View Full Version : "Feeding Raw"

02-07-2012, 05:02 AM
I want to begin feeding Raw, but i want to do it myself. I was wondering what is the best way to my preserve my chicken. my animals are already on the kibble so how do I get them off kibble and on raw. how do i make sure that I keep everything clean and bacteria free. is Raw really the way to go what do I earn in the long run with feeding raw. often times I feed meats but i cook it down a bit or boil it for a minute isnt this a better option than raw. does a full time raw diet causes any problems.

Officially Retired
02-07-2012, 05:46 AM
I want to begin feeding Raw, but i want to do it myself.

Okay, then begin feeding raw and do it by yourself :D

I was wondering what is the best way to my preserve my chicken.

Ummm ... a deep freezer :?

my animals are already on the kibble so how do I get them off kibble and on raw.

Are you serious? Wow :shock:

It's real simple:

Step 1) Stop feeding your dogs kibble;
Step 2) Start feeding your dogs raw.
Mystery solved :mrgreen:

how do i make sure that I keep everything clean and bacteria free.

By keeping everything clean and bacteria free :roll:

is Raw really the way to go what do I earn in the long run with feeding raw. often times I feed meats but i cook it down a bit or boil it for a minute isnt this a better option than raw. does a full time raw diet causes any problems.

Forgive me if I sound a little impatient here, but why don't you just buy my Feeding Raw DVD (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/DVDs/raw.html)? I also have a whole chapter devoted to this subject in my book (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/DVDs/raw.html). Have you even bothered to get these to educate yourself?

If you don't want to buy my products, that's fine, you can Google "feeding raw" or "barf diets" and buy somebody else's books or DVDs, or even read free thoughts and opinions on the matter, but at some point you're going to have to take the personal initiative to sit down and simply educate yourself.

Hell, at the top of the very "health forum" you just posted your thread on here, there is a giant Sticky Post MY THOUGHTS ON FEEDING RAW (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=364), where I provide 3 free video clips from my Raw DVD giving (you guessed it!) "my thoughts on feeding raw" :mrgreen:

Have you even bothered to view these 3 free clips? My guess is you have not.

Again, please forgive me for my impatience, but I have zero tolerance for basic mental laziness. The best "sign" in a dogman is a man forever trying to learn and taking the initiative to get what he needs to learn; while the worst sign in a dogman is someone who expects to be "spoon-fed" everything and doesn't even bother to read or view FREE material that is sitting right in front of him.

Therefore, before I take the time to address these absolutely basic questions of yours, that you could have answered for yourself with the most basic of research, I expect you to take the time to watch those 3 free video clips so we're on the same page. I think that is fair.

Giving a man a fish feeds him for a day; teaching a man how to fish feeds him for a lifetime.


02-07-2012, 11:13 AM
Lol, i just recently swiched to raw, and it was simple,
1. I buy the meat
2. I freeze it
3. when time to feed i thaw it out and wash it
4. Weight it
5. Feed

SIMPLE..... My dogs absolutly love it and waste no time to eat, although they act alot more aggresive around the food if you get close, and my pups will try to stuff all of it in there mouth when anything gets close,then release it to finish chewing, when who ever is away from him or her.
Another thing was my dogs digested the food very quicky and clean which was not a pain at all.

Raw is the way to go

02-07-2012, 09:23 PM
iv given raw chicken that has been in the fridge for 2 weeks before quite a few times with no problems, just bad smelling gas. the chicken smelt "old" or "bad" but it will give the hounds no problems from my experience. so not trying to waste me money by throwing the chicken out... you dont gotta worry about bacterial towards dogs and "cleaning" meat when feeding raw chicken. and why are you boiling it. waste of time+ cooked bones can splinter the dogs insides.