiar with Sin City's dogs. But I am somewhat familiar with the Tonkabear stuff. The little that I do know about this blood I learned from Otter and The Skipper. Here's two that I got directly from the source...

http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/mo ... _id=416336 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Pedigrees&file=printPedigree&dog_id=416336)

http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/mo ... _id=147810 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Pedigrees&file=printPedigree&dog_id=147810)

02-15-2012, 05:54 AM
The Tonka Bear blood in my opinion is some of the gamest Bolio-Tombstone blood to be found. They are RETARDEDLY high strung. I have always LOVED the Hollingsworth line, The Gr.Ch.Buck line, and have tremendous respect for what Jack has brought about with the Ch.Hammer-Hollingsworth cross. To some extent, that's why I bought Artemis (http://home.comcast.net/~evolutionknls/Artemis.htm). However, the best results as it pertains to Athleticism, Straightforwardness, mouth, and ability that I've ever achieved in a breeding with Machobuck came when I bred Machobuck to Saphire (http://home.comcast.net/~evolutionknls/Saphire.HTM). I believe that has a lot to do with the quarter Tonka Bear blood on her bottom side. Obviously, the Baracuda blood on top is nice. I've just never had the offspring of Machobuck get so GEEKED as they did with the Saphire breeding. The exception is the breeding that made Sharapova (https://home.comcast.net/~evolutionknls/Sharapova.HTM). She is a racehorse and a screamer once she gets going. However, it's a different level of control. Sharapova will ignore any other dog while you walk her. She's incredibly intelligent. When she sees 4 walls though.. you can't hold her. Machobear and Machabear don't have that level of control. They are maniacs all day long that I have to feed 3x what the others eat. They go nuts at a frog, an earthworm, and yes.. even a Spider weaving a web on the tree. I think this is what the Tonka Bear blood brings to the table. The retardedly high strung athletes. I don't know if anyone carries the Tonka Bear blood pure. The last one I knew of was CENTER'S ROLL BACK. Sctotty bought him and he ended up dying in an accident last year. If anyone knows of someone who has it pure, with no Chinaman or Snooty out through Croc, then let me know. I wouldnt mind getting some to cross it with a Hollingsworth specimen then to my Buck stuff.


02-16-2012, 07:14 PM
This little dog is a good one.
http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pu ... _id=367514 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=367514)

02-17-2012, 08:03 AM
http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/mo ... _id=381114 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=381114) would love to take this female back to some Tonka Bear stuff when shes older....

02-17-2012, 04:33 PM
The Tonka Bear blood in my opinion is some of the gamest Bolio-Tombstone blood to be found. They are RETARDEDLY high strung. I have always LOVED the Hollingsworth line, The Gr.Ch.Buck line, and have tremendous respect for what Jack has brought about with the Ch.Hammer-Hollingsworth cross. To some extent, that's why I bought Artemis (http://home.comcast.net/~evolutionknls/Artemis.htm). However, the best results as it pertains to Athleticism, Straightforwardness, mouth, and ability that I've ever achieved in a breeding with Machobuck came when I bred Machobuck to Saphire (http://home.comcast.net/~evolutionknls/Saphire.HTM). I believe that has a lot to do with the quarter Tonka Bear blood on her bottom side. Obviously, the Baracuda blood on top is nice. I've just never had the offspring of Machobuck get so GEEKED as they did with the Saphire breeding. The exception is the breeding that made Sharapova (https://home.comcast.net/~evolutionknls/Sharapova.HTM). She is a racehorse and a screamer once she gets going. However, it's a different level of control. Sharapova will ignore any other dog while you walk her. She's incredibly intelligent. When she sees 4 walls though.. you can't hold her. Machobear and Machabear don't have that level of control. They are maniacs all day long that I have to feed 3x what the others eat. They go nuts at a frog, an earthworm, and yes.. even a Spider weaving a web on the tree. I think this is what the Tonka Bear blood brings to the table. The retardedly high strung athletes. I don't know if anyone carries the Tonka Bear blood pure. The last one I knew of was CENTER'S ROLL BACK (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Pedigrees&file=printPedigree&dog_id=182073). Sctotty bought him and he ended up dying in an accident last year. If anyone knows of someone who has it pure, with no Chinaman or Snooty out through Croc, then let me know. I wouldnt mind getting some to cross it with a Hollingsworth specimen then to my Buck stuff.


It's interesting that you mentioned Hollingsworth... I've always wanted to do a Lady In Red-Tonkabear breedings going back to when Speedi was still around. I bred Speedi who is double Tonkabear to RTK's Crash who is double Lady In Red but it didn't take. I eventually had success when I bred Nasty to Crash with good results... But an Otter-Hollingsworth breeding could have happened way before that. Otter told me E Hollingsworth visited him back then... Imagine Tonkabear or Indian Moon bred to Lady in Red or Dolly. Here's my version of an Otter-Hollingsworth cross: http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/mo ... _id=104899 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Pedigrees&file=printPedigree&dog_id=104899)

Yeah I agree with you on the craziness of some of the Tonkabear dogs. Geek was the most mellow dog I've ever owned. I mean you would think he was on meds or something. But if he would see, hear or smell another dog he would go completely nuts. He would go from 0 to 10 in a heart beat. And Speedi was so damn hyper I could NOT leave her on the chain 24/7. No matter how much I fed her she would be several pounds under her conditioned weight. I ended up keeping her in the house because she never kept enough weight to stay outside in the winter.

I'm sure there's some pure Tonkabear blood out there somewhere. But those that have it don't always want to share it and you can't really blame them. I used to be that way...

02-18-2012, 06:04 PM
Here's a male that's alive
http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pu ... _id=330864 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=330864)

02-19-2012, 02:31 PM
I always wondered how center's rollback had a black nose

02-19-2012, 05:39 PM
I always wondered how center's rollback had a black nose

CH Kinky was a red/blacknose. So was her brother CH Spuck. I had a daughter of ZDog x CH Kinky that had a blacknose. Also had one by CH Spuck to his half sister that had a black nose.

10-28-2012, 10:14 PM
I have a nice female off of ROLL BACK and HUNT'S BLACK BETTY thanks tj

12-02-2012, 02:57 PM
a solid bitch that could hold her own on all fronts and her daughter was an attempt to keep 'em special...

12-03-2012, 04:45 PM
CH Kinky was a red/blacknose. So was her brother CH Spuck. I had a daughter of ZDog x CH Kinky that had a blacknose. Also had one by CH Spuck to his half sister that had a black nose.

Glad someone else knows that all those dogs are not rednose dogs. Had someone that runs this blood, tell me my dogs were not bred the way the papers say because of the nose color.