View Full Version : Tacoma bust

12-19-2019, 08:50 PM
This is just straight up stupid


12-20-2019, 01:38 PM
what does the overhead view even mean. Why are they like the dogs are scared of him. Frisco dogs and chinamen eli dogs are like on the chain. Some dogs its their personality. Having forty in a basement is a bit retarded. I could see the animal welfare charges doing something. Unless they have a informant or footage i see the dogfighting charge a little hard to make stick.

12-20-2019, 06:30 PM
I cant see keeping 40 dogs in a garage. Its terrible judgement. Some of the stuff they put on these things is like "that doesn't mean that." He had multiple dogs for breeding.... And you can't breed one. It's shitty to have them piled up in crates in a garage forty deep that had to be ripe. Four in a house is a lot. Alot of the stuff is sensationalistic. That whole afraid of their owner things is funny. There are some pits that will pee if you clap at them. Some lines are really people shy genetically. What does that really mean? I agree the dogs were in crappy conditions. Some of the stuff seems real arbitrary. Every time I see one of these things their favorite line is "Dogs on heavy chains." I don't think people need the heaviest chain they can get. Jack has said that a bunch of times on here. Just get the high test strength chain. If had chain dogs that what I would get then check them at scheduled periods.

12-20-2019, 07:55 PM
that's crazy

Black Hand
12-20-2019, 08:19 PM
Hopefully he gets his stuff back.

12-21-2019, 11:50 AM
That whole dogs fear him comment bothers me. I don't beat my dogs unless they need a pop. for stuff like food aggression to me. I can get in a pissed off mood and they feel it. That never hear them bark stuff. I got rid of the barky pups out the litter. If they bark and growl i tell them to hush. I figured most people can't stand barking ass dogs. I can't. If neighbors complain if they don't bark or if they bark your fucked. They prob never see my sitting on the bed with my two pups and mom and dad to the pups. I know I can't trust 3 out of the four with other dogs. If there is anything on the floor for them to fight over they go at it. Someone said China. Maybe Ecuador is the place.

Black Hand
12-21-2019, 05:00 PM
I never been fond of speaking on a man or his dogs when he isnt present. Gossiping is not a desirable trait I dont think not just for dogmen but men in general. I stand by what I said, I would never in a million years hope someone's dogs get euthed. Peace.

12-21-2019, 05:30 PM
I wasn't talking about his dogs, more the conditions that led to his problems.

Black Hand
12-21-2019, 05:43 PM
I wasn't talking about his dogs, more the conditions that led to his problems.

I wasnt being specific... but I can. One guy is posting his kennel name, the names of his dogs and what have you. What other information about the man do we want to post while criticizing in a place where he isnt here to defend himself? Its disturbing and I would be real careful about some of you.

Crying about the conditions of his dogs but want to move to China of all places ������ people have the audacity to call someone a clown who isnt here but more than likely didnt live too far from this person. There is enough clownery on this thread. Some real bitchmade conversation.

12-21-2019, 07:28 PM
I hear you. I always take the news reports with a grain of salt. Theres a lot of hyperbole there. I watched because I live in a neighborhood. I keep four dogs in the house. Two pups and two grown dogs. If need to thin later I know who can go and who can stay. I tell my friend if you are going to be public with the dogs you better have a clean yard well fed dogs etc. If the stories are true there's no way that you can keep forty dogs there and be near hygienic. When you build a website and advertise now you have eyes on you. It seems from history that people who poke their heads up find trouble. Faron, STP, etc. To me when he said the name I look at is how can I not have the same results.

12-22-2019, 08:08 AM
Well since you’re his self appointed guardian, maybe you should tell your protege to get his ass off Facebook. When you decide to become a commercial breeder and posting your dogs and information everywhere all day everyday to push pup sale you have lost any expectations of privacy and assisted in building that case against yourself. Wanna be in the public eye, wanna peddle them pups maybe...just maybe you wanna clean up shit and piss, house them properly and a little fucking feed wouldn’t hurt from time to time.

12-22-2019, 02:23 PM
Really are a blunt tool aren’t cha. What does a Handel or being in the know have to do with your original misguided post. The first post is a link to an article with the mans government name, where he lives and pictures of dogs living in filth. But here you are talking about his kennel and dogs name being posted. I get the feeling those are the least of his worries. Btw this clowns actions now have 2 other men in being looked at. Maybe when you get in the know, you’ll talk about what you know.

12-22-2019, 04:35 PM
Spell check working just fine. This didn’t go the way you thought. You said that weak ass shit and Frank back peddled somewhat ( no offense Frank ) but I’m cut from a different cloth, coming straight at cha homie. When an individual got nothing of real substance to bring to the table, they bring up people moms. Now who on some hoe shit?

