View Full Version : ((( Silverback Puppy Wars ~ 15 Photos )))

Officially Retired
01-28-2012, 03:34 PM
All right, just starting a fun little story line here on a sparring-fest that went on today with 3 Silverback pups (well, 2 pups and 1 adult who still thinks he's a pup). It was a 3-for-all, free-for-all, and here were the contenders:


And this is how it went ...

Pups are released off their chain spots at 4:00 pm, with Silver Phoenix running from the two terrors :lol:

Amazon & Beowulf corner Silver Phoenix (aka: Elric) and go to work on him

Elric gets Beowulf in the money spot, and it starts to look bad

But Amazon gets Elric off w/ a bite on the pecker to help her bro out :lol:

Elric slams Amazon for the favor, while Beowulf tries to help his baby sister

Things are looking bad for the poor 4-month old Amma as Elric goes for the money spot ...

Things are really looking bad for poor Amma now :cry:

Ooohhh! A total reversal when Beowulf comes to the rescue, and now Amma goes for that money spot 8-)

Amma gets called off by Tina and happily runs to take a seat and watch the two boys :mrgreen:

The 6 month old Beowulf begins to control the tempo in the mouth

Deep inside Beowulf goes as "David" starts handling "Goliath" 8-)

Too fast, too smart, Beowulf always positions himself to where he can't be touched 8-)

Seizing the opportunity, Beowulf goes for the money spot on the giant Elric ...

Down Elric goes, and like a flash Beowulf moves in for the finish! http://www.johnkoerner.org/Emoticons/appl.gif

BTW, if anyone is dumb enough to think this stuff is real, these dogs are just having fun PLAYING :lol: :lol: :lol: The truth is, I let them run all over the place together and they have A BLAST!

Credit to Elric for taking it easy and being gentle with two highly-rambunctuous pups that give him no rest and nip at him constantly.

Hope yall had as much fun reading this as I did writing it :ugeek:




01-28-2012, 05:40 PM
I loved it Jack, there is nothing like watching these animals have pure fun. To be honest, I wasn't a big fan of Silverback based on pedigree but I like what I see in his pups. :idea: And that was a beautiful narration. :lol:

01-28-2012, 07:45 PM
Great pics! Love to see the young ones run around causing havoc

Officially Retired
01-29-2012, 02:48 AM
I loved it Jack, there is nothing like watching these animals have pure fun. To be honest, I wasn't a big fan of Silverback based on pedigree but I like what I see in his pups. :idea: And that was a beautiful narration. :lol:

Exactly, too many times we as dogman get caught up in "caring" for the dogs, or in the rough end of it, and forget just to have fun and enjoy our dogs :mrgreen:

I will say this though, the only way you couldn't have been a "big fan" of Silverback is based on an inaccurate "imagination" you created in your head, confusing whatever it is you invented there with the reality that he is a phenomenal athlete of this highest order. And if you ever seen Ouch go, you would have liked the old boy, and if you ever seen Missy go it would hard to be satisfied with too many bitches after you'd seen that.

As far as pedigree goes, Silverback is triple-bred on a DG SDJ Cover dog in Ch Hammer, who was out of an all-game litter, so I don't see what is not to like about that. There may have been a couple dogs behind Ouch that weren't all that, but hell that could be said for Redboy (whose granddaddy quit), Red Baby (who's mama quit) Honeybunch (whose daddy quit), etc. Don't let an inaccurate painting you made-up in your head allow you form pictures or ideas that have nothing to do with reality. The reality is, I had over 80 dogs 4 years ago, and when I let the vast majority of my yard go, to pair down to 10 dogs, Silverback was the male I kept for a reason ;)


Great pics! Love to see the young ones run around causing havoc

Yes it is! It is good for their attitudes, it is good for their souls, it is good for their socialization, and it is good for us too--to enjoy our dogs on a different level than just keeping and feeding them too.

Glad folks liked the humorous narrative :mrgreen:



01-29-2012, 03:03 AM
Great pics, to bad i can't make a combination that'll play with each other here :lol:

Did have two inside the house who did nothing but!! Drove me nuts, but it's great to see em run outside.

