View Full Version : My Thoughts :
09-04-2022, 09:58 AM
Seems like some here are stuck in the past. Sorry but studying quotes from old dogmen, looking at old pedigrees and reading old stories WILL NOT help you compete in todays game NOR will it bring your breeding program up to todays standards. Sure for the purpose of entertainment, by all means have at er' but if you want to be current, if you want your breeding program on par with todays best then look at the dogs of today and the camps behind them. Get out there and make connections, earn trust and set a new standard.
I can tell you for a fact that the most sucessful camps that I know of today could care less on having something bred tight on some long dead dog. Best dog I've seen of todays fastlane is a dog named Jr off of Gr Ch Eulogy to Ch Pepper. Like his father before him, the dog is a champ stopper and you better believe that his camp look for and have gone into the best, no soft spots there. Some might call him scatter bred, some might call him battle crossed, who cares, he's a killa' on the treadmill races and that's all that matters.
I'm not trying to knock anyone here for their interests and I would never claim to be an expert on the breeding aspect of the game, my personal interests lay elsewhere. What I will claim however is that if your interests lay in the breeding aspect and you want to produce dogs that are able to race in todays game against todays best camps the way to go about it is breed to the dog, not to the paper behind a dog.
09-04-2022, 10:44 AM
To each his own. Only way to really do it. Is set your program how you want. Run your game. See you at the finish line. When I don't like something a scroll past. Not interested. Generally the one that loses their shit first is the one that's worried. They call them rough curs fearful lashing out.
09-04-2022, 10:45 AM
Puppy dog, who is lashing out pray tell ???
09-04-2022, 10:48 AM
You. You don't like the subject scroll past. Take the shit back where you came from.
09-04-2022, 10:48 AM
You. You don't like the subject scroll past. Take the shit back where you came from.
09-04-2022, 10:49 AM
I personally like reading and posting Iron Mike's old rants ! He would call people out in the journal etc , good reading and he was a funny old bastard !!! Should be presertved some where . Why not here . Bulldog history . Loved to squabble on boards etc too . I remember you used to have to have a couple references , now you just need a couple social media pages !!!! An ole pals brother is getting out of prison soon. They followed him for over a year coast to coast , pig picking , yards etc before the arrest . His brother told me their were informants in every circle . Shit Mr.Bill just got popped . I'd be careful if one wants a life in these dogs . Once the drug dealers and big $ showed up alot got smaller in their circles . Some just like doing their own thing , Butch Kizenbaw and a few others I knew were like that . Does that make them anyless a dogman ?
09-04-2022, 10:54 AM
Not sure why my own personal thoughts I posted above would anger "Little Frankie" lol, I guess something stung lmao.
09-04-2022, 10:55 AM
Opinions are like assholes , everyone has one . In the dogs you better have thick skin !!!
09-04-2022, 10:55 AM
You. You don't like the subject scroll past. Take the shit back where you came from.
09-04-2022, 10:56 AM
You. You don't like the subject scroll past. Take the shit back where you came from.
Yawn, my you do get old rather fast don't you Little Frankie.
09-04-2022, 10:59 AM
Was it the Eulogy dog who went against Goldday and someone yelled COPS! etc and the show went to hell ?
09-04-2022, 11:01 AM
Was it the Eulogy dog who went against Goldday and someone yelled COPS! etc and the show went to hell ?
No, that was Ex-Gr Ch Ali Baba.
09-04-2022, 11:03 AM
Okay . Think I met that camp and Golddays owner at the time . Man that guy has help some great dogs !!! Have a good day
09-04-2022, 11:03 AM
You succeeded tracking that crap here. Negativity follows you huh.
09-04-2022, 11:05 AM
You succeeded tracking that crap here. Negativity follows you huh.
Man, what are you even on about lol. Re-read my post asshole, why would you get yourself so worked up over it ????
09-04-2022, 11:13 AM
The point. We come in here discuss history, feeding and all the stuff that takes care of the dogs. You're tracking ghetto bullshit in here. If you don't want to know breed history don't. Go wherever and do random shit. Leave people be. If people don't want to associate with you it's you. We will will go back to breed history, feeding and housing. Each his own. Stay off the news and call your dogs something else.