12-22-2019, 08:27 PM
https://external-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQDO0oCBZWAjhUEk&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia3.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2F65ODC wM00NVmEyLsX3%2Fv1.Y2lkPTEyMGMwMTQ3NjQ2NDJkMWQ2NzU 5YWUxYjExZWNmNzRjNjQzM2JlMGNhN2NkODRlMA%2Fgiphy.gi f&ext=gif&_nc_hash=AQCAPfN81jczAWo1

i ain't back peddle on shit. You must can't read what I wrote and why I wrote it. Don't try to drag me into this bullshit. You miss taking your midol. You just aint getting it stuffed right.

12-23-2019, 05:26 AM
i ain't back peddle on shit. You must can't read what I wrote and why I wrote it. Don't try to drag me into this bullshit. You miss taking your midol. You just aint getting it stuffed right. whether you back peddled or not is a matter of opinion. Nobody tried to drag you into anything. You were mentioned once and I even said no offense Frank. I ain’t going back and forth with you Frank as you weren’t the target, I’m also done getting in the ass of that other weird motherfucker. I said what I said anybody doesn’t like it well to damn bad!!

12-23-2019, 09:29 AM
I kinda like ppl not being able to delete post. Takes a man to stand on his shit

12-23-2019, 10:38 AM
depends on what it is. sometimes stuff needs to come off.

12-23-2019, 12:01 PM
Been a member for some years now. This is the first time I’ve had this type interaction with another member. I apologize to my fellow board members and in no way meant to offend Frank. I said what I had to say and will leave it at that. Merry Christmas everybody.

12-23-2019, 05:01 PM
I kinda like ppl not being able to delete post. Takes a man to stand on his shit

Yea, it looks like I missed some deleted comments. If you said it you should stand on it. I agree.

12-24-2019, 04:25 AM
We are good. Found on some PETA board he was released. They were pissed no charges were filled. He’s not going to prison. He’s not even charged with anything. I had to work and leave dogs in a crate. I’d rather do that then leave them outside so some dumb fuck can poison or steal them. People are retarded.

12-24-2019, 07:46 AM
Oh shit. Other thing I thought was funny. they were like. He's breeding them! "the audacity he's letting dogs fuck. the horror. breeding them."

12-27-2019, 05:22 AM
The condition of his animals disqualifies this man from being excused and i would vote he doesnt get them back. It's bullshit and there's no excuse for these conditions.

Having dogs dont make you a dogman and being a dogman does grant you immunity to neglect your stock.

12-27-2019, 06:24 AM
The more i think about it. I just think he fucked up. These dogs are an addiction. He doesn't really have the set up for more than a few dogs He prob bought some. They started breeding. Then he had all these puppies you can't get rid of like you thought you could. He doesn't know what he wants. He buys a bunch of good dogs different bloodlines. Never knows each dog. My dogs are in a crate when i go to work. I don't want them outside. People steal. I don't want a bunch of chain spots in my neighborhood or my dogs poisoned. My dogs are out under my supervision. there are a lot days where I had to work more than eight hours and came home to piss and shit in a crate. I can't tell you how much piss and shit I have cleaned. That being said. I know what I want. Im only having one breeding a year maybe two. I know what i want. People kill me with this positive thinking shit. "Hey I can jump off the top of a building and make it." I'm the guy that like. "nah. shit wont work. How tall is the building? you got that bouncy stunt man stuff under you?" They say i overthink. Measured to who? I have been thinking about what I want out of a dog for years. Luckily someone gave me some good dogs. I spent time with the mother and father he gave me. I know them intimately. I raised the pups in the house. Cleaning up puppy shit in a kids wading pool. I know the personalities of those pups and I know the personalities of them relative to the parents. Got rid of the ones that don't fit with what I want. Got rid of by selling or placing with friends. Maybe I got rid of my best dogs. I still don't have a big ass dog footprint. Im slowing making progress to the dogs I want. People get over extended. Lose a job now you can't buy dog food to feed forty dogs. I'm trying to get seconds from deer processing plants. Chicken necks and backs to lower my feed bill, keep quality etc. You used to have quality mentors in dogs. Maybe that's nostalgia for how things used to be.

12-27-2019, 08:07 AM
Having too many dogs to care for properly is a messed up situation to be in.Before you know it dogs end up in the wrong hands because you are desperate to get rid of them or they suffer being crated and wallowing in their own filth.