Officially Retired
01-29-2012, 03:22 AM
Great pics, to bad i can't make a combination that'll play with each other here :lol:

Ha ha!

The truth is, almost any APBTs will play with each other, if the owner spends the time with them from pups. Even as an adult, when I got Little D back from Wildchild, she had no socialization at all, and wanted to hit everything with fur on it. Now, more than a year later, she is laying on the couch (pregnant) inbetween her half-sister Dirty Hammer (also pregnant) and Silverback.

I have had some dogs that just couldn't be around other dogs (Red Sonja for example), no matter how much time I put into them, but they have never been my very best dogs, as part of excellence is intelligence, and I just think truly intelligent dogs are the ones who have the sense to make accurate assessments and judgement calls.

Did have two inside the house who did nothing but!! Drove me nuts, but it's great to see em run outside.

Yep, and that's because you put the time into those :mrgreen:



01-29-2012, 03:47 AM
I rather spend extra time on dogs that don't like each other, doing everything separately, no corrections or surprises. Then trying to make dogs play who want to do something else ;) My pups stayed together up to 4 months, then the playing was over, believe that ..lol. I walk each dog every day of the year for at least 30 minutes so they sure have their fun time. Not saying i have something against letting hem play, not at all.

Officially Retired
01-29-2012, 04:06 AM
I rather spend extra time on dogs that don't like each other, doing everything separately, no corrections or surprises. Then trying to make dogs play who want to do something else ;)

I understand. Getting bulldogs 'not' to play isn't much of an accomplishment. In my honest opinion, "fight crazy dogs" are a dime-a-dozen.

Talented dogs that can discriminate friend from foe are the almost invariably the best dogs IMO. For example, I remember Indian Sonny mentioning that the baddest bitch he ever had in his 50-years (Bloomers) could be let loose in the yard. I remember Fat Bill saying the same thing about his all-time-best bitch too, Ch Bolero, namely that she too could be turned loose and get along with other dogs. Gambler's prize dog Gr Ch Virgil's favorite buddy was a cat, so I am told.

So, again, it has always seemed to me that, almost invariably, the very best dogs (not common, ordinary dogs) always know the difference between when to go to work and when to have fun, and I have observed this same truth on my yard also. All of my "fight crazy" dogs have never been my very best, most intelligent, most talented dogs.

My pups stayed together up to 4 months, then the playing was over, believe that ..lol.


Sorry, but that is not impressive to me. I have plenty of "early-starting" pups, you can "believe that" too ( :lol: ), but most of even these can learn when to be "on" and when to be "off."

I walk each dog every day of the year for at least 30 minutes so they sure have their fun time. Not saying i have something against letting hem play, not at all.

Well, we all have our own ways of doing things, which is fine. But I have always believed that the BEST bulldogs are the ones who can do it all, while (by definition) common dogs are the ones who are limited as to their usefulness and adaptability to different situations.



01-29-2012, 04:28 AM
I believe you Jack :lol: not saying its a accomplishment but why would i try to change something i like to see.

I also believe in the positive things you got to say about letting them socialize, can't see why it would it do any harm. but you're naming some dogs who're getting a long other dogs and were supposed to be the best and completest dogs, sorry i dont believe that. No point to name all gr ch who were never socialized with other dogs. The dogs i got my hounds from weren't either yet as intelligent as can be.

Officially Retired
01-29-2012, 04:35 AM
I believe you Jack :lol: not saying its a accomplishment but why would i try to change something i like to see.

LOL, I didn't ask you to change anything, I merely posted pictures of my pups playing 8-)

It was "you" who were acting like your pups were at some "other level" by not being socialized, or able to be socialized, which would be a characteristic I personally would not enjoy. Again, I like dogs that are able to do it all, as opposed to dogs whose intelligence (or temperaments) limits their usefulness and adaptability to each situation.

I also believe in the positive things you got to say about letting them socialize, can't see why it would it do any harm. but you're naming some dogs who're getting a long other dogs and were supposed to be the best and completest dogs, sorry i dont believe that.

