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View Full Version : Brucellosis.

03-03-2020, 08:32 AM
This is the second time I’m bringing this up. This month in the gazette an article was posted about brucellosis. I’ll try to figure out how to upload it. It’s a very important read for anyone who has stock and has any open nature of his kennel. Meaning using outside studs or older dogs from other kennels. As I mentioned I will figure how to upload the article. Adba forgive me for copy right infringement but i think the info is to important.

To explain simply my take home from the article I would adjust my actions or the following. Breed my stock closed. If I bred to an outside stud I would have the stud analyzed within some degree of time before breeding my females. I’d probably use ai exclusively and have the semen tested. If someone wanted to breed to my males I would use “AI Only”. I repeat “ai only”. Think of this like human syphilis or aids. The ones with the highest chance of coming down with it are the ones that are “fucking”. Consult with your vet. I know sometimes it’s hard to afford them. Your prized stud would be the one with the most demand to be bred to outside females.

Hopefully this helps educate some. I would like some discussion.