View Full Version : Mayday/Damian line traits

07-15-2022, 03:00 AM
Hey Everyone. Just wondering what everyone familiar with this strain of Mayday dogs or just Mayday dogs in general has seen as far as the traits they produce. I know alot of this line seems to have a lot of producers off it. I really like my Redboy/Eli crosses but I'm looking to add more durability and bit less straight forward. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

07-15-2022, 05:45 AM
IMHO the Hollingsworth dogs were overrated due in large part to Jack's book (The "Lisa "Patrick blood is more well rounded) . Yellow is what your after or if your set on Mayday blood, look for heavier Yellow blood.

07-20-2022, 04:24 AM
Where can you get Lisa dogs

07-20-2022, 07:16 AM
Where can you get Lisa dogs


07-20-2022, 07:48 AM
The Lisa "Bolio" dogs are IMO more well rounded than other strains but when bred tight they tend to have thinner skin. A friend knows a guy who is crossing it with heavy Vice-Grip blood which should be interesting.

07-20-2022, 02:24 PM
I heard they could close it.

Black Hand
07-20-2022, 09:32 PM
Mayday x blondie speaks for itself with 2 rom dogs and of course, their sister producing gr ch machobuck. The success of that breeding and the dogs down from it speaks for itself as they are sort of world renowned as being the best mayday stuff and has been successfully used back to all sides of the pedigree, yellow, buck, hollingsworth, etc.

07-21-2022, 02:26 AM
The Mayday x Blondie breeding was 37.5% Yellow. The thread starter is looking to add "durability" to his Red Boy x Eli crosses and again this is just my own opinion but I believe he will more than get what he is looking for by adding the Yellow blood. Also, if you look at the majority of the most accomplished Mayday dogs, they are 37.5% and greater Yellow.

For example : http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_dogs_profile.php?dog_id=372

07-24-2022, 11:19 PM
Thanks everyone for the info. Urbandogman I appreciate the recommendation on Yellow dogs. Do you prefer PIK or WAC dogs for heavier Yellow blood?

Blackhand. Yes I have frozen off Damian stored just interested if anyone had seen anything off him first hand and how they acted. I've heard good things about Damian. I've heard he threw very different traits than other strains of Mayday which why I wasn't too sure if he was the right cross for this line.

07-25-2022, 04:11 AM
I like what Royal Bull Kennel's has :





07-25-2022, 09:36 AM
Another option you may want to consider is adding some solid Boyles blood to your Red Boy x Eli, if he's still alive Ch Seguss’s Vito Boyles (Seaguss Sniper)X Eli (Clemmons/Fat Bill) would be a good stud choice if you went this route

07-25-2022, 04:17 PM
Another option you may want to consider is adding some solid Boyles blood to your Red Boy x Eli, if he's still alive Ch Seguss’s Vito Boyles (Seaguss Sniper)X Eli (Clemmons/Fat Bill) would be a good stud choice if you went this route

Yea I've seen some nice Boyles dogs. I've heard good things about the Sniper stuff. What's your thoughts on Dynomite dogs? They are another recommendation I got for durable hard mouth dogs but also heard they have a time clock.

07-25-2022, 06:04 PM
Well my thought's are that I am team Rusty Rebel, with that in mind it would be a natural "fit" for your Red Boy x Eli dogs. If I was looking for that blood, I'd get in touch with with Mr Townsend to see if his Samurai dog was still alive who's heavy Kemo x Budweiser.

07-25-2022, 06:19 PM
Also I wouldn't rule out adding another strain of Red Boy and Eli to your dogs to get the desired traits your looking for. Blackrock Kennel's has what is in my opinion one of the best Red Boy dogs alive today in their (2XW) BLACKROCK'S RED BOY. I know they also often cross it into their Eli blood and will ship pups to the U.S.