Well, I am glad you believe in the value of socialization. As for your beliefs regarding the very best dogs being able to be socialized, their owners stated these great dogs were the best they ever had, that they were able to get along with other animals when not "on the job," and this came out of their own mouths.

No point to name all gr ch who were never socialized with other dogs. The dogs i got my hounds from weren't either yet as intelligent as can be.

Dogs not being socialized, and dogs not being able to be socialized, are two different things.

The former is related to the dogs' owners not bothering to try, implying no limitation on the dog itself (only on what their owners chose not to do with them); while the latter implies a limitation on the dog itself, thereby reducing its usefulness and completeness as an animal.


bad dog
01-29-2012, 05:27 AM
those are some nice azz pups cj. that beowolf looks like an adult already damn! wish i had the yard space to let mine run loose like that :cry:

01-29-2012, 06:51 AM
Jack im the last one to say any pup is next level. Maybe my words were chose incorrectly, sorry we learn english from movies :mrgreen:
Like i said, unfortunately mine do not get along, so im doing my best to socialize & school them as good as possible in other ways. In the end all that really matters is the on button, IMO 8-) Back to the pics!!

01-29-2012, 07:00 AM
ch slim shady rom, cak's ch red, gdi's ch pearl, trilogy's gr ch buck rom amongst many other great ones wouldn't hit anything out of the springpole track. self confidence true gameness smartness. I like dogmen who actually like dogs and I will always have a special feeling for any proven bulldog with enough brains not to act like these fight crazy dumbasses. Amazon looks amazing.

01-29-2012, 07:29 AM

01-29-2012, 07:31 AM
one of our pups looking like Amazon. Built like a tank. Always wondered where the color comes from. It's a grandson to DFK's Choko ( Silverback's half brother ). Of course it's not its chain spot lol

Officially Retired
01-29-2012, 07:36 AM
Jack im the last one to say any pup is next level.

Then why are you trying to make such an exaggerated point of stating that your pups "don't get along?" That is unfortunate, but all I want to do is show my pups getting along and having fun here, not debate :mrgreen:

Maybe my words were chose incorrectly, sorry we learn english from movies :mrgreen:

Fair enough.

Like i said, unfortunately mine do not get along, so im doing my best to socialize & school them as good as possible in other ways.

Like I said, that is unfortunate, because if your pups lack the capacity and intelligence to be useful/trustworthy in other important ways, then they are essentially limited "only good for one thing" animals by definition, which is NOT what the best of this breed are all about. (Notice that I distinguish best from what is common and ordinary ;) )

As I mentioned in another thread topic, my Pretty Boy dog was fully-started by the time he got his first shot at 6 weeks, and he won his first deal at 16 mos in 2:42, so I know what early-starting dogs look like. And I also know that "being hot" has nothing to do with athletic ability or intelligence, nothing whatsoever, as I have had plenty of dogs that were not as "hot" as Pretty Boy but who had far more ability.

In the end all that really matters is the on button, IMO 8-)

Well, as was revealed in the Man-Fighter thread topic, what you just said is incorrect. A truly good dog should be able to direct his "on" button intelligently. A dog that doesn't have the sense to do this is a liability. A dog having the sense and stability of temperament to be able to distinguish "friend from foe" is a vital trait to a truly complete animal.

If you would put a dog down for attacking your wife, or child, then in point of fact you DO value something besides an indiscriminate "on" button. And if you don't want your dogs attacking people at all, over and above your family, then you want the dog's "on" button to be even further revised and his judgment to have further intelligence and discrimination. You just haven't quite got it yet that truly badass dogs really can take it to the next level and recognize "friend from foe" amongst other dogs and animals too, which (whether you believe it or not) is an even higher level of intelligence and stability of temperament.

However, I do realize that sometimes it is nice to have a "fully-on" dog in your hands :mrgreen:

Back to the pics!!

