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View Full Version : Nursing Dog Loosing hair bad

03-30-2020, 09:19 PM
any idea what is going on fellas? pups are three days old and she now has sores and fur loss?

03-31-2020, 03:29 PM
Sometime it is mites or mange. At that early of an age I would get one to the vet and get a scrape/test.

If they were a little older one of the age old remedies for mites and mange is soaking them down in an oil, most any oil will do. I just inherited a puppy and used olive oil. He is no longer naked.


03-31-2020, 05:48 PM
Sometime it is mites or mange. At that early of an age I would get one to the vet and get a scrape/test.

That's what I was thinking

03-31-2020, 07:51 PM
But this is the mother dog that is losing hair not the pups... Any change in food? Is it her first litter? What about the bedding they are on, anything there that might cause irritation?

Maybe put some coconut oil on her sores and places she's losing hair? Could it be an allergy to something? With pups that young you can't use much on the female as she'd lick it off and the pups would get it too. Coconut oil is not toxic, that's all I can think of to try.

04-01-2020, 01:51 AM

Yes I would go with the coconut oil or the olive oil, neither will hurt if licked.

It could be mites in the bedding. It could be stress form the delivery. Really any number of things.

I'd go with the coconut oil and it if gets worse I would maybe get it tested.

I'd wean the pups as soon as possible if it is something that will hurt them.

Best of luck.


04-06-2020, 06:18 PM
yes sir! Its the dam, it is her first litter. nothing new other life besides the pups...that's what threw me off she is on daily vitamins and a great puppy food, shes also in above ground pen at the moment. strangest thing I have seen she was fine them had big sores and patches of hair missing. I treated her with Nu stock and so far she's improved a bunch. thanks for the reply fellas! stay safe