View Full Version : *****Kloos & Cucamonga's Batters*****

02-02-2012, 09:58 PM
I'm going to offer up at stud the Batters dog for anyone interested while I have him on my yard again for a short time. He is almost 9 years old and very healthy. He came from a good litter, and is a very honest dog himself. He has only been bred a few times, but he has five 2 year olds right now from a litter of five that are all freaks of nature and going to the big show. I like him, I liked his parents, his grandparents, and liked his great grandmother that I aquired in 1990. Most of all I like his pups, and I think you will too.

There is a $500 stud fee to breed to the old boy. Message me if you are seriously prepared to send a bitch and the money, I am very busy and not looking to chit chat aimlessly.This is a sire that will put some serious bottom end in your Boyles or Garner type of dogs without having to make some kind of rank outcross.

Get some of this blood while you can. By summer he will be going back to the good home he has had since the death of my partner 2 1/2 years ago, and no longer open to public stud.


02-27-2013, 09:37 AM
I ended up keeping the old dog here where he will live out his days. He is almost 10 years old, has all of his teeth, is as healthy and active as a young dog, and he just produced me a fine litter last year. Now is the time to breed to this dog.

Officially Retired
02-27-2013, 10:48 AM
Wow, time flies: seems like only yesterday you were bragging about him as a "good-acting pup" ... and now he's an "old dog" :(

Barnstormer Bulldogs
02-27-2013, 01:26 PM
I would be very interested in breeding to him in the summer. after we come out of the woods.

02-27-2013, 02:13 PM
I'm going to offer up at stud the Batters dog for anyone interested while I have him on my yard again for a short time. He is almost 9 years old and very healthy. He came from a good litter, and is a very honest dog himself. He has only been bred a few times, but he has five 2 year olds right now from a litter of five that are all freaks of nature and going to the big show. I like him, I liked his parents, his grandparents, and liked his great grandmother that I aquired in 1990. Most of all I like his pups, and I think you will too.

There is a $500 stud fee to breed to the old boy. Message me if you are seriously prepared to send a bitch and the money, I am very busy and not looking to chit chat aimlessly.This is a sire that will put some serious bottom end in your Boyles or Garner type of dogs without having to make some kind of rank outcross.

Get some of this blood while you can. By summer he will be going back to the good home he has had since the death of my partner 2 1/2 years ago, and no longer open to public stud.


what breeding did them 5 two yrs old come out off

02-27-2013, 02:14 PM
"I like him, I liked his parents, his grandparents, and liked his great grandmother that I aquired in 1990. Most of all I like his pups, and I think you will too"
This comment right here is as honest as it gets.

02-28-2013, 11:01 AM
Wow, time flies: seems like only yesterday you were bragging about him as a "good-acting pup" ... and now he's an "old dog" :(

Same basic age as Silverback Jack, ain't it something?:confused:

02-28-2013, 11:06 AM
what breeding did them 5 two yrs old come out off

The Aztec JoJo breeding. Apparently there is a bitch down in Michoacan who was rolled with a well known Champion who won in very short order all by finishing, and they had to pick the Champion up in :05. Now it is hard to get her hooked up.:mrgreen: One bitch is a 1XW going out for her second, and there is a brother in the Central California area who is supposed to be real special. I don't get regular updates, so that bunch may be doing even better now. The Batters x Lil Mary mating produced a stellar little male named Maryson, but I have lost track of him after my partner died.

02-28-2013, 11:08 AM
I would be very interested in breeding to him in the summer. after we come out of the woods.

Just let me know when you are getting close to ready and we can work out the details. I am going to breed to him again this year too.

Barnstormer Bulldogs
02-28-2013, 04:16 PM
Just let me know when you are getting close to ready and we can work out the details. I am going to breed to him again this year too.

k man I will keep in touch