View Full Version : Breeding Theories

AL Clown
02-07-2012, 03:02 AM
First let me make it clear, I am not looking for anyone's stud, so please post with your breeding theory and if you want to reference a stud that will be fine. However, don't just post your stud and say I have a good one. I am sure they are all good but what I'm looking for is why it would be a good choice.

Here is a brief description of the female, she is extremely laid back with a friend personality, as far as abilities she very intelligent, excellent mouth, she is very durable with good body strength, she has finish and knows when and how to finish. However, she is very slow pace and never gets overly excited. She goes hard and consisent everytime she is called.

Ok throw it at me, let's see what everyone would put together.

Here is the ped for those that like to see what they are working with:

http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/mo ... _id=262852 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=262852)

Officially Retired
02-07-2012, 05:58 AM
Sounds like she is an all-around professional animal.

When you say she goes at a slow pace, is she correspondingly slow also (in other words, is she just a methodical dog, with a slow mouth, that can get beaten to the punch) ... or is she a fast dog when she wants to be, that does her thing with a slow, methodical pace?


AL Clown
02-07-2012, 06:56 AM
She is methodical, she out race one of my best and fastest pistol dogs. The pistol bitch was bell on wheels out racing several larger dogs before running against Sydney.

02-07-2012, 08:01 AM
Al you had asked me did I get any of those on the other thread...I did not as S paid the stud fee....

Glad the dog is working out for you...She sounds alot like her half brother...

http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pu ... _id=314809 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=314809)

Officially Retired
02-07-2012, 05:04 PM
She is methodical, she out race one of my best and fastest pistol dogs. The pistol bitch was bell on wheels out racing several larger dogs before running against Sydney.

IMO, steady methodical dogs are often the best dogs and hardest dogs to whip. There are a lot of good, prepotent dogs stacked together in her pedigree--related too, as Cheryl Tiegs (dam to Rick Rude & Ricky's sister) was a half-sister to both Gr Ch Buck and Lady In Red, all of them being sired by Little Tater. Forget the pedigree you're reading, when you see Chery' Tiegs you see a daughter of Little Tater (not BBB).

What's more, is that Cheryl Tiegs is actually a cousin to Poncho and Missy, as her mama Tessy was really a full sister to Ch Hammer (more on this later ;) )

Back to Little Tater ...

If you keep that in mind, as you go down the 4th generation of your bitch's pegree (right-click her ped and open in new window), you see LaBamba (LT's 1/2-bro), Cheryl Tiegs (LT's daughter), Black Beauty (out of LT's 1/2-sis Dirty Mary), Rolo-RedBaby to make LaBamba again (LT's 1/2 brother), Little Tater (not BBB) over Tessy (who's actually falsely-bred and is really a sister to Ch Hammer), Gr Ch Buck (sired by LT), some Redboy and Tombstone blood), and then Ch Hammer who is really Tessy's brother, Miss Trinx who's 3/4-inbred off LT's daughter Lady In Red, and then again Poncho (Hammer/Trinx, same as before) to Comet (who's Hammer to a daughter of BBB to Little Tater's daughter, and Buck's sister Pacer).

When you realize that Chery's Tiegs is really off of Little Tater bred to a sister to Ch Hammer, and when you consider that Poncho is off of Ch Hammer bred to a 3/8ths Little Tater bitch in Miss Trinx, you will realize that Poncho, Missy, and Cheryl Tiegs are bred near identical ;)

The other blood in Miss Trinx's pedigree is almost 100% Tombstone/Red Baby blood, and Cheryl Tiegs was bred to LaBamba (Rolo/Red Baby) to get Rick Rude and Ricky's sister.

This may be confusing if you're not familiar with the blood, but in other words there is a lot more relatedness to that pedigree than meets the initial eye ...


Officially Retired
02-07-2012, 05:40 PM
Here are the true pedigrees of Patrick's Cheryl Tiegs and my own Poncho and Missy:

[center:el17mwwx]True Pedigrees[/center:el17mwwx]

...................................... ...... Patrick's Bull Boy Bob
......................... Patrick's Little Tater
............................................. Patrick's Red Baby
...... Patrick's Cheryl Tiegs
...................................... ...... S&W's Reuben *
......................... Patrick's Tessy (full sister to Ch Hammer)
............................................. Patrick's Blitz

...................................... ...... S&W's Reuben *
......................... Mason's Ch Hammer
............................................. Patrick's Blitz
...... Vise-Grip's Poncho/Missy
...................................... ...... Hollingsworth's Sabre
......................... Hollingsworth's Miss Trinx (3/8ths Little Tater)
............................................. Patrick's Lady In Red

Now, keep in mind also, in your bitch's pedigree, that Gr Ch Buck was also off of Little Tater, LaBamba (Rolo/RedBaby) was his half-brother, and M&D's Pacer behind Comet in Diamond Girl was Buck's sister, also off of Little Tater ... and that Cheryl Tiegs is a full-cousin to Poncho and Missy (and is really closer than that).


