09-13-2019, 03:48 PM
I see a lot of pics online where the dogs are living in filth with no water or green water in their water buckets. I moved to a place where the neighbors are really nosey. I'm here to tell you that if you don't already do it, you need to take good care of your dogs. You should be doing it for the dogs themselves but if you don't, you will get a visit. My neighbors can't complain because I take the time to treat my dogs right. I am currently building a prototype above ground kennel that is 12'x4' and that should help with any tethering issues. I make sure that they get daily exercise so they don't make a lot of noise. I took the advice from Mr. Tarheel Matt. I don't keep a whole lot of dogs so I shouldn't have any problem keeping them healthy. All I'm saying is take care of your dogs and don't post stupid pictures on the internet.