01-31-2012, 05:20 AM
This is creepy

Connecting the dots

Further, Google will merge data from the products you use and then analyze it to make new assumptions. That example of getting a text when you are running late is from a Jan. 26 email that Google itself sent to users. If you have an Android phone, Google already knows your location. If you keep appointments in Google Calendar, it also knows where you are trying to go. By cross-referencing that data with its traffic information service, Google can send you that alert.

Opsahl also pointed out that there are many people who have more than one Google account, such as one they use for business and one for personal communication. If data from different accounts are pooled into one Google repository with your name on it, that could cause problems.

“If Google received a warrant to disclose documents, and your business and personal docs are intermingled — that’s a problem,” he said. “Some would like to say, “No, thank you” and keep their accounts separate.”
“Google should make it easy for people to set up and manage separate accounts if they wish to do so,” Opsahl said.

Trouble ahead

While the new policy doesn’t eliminate users' ability to set up different accounts under different names, Google intends to use data such as search history, whom you contact most frequently and your location to serve you better without regard for the partitions you may have created. “In short, we’ll treat you as a single user across all our products,” Google said.

The policy change could create problems for those who go by different names. Google’s new text reads:

"We may use the name you provide for your Google Profile across all of the services we offer that require a Google Account. In addition, we may replace past names associated with your Google Account so that you are represented consistently across all our services."

Google+ requires real names while YouTube does not. Starting March 1, your real name could appear across Google products. If you’re hardworking accountant Jim by day and posting your Glee-inspired musical renditions on YouTube by night, you might have some explaining to do.

In other words, they know everything that we search and our person information, they know where we are located as well. They will advertise you based on your search data. How do you think somethimes it already know's where you are when asking quistions, or email. Well if you ever install google earth on your computer you will see how much contorl the NHO has on us. Google Earth: you type in an address and your street comes up in hybrid satalite, and you can see everything even move from street to street on the camera satalitle.

http://www.scientificamerican.com/artic ... -privacy-p (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=how-googles-new-privacy-p)