09-04-2022, 11:14 AM
Call them urban box hounds. Separate the two.
We aren't associated with you.
09-04-2022, 11:16 AM
The point. We come in here discuss history, feeding and all the stuff that takes care of the dogs. You're tracking ghetto bullshit in here. If you don't want to know breed history don't. Go wherever and do random shit. Leave people be. If people don't want to associate with you it's you. We will will go back to breed history, feeding and housing. Each his own. Stay off the news and call your dogs something else.
I think your so upset because you know I see YOU for what you are, a wanna be, a fantasy dogman with inner dreams of being the next Tom Garner lmao. Pal, the closest you'll ever come is attending one of his pig pickin's.
09-04-2022, 11:17 AM
Call them urban box hounds. Separate the two.
We aren't associated with you.
lol thank Christ for that.
09-04-2022, 11:30 AM
You're just here showing the two types of black people. Why some people get jammed up. "I don't know how the cops found the re up". We were on Facebook with drugs and guns. It's cause were black.
Im me that's the difference. I do what I want. Associate with who I want. I'm not here to impress you. If I want to go to a pig pickin I will. If I wanted to go go roll all of my dogs tomorrow to the death I could. I got friends all over the place I can do shit with when I want to. You will never know. Some people move in silence. That's the difference between me and you.
09-04-2022, 11:31 AM
You're just here showing the two types of black people. Why some people get jammed up. "I don't know how the cops found the re up". We were on Facebook with drugs and guns. It's cause were black.
Im me that's the difference. I do what I want. Associate with who I want. I'm not here to impress you. If I want to go to a pig pickin I will. If I wanted to go go roll all of my dogs tomorrow to the death I could. I got friends all over the place I can do shit with when I want to. You will never know. Some people move in silence. That's the difference between me and you.
WTF ???
09-04-2022, 11:36 AM
Dude, I'm WHITE, Canadian and glad to be a NON RACE PROFILER like yourself.
09-04-2022, 11:37 AM
Frank your some kinda asshole . Seen guys get knocked out ringside one punch even at ADBA shows for running thier cock sucker . Seems like you got other deeper issues besides these dogs . Hope you figure it all out .
09-04-2022, 11:38 AM
Frank your some kinda asshole . Seen guys get knocked out ringside one punch even at ADBA shows for running thier cock sucker . Seems like you got other deeper issues besides these dogs . Hope you figure it all out .
09-04-2022, 11:49 AM
One of the things I have always loved about the game is that ANYONE regardless of race, wealth or region can compete on a level playing field. The dogs and sportsmanship should be the ONLY thing that matters.
09-04-2022, 12:55 PM
Now I was talking with a fella the other week and told him , everyone hates The Dirty Gypsies so I use that as my motivation . When my legs hurt and don't wanna put in the miles I do it ,just so they gotta see the gypsy win over them . Now Mr.Skaggs and a couple others always bust my balls about my stock etc but none will not tell you Im not passionite ,dedicated , and work hard. Guy out there now matches 55 dogs a year , winning percentage . Top dogman tells me know what , if I put the right dog in your hands your the guy who would beat him . Hunterman always has a good word about my conditioning program as well and he is a hell of a conditioner . Anyway Im just a fancier who likes to be a ghoast , breed for myself , and promote the dogs in a positive light when dealing with the general public . And when the dirty Gypsy gets his hand put in the air , I kinda smile on the inside . My tribe comes from India for those who do not know what a Romani Gypsy is . So Frank might not wanna chat with me anymore .In Europe still signs saying NO GYPSIES ...any kind of racism is wrong in my eyes .
09-04-2022, 05:24 PM
Dude, I'm WHITE, Canadian and glad to be a NON RACE PROFILER like yourself.
You sound like a dumbass. Degenerate. We are students of the game. If you don't like how the hosed runs and the questions we ask bounce.
09-05-2022, 02:36 AM
You sound like a dumbass. Degenerate. We are students of the game. If you don't like how the hosed runs and the questions we ask bounce.