Yes, that would be a great, to be able to just get back to a positive environment and simply enjoy the pics :mrgreen:



Officially Retired
01-29-2012, 08:00 AM
ch slim shady rom, cak's ch red, gdi's ch pearl, trilogy's gr ch buck rom amongst many other great ones wouldn't hit anything out of the springpole track. self confidence true gameness smartness. I like dogmen who actually like dogs and I will always have a special feeling for any proven bulldog with enough brains not to act like these fight crazy dumbasses. Amazon looks amazing.

Thanks Reservoir, some more great dogs that are a true pleasure to own all the way around, and I agree with you 100% on your beliefs.


I totaly agree with you Jack. Gr Ch Vengeance hangs out with my wife's female yorkie Channel and absolutely loves her. They go out to relieve themselves at the same time and then come in to cuddle up on the couch together to watch a movie with us and eventually pass out next to each other. Only currs need to establish dominance constantly because inside they are really afraid and insecure, a true bulldog knows who he is and what he is capable of doing without having to throw his weight arround. Real bulldogs should and know how to recognize friends from foes, and I also think it is the same with people, this is my humble opinion.

Well, there you go, it is hard to get too many more titles than Grand Champion, defeater of Champions and Grand Champions, 2xDOY, and (now) ROM ... and so it is no surprise to hear such a great all-around dog as Vengeance is also a great house dog and pet. In fact, I remember seeing a photo of you, Vengeance, and his game brother once before :)

And I couldn't agree with you more on your beliefs, KC!


one of our pups looking like Amazon. Built like a tank. Always wondered where the color comes from. It's a grandson to DFK's Choko ( Silverback's half brother ). Of course it's not its chain spot lol

Wow, she does like a lot like Amazon :shock: :mrgreen:

That color comes from the chocolate, which is a derivative of black ;)



01-29-2012, 12:36 PM
If you look in crenshaws book you will see GR Ch blackjack playing with pups and his other dogs,and from what I have heard black jack was a highly intelligent bulldog

01-29-2012, 01:23 PM
First and foremost, happy healthy robust little bulldogs! exellent pic's!

01-30-2012, 04:16 AM
too funny :) thanks for sharing jack...

Officially Retired
01-31-2012, 01:43 PM

02-06-2012, 11:08 AM
Very well put Jack...Smarter Hog dog able to control and finish that hog wit minimum damage to him/herself rather than a dumb bull head that gets him/herself cut all up....Here's some pics of another one of Sliverback's pups having yard fun with that money spot .....SliverMoney....

11-22-2016, 07:58 PM
Sorry to ressurect an old thread. I agree with Jack, an intelligent bulldog should be able to recognize friend from foe. I think my almost 6 months old pup has the intelligence to know between friend or foe as he was socializing just fine with a Pom and a Shih Tzu at the vet. He was also doing fine with a very annoying toy poodle when the dog got loose, didn't try to attack him. The poodle did however attacked my pup after a couple seconds of sniffing (tried to bite my pup). He just calmly moved away and avoided conflict until the dog attacked him again, it turned into a very brief scuffle but otherwise not harmful.

He has a different attitude towards 2 dog aggressive Beagles in my housing complex. On the leash everytime he met them he was screaming and barking trying to get to them. He was attacked twice by them. One time I was jogging with him and the 2 beagles got loose and attacked him from behind. Luckily nobody got hurt, it was only a short scuffle and the fight got broken up quick; no bites. about 15 minutes later, this time one of the beagle got loose and attacked him head on. Another brief scuffle and it got broken up pretty quick, nobody got any holds. Now my pup just goes crazy everytime he saw them (mind you these are 5 year old beagles that attacked my innocent 5 3/4 months old pup).

I hope these 2 "bad experiences" doesn't turn him into a fight crazy dog. It is unfortunate that almost all of the dogs in my neighborhood are not friendly with other dogs. I'm just scared that if the toy poodle (which somehow got loose with the owner no where in sight) or the beagles act a fool and actually bit my dog when he's older, it'll turn into a murder scene.

03-31-2017, 10:36 AM
I don't know how I never saw this thread? Even when it got a bump in 2016.

A great thread with great pictures. Loved every pic and narration, we need more threads like this guys!