View Full Version : Can Your Dog Stand On It's Own Merits ?

09-03-2020, 06:51 AM
This I'm sure will be an unpopular post but it's front n center in my mind of late while logged on here.

So n so blood at its best...wtf does that mean, unproven dogs bred down from long dead dogs.

Son or grandson of so n so @ stud...piggybacking off of another's hard work.

Bulldog...yup sure

No war stories, just an honest bulldog...pit bull/check, big chain/check, gets hyper when he sees another dog/check

Game...this one I love, game with a coat as smooth and unblemished as a pups.

Mouth...ya you should see him with his Kong

Bred to produce...yawn

Never mind all that shit and put away the papers...CAN YOUR DOG STAND ON IT'S OWN MERITS ?

Those in sport know what dogs what, no hype or sales pitch needed.

https://i.ibb.co/ZhnCMRV/26229705-317830465386428-7463060271724454703-n.jpg (https://ibb.co/HrWQHLV)

09-03-2020, 09:21 PM
Good point. Problem is that some people (or at least speaking for myself) aren't willing to commit a felony. But for that alone I would have zero hesitation throwing my hat in the ring. So now I have a dog or two with theoretically good lines that haven't been looked at in generations. I suppose I might as well be keeping AmStaffs. Nonetheless, they'll throw anyone's ass in jail and ruin their lives for pitting dogs in a heartbeat and some of us aren't willing to take that chance. In my case, that's all there is to it. It's not a matter of having balls (or not), it's a matter of choices and consequences.

09-04-2020, 03:16 AM
I have absolutely no issue with anyone owning an example or examples of this breed that are and will remain unchecked...none.

As you rightfully pointed out, there is a lot to lose for anyone who risks showing their dog in this day and age.

I like your honesty with regards to yourself and your dogs.

Again as you pointed out that there is considerable risk involved when one chooses to compete on the show circuit with their dogs, not to mention all the time and hard work it takes to get there.

All the more reason in my opinion that if your dog is a petbull to not try and piggyback off another who has chosen to persevere the breed in its purest form and competes.

I am no salesman but I think there is nothing wrong with stating your dogs conformation is second to none, good stable temperament, lots of drive when engaged in activities and off of good dogs and/or down from good lines.

When one goes beyond that though it becomes crystal clear as to what's what.

09-04-2020, 11:27 PM
What are your thoughts on frozen semen off long gone proven dogs, both in the pit and as producers of quality pit dogs? For example: If I was a Jeep/Red Boy fan and I was breeding for the pit, I would not hesitate taking my best gyp to a son of Ch Thunder ROM and off a daughter of Little Tab regardless of whether the dog has ever been checked.

*Of course this is all theoretic and an exercise in free speech for any feds that may have nothing better to do but patrol this site and worry about some dogs.* God forbid you morons might actually get your asses to Portland and put an end to the insanity. 'Cause ya know... Dogs' Lives Matter More.

09-05-2020, 03:13 AM
That's a topic I think could be a thread of it's own.

I am a firm believer in the dogs of today over the dogs of yesterday. Don't misunderstand in that I'm not taking anything away from or discrediting any legend of the past.

It's just man's nature to romanticize the past.

There are plenty of good proven dogs today, both in sport and as producers that are available to anyone with the stud fee in hand. Two fine examples of this that I recently saw in the classifieds section here were the breedings to Ch Homicide and Ch Nascar.

I understand not everyone has the connections to be in a position to breed to such and such dog but then there is Mr. Garner who has bridged that gap between the sport and the common man. Where anyone with a Visa can own a pup off of a proven dog or breed to a proven stud. (While on the topic of Mr. Garner and frozen semen I think it's only a matter of time till he introduces a new stud dog directly off of Frisco, there is no way a man as business minded as him did not keep a straw or two off his all time ''best producing'' stud.)

I can certainly understand the appeal of getting a pup from or a litter from a long dead great but I think and this is only my opinion keep in mind, that most would not show that dog due to the price tag on the pup and dreams of what they could make studding the dog out when he's of age. Think of it in Hollywood terms in that most producers would rather invest in a remake of a proven financial success, a classic if you will then take a chance on a new script.

Ch Loco 4X , the dog who stopped the great Ali Baba, still in the U.S. and yes they are collecting straws off him for storage.
https://i.ibb.co/pzNTmTj/105037086-294839658382492-2385.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)