If anyone here sounds like a dumbass it's you and I mean that from all your posts, not just on this thread. I really find it interesting not to mention funny that you have gotten yourself so worked up over my original post which was not meant to offend anyone. In fact it's turned you into a race profilling cyber bully..."bounce" lol , what are we in prison.
09-05-2022, 05:10 AM
Your original post was to start shit. You insulted the board. Took the same dumbass peds don't matter perspective. Talked about some scatterbred dog that won. Same thing over and over. If you want to do that. Do it. Then go hand your money over to people that build and maintain lines. End up with a yard of scatterbred bullshit. 40 shit bred underfed unschooled dogs that you don't know if it's cold or didn't start, but it's off ch whoever bred to ch whenever. Then then peta shows up when you can't house or feed your dog.
Go somewhere else. People here build lines. They take care of there dogs. Most prob wouldn't sell you one. I wouldn't sell you one of mine. Most of those dogs won't produce past one or two generations once the influence of the person that started the line is lost.
You were talking shit and insulting the board. You can go somewhere else provide evidence for police and talk all the dumb shit that embarrasses the breed. Your handle is urbandogman. Urban is some synonym for black or ghetto for 90 percent of people. You talk with the same. We be cullin. Mentality they talk in. What you're really saying is you can't breed. Why most won't sell you a dog. Damn sure won't sell you their best. I'm done responding to this crap. You're fucking up the vibe of the board.
09-05-2022, 06:13 AM
Your original post was to start shit. You insulted the board. Took the same dumbass peds don't matter perspective. Talked about some scatterbred dog that won. Same thing over and over. If you want to do that. Do it. Then go hand your money over to people that build and maintain lines. End up with a yard of scatterbred bullshit. 40 shit bred underfed unschooled dogs that you don't know if it's cold or didn't start, but it's off ch whoever bred to ch whenever. Then then peta shows up when you can't house or feed your dog.
Go somewhere else. People here build lines. They take care of there dogs. Most prob wouldn't sell you one. I wouldn't sell you one of mine. Most of those dogs won't produce past one or two generations once the influence of the person that started the line is lost.
You were talking shit and insulting the board. You can go somewhere else provide evidence for police and talk all the dumb shit that embarrasses the breed. Your handle is urbandogman. Urban is some synonym for black or ghetto for 90 percent of people. You talk with the same. We be cullin. Mentality they talk in. What you're really saying is you can't breed. Why most won't sell you a dog. Damn sure won't sell you their best. I'm done responding to this crap. You're fucking up the vibe of the board.
LOL man I think the ''board'' can see you have deeper issues.
Urban Dog Man. Is there any of the old Farrelly blood lines still around in Canada? All dog men that had access to all the older dog magazines/ Blood lines/Pete sparks etc. Know that the best English Pit Blood came into this country through the great Canadian Dog man F. G. Henry. Earl Tudor liked his line a lot. Giroux was another known Canadian dog man. He came along later in the game. Knowing the past is great, yet we cannot just dwell on that and old pedigrees. The dog's parents and grandparents have the most influence.
Back to the Farrelly line. A good dog man I know bred to a grand champion Farrelly bred dog, owned by Captain Ben. Was bred to a bitch dog I sold him. Out of Young's Winchester x Young's Sally. Called Mc'leod's Sally Cat. Those dogs had a lot of common ancestors on both sides. Results was a litter of very good dogs. Captain Ben went overseas and took his part of that litter. He had good sucess and return later in hopes of making the breeding again. The well had run dry.
I always waited to see how a litter turned out and look at papers later. Good to know how a family of dogs are bred, but it takes the real deal square ring to see what one really has. Not how fast a dog can run a mill, pull a weight, chase a ball or jump up on a tree and grab a rope etc. If so, called pretty papers and that sort of activity shows their gaminess. Persons that own such are just fooling themselves.
Would be better to buy some Am staffs. They can do all that and look pretty to boot. Cheers
P.S. Mr. Teal time to time would give his culls to a professional Wild Hog/ Hog and Cattle dog catching enterprise. Was here in my hometown. Back then they did not use those chest and belly vests. Life expectancy for these dogs may be one or three seasons.
These dogs were game enough to run with scent hounds and catch. Yet not the gaminess to stay or win in the square ring. Cheers