View Full Version : Need help understanding Breeder Statistics vs. Percentages please.

11-14-2021, 05:16 AM
In order to buy a the best pup from the best breeder, what is more important- Points or Percentages? What exactly do both mean? Please provide explanation.

Thank you.


11-16-2021, 03:50 PM
The most honest answer is that neither mean anything nor are they any indication they will amount to anything.


The previous owner of this board showed a near 90% success rate. That is impressive and sounds even more impressive. But it was not 90% of all dogs produced but 90% of all dogs matched showed game. Which is still great but if you just vet the dogs that someone shows, lots of people have high percentages of game dogs if the math starts at the show.

Breeder statistics:

These can be inflated and fluffed as well. If the breeder has 10 pups and 6 make it to the show and2 are game plugs and 2 are curs. That is easy math. Then factor i the breeder that blames the new owner for ruining his dog. So now we are 6 of 8 instead of 6 of 10. A 15% swing in percentage points on subjective or selective perception.

What is the initial mission statement? If the goal is to make winners and the litter is chock full of game plugs who will scratch but can't win, is that a failure? Yes, if you were after match winning dogs. It is a no, if that family of game dogs goes on to produce match wining dogs.

And if the goal is to create paperwork that suggests there will be winners and producers down the road that is a different ball game together.

So the most scientific terminology I can use is that if you leave the breeder's yard with the 'warm fuzzies' that is about the best you can do. Then time, and only time, will answer the rest of the questions.


11-18-2021, 05:25 PM
Self, EWO pretty well hit the mark.

On this site. The stats used on the pedigree research analysis and test breeding can be helpful. Providing the over all pedigree is accurate and most of the dog men behind said dog or dogs was at least fairly honest. It can be of some help. But will not produce any sort of magical type dogs for you.

Dogs are a higher life form than Game Chickens and will not produce genetic gaminess or ability as well bred game cocks/hens do. Race Horses are even the worse of the three. Millions are spent to get one great Thoroughbred Kentucky etc. winner.

So with that said. Unless your dog (male or Female) is heavily out crossed. You look at your dog's total pedigree at fourteenth generation. Now do not bother scrolling all those dogs names etc. Look up at the right top listing of dogs, once the pedigree is complete. Give the computer time for all the analysis is complete. Look at the predominate dog of the past that pops up around the third dog listing or fourth. Look at the percentage say at least 30% to say 40% and how many times. This will give you a idea of the over all dogs bred from that Stud or female or that bloodline.

If you have a male or female dog that is well built with no psychical faults. Is very game or a proven game winner. This tool we have on this site can be helpful when doing future test breedings. Still it is not a sure thing. So much more is involved to have a yard of good to great dogs.

This tool we have on this site, can also be used by the dog peddler to breed inferiors dogs with pretty pedigrees. Until you know what sort of dogs you really have. Best put the papers away and look at them later on. When you have a real proven dog. Meantime you can use this pedigree tool to learn more about these pedigrees of successful dog men. Take care, Cheers CYJ.

11-19-2021, 03:40 AM
CYJ, hope all is well with you and yours.

Looking back I wish I had been more interested in breeding dogs way back when. The over all gamble and then the hassle of puppies in general made me into a buyer vs. a breeder. LOL

Now I look back and think, "What if?" on a lot of the dogs from way back.

But so it goes.

Now I scroll the pedigrees and do the 14th generation peek and say 'coulda-shoulda' on so many of the dogs I have had access to over the years.

When you get to know people maybe the truest sign of respect and friendship in the dogs is when someone says, "Breed to him if you want". I have had that opportunity to some pretty nice dogs over the years but that gamble and the hassle of the puppies seemed to outweigh the offer.

This provides me with "Kick myself in the a$$" moments.