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View Full Version : WHY DOG LOSING WEIGHT?

02-07-2012, 05:15 PM
Have a dog who was perfectly healthy from what I could see. Lost all her weight over 4 week period. But don't know why. But I will tell you what I've done so far.

Not worms, she's been wormed and stool sample done
Checked for heart worms, not that.
She eats and drinks like normal
Gums are pink, her stool is fine also.
Waiting on cbc to come from the lab

02-07-2012, 06:20 PM
When you say lost all her weight what do you mean? The weight alll over just in her stomach?
When i say all over i mean to were her eyes are sunk in and her spine is showing can you be a little more specific. What did you worm with? Did you only have one test ran? We would like to help its just gonna need more information then what you provided! Also is she on kibble or raw? Have you changed her feed lately.

Officially Retired
02-07-2012, 07:21 PM
Have a dog who was perfectly healthy from what I could see. Lost all her weight over 4 week period. But don't know why. But I will tell you what I've done so far.

I agree, what do you mean by "all her weight," exactly? Posting a photo would help.

Not worms, she's been wormed and stool sample done

Note: False negatives are common ...

Checked for heart worms, not that.
She eats and drinks like normal
Gums are pink, her stool is fine also.
Waiting on cbc to come from the lab

Sounds good.

Waiting on cbc to come from the lab

Have you checked her for coccidia? How old is she?


02-07-2012, 07:26 PM
Yes all her weight. Spine showing, face sinking in, lost everything. But still eats and drink like normal. She eats kibble. Was on a friends yard he fed Retriever, I got her back and I feed diamond high energy. When I noticed her losing weight I assumed it was change in food, so I put her on retriever. Still didn't help.

Officially Retired
02-07-2012, 07:34 PM
Well, I won't get into my opinion of either of those kibbles, LOL, but your girl could have contracted any number of diseases from that other yard.

What I would do is supplement her diet with a lot of fat, bacon grease, chicken fat off your oven pans, etc., to help her gain weight ... and then I would read this article on coccidia (http://thepitbullbible.com/Blog/?p=178) very carefully and treat your bitch exactly like it recommends, for the next 21 days.

If she hasn't got better, then she needs specialized bloodwork. But my best guess at this point is your pup contracted a case of coccidia.'

Good luck,


02-07-2012, 07:37 PM
Jack she's over 2. I thought about coccidia, and its funny you mention that because I have sulfa and dyne to mix to make albon. Do you suggest giving her Albon? I've tried everything else. The vet has her on cephalexin also till he gets cbc results back.

Officially Retired
02-07-2012, 07:46 PM
Normally this doesn't happen to older dogs, I agree.

What about the man's dogs who was feeding that other food? Are his dogs sick? (Aflatoxin poisoning in food can kill/emaciate a dog too.)

Do those people have cats? The reason why I ask is there is also a weird disease dogs can get from eating cat shit (Toxoplasmosis), but it is also protozoal in nature, like coccidia, and causes a dog to waste away as well.


02-08-2012, 02:07 PM
Now the vet saying from lab results, wbc is high so obviously that's infection. But he says he thinks something is wrong with her kidneys, but she's not dehydrated and drinks water. He was saying possibly put an IV in her.

Then says possibly distemper, but sounds like he's guessing now. But I also had stool sample done again at different location and nothing.

02-11-2012, 01:29 PM
Now I've had bitch on cephalexin 3x a day for last week, (vet orders) and now all of a sudden she's gaining all her weight back. I'm puzzled as to what was actually wrong, but glad things have turned around for the better. What's your opinion Jack on what's going on based on info I've provided?

Officially Retired
02-12-2012, 06:42 AM
I agree that the WBC indicates infection, but I am surprised that cephalexin was the drug choice used, and even more surprised that it worked!

I am as puzzled as you are, but hey, I won't question the results either :D