12-27-2019, 09:00 AM
this is true. this is why i don't breed a lot. why i like hard workers. i saw a guy bragging how his dog looked without doing work.these are the lazy fools that believe its the dog not the man. there's no consistency. they don't know their line ie average turn on times, traits etc. roll young and dump. Usually leads to dogs running loose in the streets. they don't know how to put a dog down, so they show up in shelters after surviving gunshot wounds. that's why i focus on a line. They are prob the reason stuff is illegal and should stay that way. Should be a way to let the responsible people do what needs to be done. I Know my dogs. You don't end up with a yard of 400 dogs while you try to find the superstars. They end up hoping on a superstar. even if they get a b grade dog that could be better with work they will loose to someone they should have beat. as it has been said “Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't work hard.” Maybe people end up in prison who should be there. I wish sometimes the legalities were different. I have to fight the urge to call a weight when this guy thinks his dog will win because of who he's out of. I already know this story. Find a medium talented, super game dog with wind and brains. Get to 30 or 40 minutes and stop their rough curs left and right. Then you're this phenom. Now everybody wants to buy your dog. your name gets out there. Then peta comes. then irs, le etc. I long for the day it was a gentlemen's game. It prob was never a true gentlemen game. Just a game for rough type dues. Blacksmiths like tudor, coal miners etc etc instead of good people mixed in with drug dealers. Mayfield beat a lot of people with conditioning. One of the old time doggers said if Mayfield gets you to 30 minutes you're gonna loose just go ahead and pick up. You're right about the breeding thing. You try to work out places for dogs to go before they are born. Most of my litters from here on wont be fit for pet homes. Just hog hunters and historical aficionados. Its just funny when people hear a dog has a shitty work ethic and they want it thinking its some 15 minute killer. Makes me want to call weight and take their money. i know centipede didn't work. There are alway exceptions. He was a phenom. It would be dumb to breed a yard full of dogs with no work ethic.

12-27-2019, 09:59 AM
Having that many dog in a metropolitan city is just not smart at all. Unless you have 2-3 reliable ppl helping you it's way more than one person can handle.

12-27-2019, 10:16 AM

12-28-2019, 08:03 PM
Makes you think what is truly ideal? I got three dogs looking on adding a fourth fortunately I have someone I trust to feed and walk when work calls for longer days. Decent sized yard, full basement and garage for additional space if needed. I truly don't understand how folks living in the city limits have several dogs. I do understand how these dogs could be an addiction though. We make a routine and soon your like yea I can add another and so on.

12-28-2019, 08:26 PM
His first mistake was his location. The pacific northwest is full of tree hugging hippies that have different views on how dogs should be kept then down in the south. I know people with large yards in populated suburbs here in the south.

12-29-2019, 07:47 AM
Makes you think what is truly ideal? I got three dogs looking on adding a fourth fortunately I have someone I trust to feed and walk when work calls for longer days. Decent sized yard, full basement and garage for additional space if needed. I truly don't understand how folks living in the city limits have several dogs. I do understand how these dogs could be an addiction though. We make a routine and soon your like yea I can add another and so on.

I think people get start struck sometimes with these dogs too. I grew up wanting pups off this one dog. I didn't have a 1000k to pay for a pup. You get to a day you can have some of these things. Then you can pay a stud fee and breed to the dogs. Then you get obsessed adding this bit from this dog and this bit from that one. Hey all these pups will sell. It doesn't happen like that. I had my first litter in the house. I had a kids wading pool in front of the couch. Watching and handling pups, changing bedding two or three times a day. They got great care. Reason I say this is I know they personality of the pups from the beginning. I know people build puppy pens. Im sure it works. I feel like i know my pups. I know which one grabbed a hold and was a pain in the ass getting off. I know which ones couldn't figure out how to get out in the front of the crate to get to the food. The same food the same way we have been doing for weeks. Basically she's a jocko dog. She's still the same way. Only reason I say that is that people think they need so many dogs. They don't know enough about their dogs to maximize what they have. Somebody said on facebook something about the old bull and the young bull. The whole let's walk down there and fuck all the cows vs running down and fucking one. I think the point is what you said about knowing what you can feed. I have a bad situation know. I know my horses have a round bale that can feed them another week or two, I have a pasture i can tie them out to eat grass. My dogs have food. I think he got over extended. My friend said he was trying to sell dogs like he knew he had too many. Sometimes stuff happens to teach a lesson. My first litter was like that. I thought I would get more for them than I did. Especially for the time I put in. Evo said its a time drain. I believe him. Id do it again. Now people are satisfied with the pups they got. and are wanting to buy the two i kept for myself. I'm really not trying to sell pups. Just be able to have a little concentration of blood, buy dog food and vet bills. Honestly even if I lost money I'd rather keep what I use. I don't want my blood out.

