View Full Version : 305 dogs taken in SC…

09-26-2022, 08:07 PM
Bad news for those dogs and the folks involved.


Most of those dogs looked fine to me. But you know they'll kill them all "for their own good" and to "save" them.

09-27-2022, 04:34 AM
I heard 10 card show and ref was an under cover . Complete idiots in my humble opinion . Who would even think about a card that big unless it was set up by the feds . Probley free food and beer too

09-27-2022, 01:11 PM
Greed and Drug dealers who enjoy the dogs as a past time. Starting in mid 70's and into the 80's etc. Many are hailed as Heros of the game. Yet they all over time did themselves in. Did in Mayfield and rest out Texas way and other locations.

These events drew way too much attention. With all the big money involved, pushed out the working dog man. No working man or even at a doctor's pay grade could one sustain losses some did. When I would hear about large money forfeits and large show purses. I knew no average John Doe person was involved.

If you ever watch Mr. Baker do that You Tube interview on his Boomerang dog with that unknown reporter. Then right after that you see him and wife in handcuffs on You Tube. Johnny Law already had the goods on him. That interview may or may have not been required by him. I felt he would have never done so willing. Ole Pete Sparks interview on the You Tube did no good but more harm.

Boils down to this. Best stay to oneself and very limited small dog pulling/dog showing groups. In this small group some should only keep breeding show dog stock. One with males other with females/puppies etc. on separate yards. Top dog show pulling conditioner should have only maybe two dogs tops on personal yard. One dog to keep other dog company etc. All personnel having their show dog ribbons, show dog trophies etc. If hog hunting, have a valid hunting license and some hog heads nailed up somewhere. Have some pig picking events. I feel you all get my drift.

IMHO as time goes by many in our government especially the Republican Rino's and Democrats party are going to try and bring gas/food shortages/ more man-made viruses/not counting hurricanes etc. on our nation. To bring us under a Socialist rule with no Constitutional Republic government to protect us. If so, we will have more concerns for our families, getting food etc. than caring for any kind of dogs. Gets bad enough dogs may go feral pack up and hunt us. LOL Cheers

09-27-2022, 01:28 PM
Pay attention on how new or certain members ask questions or topics they write or are involved in. They make no sense best be wary how you reply to them. IMHO, I do not believe everyone that post on here or any other of these sites is a dog man in the sense I was many years ago. Take care Cheers

09-27-2022, 03:10 PM
Good advice CYJ .Once I showed animal control my ribbons she said no worries when she visited . Someone called about me dragging weight with a dog . So I made a trail about back to avoid that ever happening again . Now I was talking to a old timer and he stated the same thing , drug money ruined it . Real dogmen could not afford to race so closed rank into tight groups way back then . Guess that big $ still ruining the dogs . Seems all busts etc have drugs or drug bust then guy flips . Ill stick to my ADBA sanctioned events . They cost me enough anyway lol

09-27-2022, 03:34 PM
good advice

09-27-2022, 07:25 PM
I can't believe after all the bust in the past 10-12 years or so, that some idiots would still be doing shit like this. The dog game is dead. Better get those ribbons, keep them as pets, or hunt them properly if you're gonna keep these dogs. Def not worth the trouble to be out there like these dumbasses.

09-27-2022, 10:12 PM
How many were under drug investigations. Was it really about the dogs.

09-27-2022, 10:56 PM
How many were under drug investigations. Was it really about the dogs.
It was a dog bust, not drug raid ~X(

09-28-2022, 02:08 AM
I never stated this case was about drugs but many Ive researched or know of were . These busts brought old timers down . Now I also heard this was a 5 month investigation and the ref was an FED . Thats all I know besides one rats name thats been posted online etc , anyone can find that out with a little research .

09-28-2022, 02:11 AM
Also heard two busted already flipped and they are heading to Texas next . They want the big yards . Just hearsay at this point but I'd believe it . No one keep their mouth shut anymore , everyone turns these days . Its the snitch genoration it seems .

09-28-2022, 02:16 AM
I will add Going Hard Reloaded did a youtube last night that gets into the bust pretty well . Some may wanna educate them selves /

09-28-2022, 08:22 AM
I never stated this case was about drugs but many Ive researched or know of were . These busts brought old timers down . Now I also heard this was a 5 month investigation and the ref was an FED . Thats all I know besides one rats name thats been posted online etc , anyone can find that out with a little research .I know you didn't say drugs but others in this thread are always in left field with the comments...lol

09-28-2022, 11:20 AM
Roger That !

State Bull
09-28-2022, 03:19 PM
The Going Hard podcast are entertaining..But, the legal.advice is wrong.. When their undercover they assume a role, be it drug dealer or dogfighter.. Meaning they will fight, roll, smoke,
it's allowed during an investigation.. That theory about them blowing a case because they fought dogs doesn't hold water in court... A couple of cases in the Midwest where police fought the dogs undercover.. Sent a few off for vacations and that was around 2005 or 2006 and the UC where involved.. Best thing one can do is stay away from those fools and take care of these hounds.. Not worth spending five to ten in prison on bs dog charges imo..

10-06-2022, 08:16 PM
At the Porter bust where Chavis Jocko won its last and hardest show. There was a guy there that was selling dog harnesses/collars etc. I believe he even run an ad on the ADBA dog magazine.

I walked over and looked at his harnesses and heavy made leather dog collars. As we were talking, he mentioned how much he liked watching these dogs pulling against each other. He sounded very sincere. Yet, I found out later he was an undercover FBI agent.

Was not many weeks after that. Porter and some other known dog men were running for the hills. Was nothing to cheer about.

10-10-2022, 11:46 AM
Looks like Stone City Kennels just got indicted out in Puerto Rico. Ridiculous

10-11-2022, 07:54 AM
What happened?