View Full Version : Robert Bob Stevens "New Book"
Thought I'd let the bulldog men, women and young ones know that,
Bob Stevens (Author, Dogs of Velvet and Steel) has just put out a new book.
Don't believe there is a bigger book than this one right now.
Over 700 Pages and a DVD.
We all know that he has made great contributions to this breed and towards all
Bulldog owners who want to learn as much as they can about the breed.
This is one of the better books out there, help yourself, to be a better dogman.
A Friend,
An old friend in the dogs sent me this and here's the link to order Bob's new book --
10-01-2020, 12:20 AM
I always used to enjoy reading Bobs articles. Seems like a very knowledgeable guy. My kennel partner bought the book and I was checking it out. His seems to be missing several chapters? Specifically chapters 39 Scientific Nutrition, and chapter 40 Scientific Conditioning.
Are those chapters in the one you got? The one he bought is called “Pit Pro Compendium”
10-03-2020, 03:37 PM
What’s the name of the book
10-04-2020, 07:17 AM
Just ordered it yesterday, can't wait!
10-04-2020, 09:23 PM
What’s the name of the book
Halfway through my copy, great read. (
10-07-2020, 12:31 PM
Is it a story book? Is it about breeding principles, health and care??
Hello Sparkie
Just so you know chapers 12 on up are not in the book...This book is Vol. 1 When Vol.2 comes out ....hopeful soon. The rest of the chapters will be covered.
I know how hard and long Mr Stevens has worked on his books, this one being no exception.
Research galore. Reaching out to ppl as far back as
1980 (86 to be exact here) and has collected all kinds of info that just Vol.1 has over 700 pages.
Vol 2 will be just as large a volume if not more.
Enjoy the book chances are in the world we live in today, we will never see and read info like this.
If people are liking bulldogs for their true essence this is a book for you.
Its even got some Canadian Bloodlines that people only know from what they have read from people that “heard” about these dogs. You will be able to read now from those who were of the know, let alone there.
God Bless the APBT and all the folks all over the world that try to sustain its true essence.
From The North Strong.....before they even knew what a Canadian bred dog could do.
Beating the Great Petronelli SueBoy who the late Jack K. SDJ fame thought was unbeatable. Placed his hard
earned deniros and lost but was wise enogh to know that this was the real thing.
What do you do when you see the right thing, you get one. Going fwd before you knew it Jack had his own Ch.from the hands of the Canadian...and the rest, as they say, is His Story now.
10-10-2020, 08:36 PM
Got it SGC, Thanks
Great, hope you enjoy the book.
He actually has some great reads on Andre Giroux and other dogmen with their dogs.
A collective amount of greats from the 80's and 90's when travel was fair and the humaniacs and PETA
we're forming their attacks, yet the men that played the GAME were flourishing no less, with great opponents,
sportsmanship and respect amongst one an other.
When your word was your guarantee and your guarantee was your word.
Times have changed as have the men and women who participate within these yards and it seems is not going to get any better, any time soon.
Once upon a time someone would call out a weight, person, dog and within no time the other was there car, crate and dog in hand. No worries at the border, no worries at the Host home. No worries of anything at all.
Except the possibility that it may not be as good an evening, afternoon or morning for that matter. When the charges were let go and the games began. Aside from that everything else would be a great day/wk-end in the end.
Them days are long gone now. At best you can expect a good showing with 2-3 ppl in the stands because of the Covid () and at most 2 showings.(N.A.)
Even countries that were once open too all ideas, suggestions and participation are now a hollow of themselves.
Maybe it's better, as it seems a lot of crap has collected and infested the breed. Maybe after 20yrs it will clear out and those that should be owning this great breed of a dog will compete with those alone. Not too long ago no one knew what a game bred bulldog was about let alone used for. This was the greatest of times for the breed and sport.
Just look at what those dogs have left behind for the true fan to breed to. There were so many greats, with such few showings (compared to the abundance of dogs today) 2% of bulldogs are used for what they were bred for yet such a legacy can not be duplicated by any other breed.
Imagine all these show dogs you see at UKC, AKC, etc used only 2% of their Greats to continue a bloodline. They would be extinct in today's Westminster Dog show.
Hopefully I will be able to breed to a good little dog down the line thanks to the few, the proud, dog owners that took the time, the effort and the responsibility of making a great for some of us to breed to or better yet buy one and be able to say this dog truly is a work of art.
I know that I can say down the line that I can breed a female to a dog that was an champion in the early to mid 90's that's passed on but lucky to have pellets (and frozen sperm) yrs from now and be proud to walk that little shyt maker. His sire was worth picking up after and hopefully he (or she) will be too.
Take care my friend.
Northern Strong.