Carrying capacity is a concept some people may benefit from learning. Basically with cattle and horses there is a number the system can contain. Water wise, food wise, parasite wise. I'd try to stay under it and if I got over it I would immediately try to get under it. To me the four I have now is too much. I'd like to get to three while i work on a place outside the city. I'm in a suburb my I keep my dogs low, on a leash and under control. They don't give me a lot of grief. I hope he gets it straight. I think the loss of mentors makes some things like this happen more often.

12-29-2019, 08:00 AM
His first mistake was his location. The pacific northwest is full of tree hugging hippies that have different views on how dogs should be kept then down in the south. I know people with large yards in populated suburbs here in the south.

This is true. There are some of those tree huggers here. I care about the dogs. I don't want to see them starving or abused. If you are going to do what they are bred for then take the responsibility for their after care. Ca Jack has said this a lot, how people are eager to tear a dog down, but can't put one back together. If you can't start an Iv and give fluids and basic medical care you need to get out. I don't know how much of Vick's stuff was media hyperbole and how much was reality. It looked like they just rolled them and tossed them back on a chain. That dog with the pussed out head with the drain was ridiculous. Maybe the people who keep their yards clean and stay low stay clear of problems. Someone was here that said they had a yard full of a hundred dogs and they used to roll dogs every day. If ac shows up you have forty or so busted up dogs. "yea we had twenty kennel accidents the past month." "Riiiiiiiiggggggtttttt" I still believe if you are lucky enough to get good stock in the beginning and can feed and condition you can do well with 5-20 dogs. Like Ca Jack said, "most people can't keep something alive." those are the skills that win more than having the super athlete with gator jaws. Yea at the highest levels that makes more of a difference. I guarantee most people can't call a weight right. Come in on the right weight. Condition and train a dog. It's prob more rare of a trait than people think.

You're right that's a good part of being in the south. We have out humaniacs too. More often if you're not stupid you don't get jammed up by them too often. Just have to avoid them and keep your stuff straight.

12-29-2019, 03:51 PM
In my city you can’t legally own more than 3 without a fanciers permit.Then you can have 2 more for a total of 5.

01-08-2020, 10:59 AM
It's not a good world for bulldogs any more. You have the "save them all" mentality and the "kill them all" mentality. Plus way too many pit bull types and mixes being adopted out to unqualified pet homes. The real bulldogs are certainly not for everyone, most do not make good pets in the average home which expects a dog to lie around and do nothing. A bulldog needs exercise and work. There are "pet bull" types with no drive, which makes the average folks think they are all the same.

Having that many dogs in a city living in a garage in crates is not right. That's no life for any animal let alone a dog. And bulldogs certainly can't live together in a group like some other breeds. No, Frank43 has said it well. It is not easy to keep these dogs properly. And so many location regulate how many dogs you can have, plus the anti chaining laws so popular now. Any hunting or working dog is better off on a chain with a good house than in a small chain link kennel or a crate inside. Sad times for real dogs of any type, not all dogs want to sit on the couch and eat bon bons…

02-20-2020, 08:34 AM

So this dude hasn't been charged and no one is sure if he will ever be charged. Yet they take his dogs, gut the females, chop the males and put 'em up for adoption. Absolutely fucking insane. What an absolutely corrupt and unjust system. If only this poor bastard could afford a real attorney...

02-20-2020, 08:48 AM
He had to have signed them over.The dogs are his property and can not be taken without due legal process.At least that's what I thought?

02-20-2020, 01:36 PM
Lol they do WTF they want to do bro.

Once they take them they then start an insane racketeering sceme. You file through the court to get your property back however, they then say ok, we had your 10 dogs or whatever have you for 2 months so you pay 164,000 in boarding"
, feeding and vet care and you can have them back. Most people obviously aren't in that kind of position therefore they end up being forced to forfeit the dogs. Dogs then either get PTS or clipped, chipped and sold. Most people can't afford to keep paying the court costs, lawyer costs and rising housing costs of the dogs at the location they are being held so they end up being forced to concied.

Sick world we live in.

02-20-2020, 09:36 PM
You don’t want to hear my solution to the problem

02-21-2020, 12:35 PM
AGK is is right. That about sums it up.

Frank43, I hear ya, but not the kind of attention this place needs.

02-23-2020, 09:47 AM
Sad, but not uncommon. Don't get more dogs than you can responsibly care for and house.