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View Full Version : Aries/ TGK Ch Brooklyn Prospects 4 sale

07-31-2019, 08:23 PM
Hey guys I have Ch Brooklyn Prospects avail. A male or female. $2000.
TGK/Aries Ch Brooklyn bred to TGK/ Aries Oreo. These are 14-mths and both have outstanding attitudes. Im selling because I have 7 of them total. So I can afford to get rid of 1. LMK any interest. Pictures avail upon request. Nothing wrong with them at all. Should make someone happy.

Thank You
YIS Team Georgia/ Aries Kennels

08-26-2019, 06:22 AM
Headed to California to a good home thanks Guys.

05-20-2020, 05:46 AM
Send me pic of female and I would love to have her

05-23-2020, 05:59 PM
Sorry not avail anymore. Thanks for inquiry though.