Note: Smith & Walton's Reuben was really the sire to both Patrick's Tessy and Ch Hammer, which is a whole other story.

02-07-2012, 06:03 PM
No wonder this stuff is working well with the Buck stuff Jack... :D

Officially Retired
02-07-2012, 07:48 PM
And my stuff ;)

AL Clown
02-07-2012, 09:08 PM
:o Alot of good info I never even considered any of this..in the 2 breedings I have done with her I tried to linebreed on related dogs that were more intense. But I was only looking at what was written on the ped without knowledge of any of the breedings as you have just explained.

My hopes was to find someone with a true interest and the knowledge to make a thoughtout well-planned breeding and maybe loaning her to them for a couple pups back.

So now that people have a better idea of what type of bitch she is as well as how she is really bred let's see more ideas...Thanks Jack!

Officially Retired
02-08-2012, 06:05 AM
:o Alot of good info I never even considered any of this..in the 2 breedings I have done with her I tried to linebreed on related dogs that were more intense. But I was only looking at what was written on the ped without knowledge of any of the breedings as you have just explained.
My hopes was to find someone with a true interest and the knowledge to make a thoughtout well-planned breeding and maybe loaning her to them for a couple pups back.
So now that people have a better idea of what type of bitch she is as well as how she is really bred let's see more ideas...Thanks Jack!

There is nothing wrong with linebreeding your bitch, as any select side of her pedigree would produce good dogs. I don't know the Kasai dog personally, but I do know he goes back to essentially the same Patrick blood I have known since I got in the game. I have personally known of Cheryl Tiegs' performance ability (as well as her real breeding) for more than 2 decades. In fact, I bred Dream Killer's Cuervo (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=5645), a 3/8ths Cheryl Tiegs dog back in 1993, precisely because of the relatedness of Tiegs to Lady In Red, whom Truman was 3/4-bred off of.

The very first bitch I had purchased to breed to Truman was a direct daughter of Cheryl Tiegs in Rio (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=2400), again specifically because I knew she was really off of Little Tater. When I bred her to Truman to get Rosey's mama Little Bootie, I then bred Little Bootie back to Cheryl Tiegs' son Rick Rude to get Cuervo. There were 3 pups that lived, and the one who was matched (Cuervo aka Tequila Sunrise), proved to be an exceptionally-game bitch came from way back to stop a daugher of HOE's Ch Herc in 1:20 ... so I am quite familiar with the blood :)

(Speaking of Cheryl Tiegs, and the Maloney dogs in your bitch's ped, another interesting factoid that bespeaks the consistently-winning combo behind your bitch, is that Cheryl Tiegs was also bred to the Maloney dog Patrick's Copperhead to get Jackson's Mr. Mean Guy (not on Peds, but a brother to this dog (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=273030)), who won in 4:55 in one of the longest matches in history 8-) )

Anyway, based on what you're telling me, your bitch has both the blood quality behind her, as well as the methodical long-distance ability inside her, to be a truly foundational brood matron in alignment with The X Factor (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=634) Stone City was kind enough to reveal to us.

Because of your bitch's fine quality, and because Cheryl Tiegs is a really a niece to Ch Hammer (not to mention the other Hammer/Little Tater blood behind your bitch) ... and especially because you're looking to add speed to your bitch (while I am looking to breed my male to rock-solid bitches with true staying power) ... I would think Silverback (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=57819) would be an excellent choice to breed her to :mrgreen:

This truly is not a sales pitch, LOL, it is just what I sincerely believe would be what you're looking for, as Silverback is the most exceptional all-around male athlete I have ever had, while the quality and similarity of blood would be what I am looking for in a gyp to breed to him while he is still here.

So let me know if you're interested,


02-08-2012, 11:18 PM
Hey Al how are these pups doing.....

http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pu ... _id=400601 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=400601)

AL Clown
02-09-2012, 01:36 AM
So far acting great very intelligent with a lot of confidence and attitude. Time will tell...

02-10-2012, 10:00 AM
Nice bred bitch. I like the Tessy stuff. Breeding to a good dog with multiple crosses of her and/or her siblings sex balanced in his pedigree would prove benificial to you. ;)