View Full Version : Raw Fed Puppies

02-07-2012, 06:50 PM
Not an instructional post -- just a funny video of one of our babies. We just started all of the dogs on a completely RAW diet last week, including the puppies. Needless to say, they LOVE IT! Butttt, this little girl (after hogging the majority of a chicken quarter from her siblings) loves it a little TOO well tonight.


All of them have been hopping over that little barrier wall for WEEKS now, but since fatty here ate WAY too much tonight, she couldn't quuuiiiiite make it back over, haha.

They all just turned nine weeks old.

Officially Retired
02-07-2012, 07:37 PM
Very cute, thank you for sharing :lol:

And, bravo, you're the first forum member to correctly use the GD "Youtube" bbc coding correctly :mrgreen:



02-14-2012, 07:18 PM
Just adding a quick update on our babies, they've easily DOUBLED their weight and substance since being on their RAW diet -- they're freakin' HUGE!!


Them tonight after our Vday date, they'll be ten weeks this coming Friday. See? Massive. And out of a 27# momma at that. We're basing their food on Jack's RAW in his book, the only difference is we're probably feeding almost double the amount of the veggie/fruit matter. Some of the dogs prefer that mix over their chicken quarters, I swear one of my bitches wants to be a vegetarian. Anyhow, this is what it looks like all ready to serve:


For the pups it includes turnip/mustard greens, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, apples, strawberries/blueberries, an onion, a clove of garlic (the first time we mixed it, I threw in three cloves thinking we'd make enough mix for a few weeks -- it lasted all of three days, but it smelled DELICIOUS) all pulped and mixed with raw chicken gizzards/raw calf liver that's been run through the processor with a dollop of plain greek yogurt and cottage cheese, a bit of fat, raw uncrushed eggs, and a mix of flax/salmon/cod liver oil. We've been trying to decide how much raw chicken is just right for them -- we started off with just chicken wings, but that didn't seem like enough, so we switched to chicken thighs, but their poop got a bit darker and they were eliminating much more than with JUST the wings, so I think we're going to try a combo of wings and drumsticks and see how that works. Either way, you can tell they haven't been missing any meals. Their energy levels are off the CHARTS, too. All in all, we're loving having them on the raw, the clean up is SO much quicker, they don't smell up the entire house, and they look fantastic. Much better than even the extremely pricey, high quality kibble we were feeding before hand.

Officially Retired
02-15-2012, 05:26 AM
They look great, but do you feed your puppies all out of the same pan with whole chicken parts? I generally chop the meat up with a meat cleaver, to make them bite-size, so one pup doesn't run-off with a big piece of chicken and leave the rest eating gruel :lol:

And, as you noted, when you do get them out in the pen, you sure will appreciate those rock-hard stools ... that bounce out of the pen ... as opposed to the pasty-kibble stools ... that require scrubbing with a hose and a wire brush to get out :evil:

Again, they look thick & healthy!

02-15-2012, 08:38 AM
They look great, but do you feed your puppies all out of the same pan with whole chicken parts? I generally chop the meat up with a meat cleaver, to make them bite-size, so one pup doesn't run-off with a big piece of chicken and leave the rest eating gruel :lol:

And, as you noted, when you do get them out in the pen, you sure will appreciate those rock-hard stools ... that bounce out of the pen ... as opposed to the pasty-kibble stools ... that require scrubbing with a hose and a wire brush to get out :evil:

Again, they look thick & healthy!

When we started feeding them raw, yes, we'd let them all eat out of the same pan and I would basically hand them their piece of the chicken, and they would all run off respectively. Now that we only have two, we're feeding them entirely separated, in two different kennels. We never cut up the meat, though, and didn't really have an issue with stealing. I'd put our runt (who's now in Peru) in a kennel while she ate, as it would take her longer, but the other two have a bit of an understanding - if you mess with their chicken, it doesn't end well, so they behaved for awhile. I like the fact that with the chicken being whole, they can't just swallow it and keep trucking - as my male undoubtedly would - this way he has to spend a little time tearing and crunching, which makes me feel more comfortable about tossing him a whole chicken quarter when he's older.

02-15-2012, 08:42 AM
Your pups look great, & I'm glad to see that you're feeding raw. The diet looks good except that onions are toxic to dogs. Here's a link on the dangers of feeding onions to dogs. ;)

02-15-2012, 08:49 AM
Your pups look great, & I'm glad to see that you're feeding raw. The diet looks good except that onions are toxic to dogs. Here's a link on the dangers of feeding onions to dogs. ;)

Thank you both for the compliments, and thank you Scratchin for the link, I'd never heard that about onions before. We'll be sure and JUST add the garlic from here on out.

Thanks again, fellas :)

02-15-2012, 09:24 AM
If you research it a little you'll find a list of foods they say you shouldnt feed dogs. Grapes/raisins, apple seeds, avacados, Tomatoes should be real ripe............

02-15-2012, 09:34 AM
Yeah, I knew about grapes and raisins, avocados and most fruit seeds, but onions I know I've seen in some dog food ingredients before, so I just assumed they wouldn't do them any harm. I suppose I'll have to pull up that list and double check everything before our next batch.

02-15-2012, 12:22 PM
jep no fruit seeds, not to much spinach, no unions, noun, corn, grapes. i wouldn't give so much vegetables tho. max 15 %

nice looking pups!

Officially Retired
02-15-2012, 05:41 PM
Your pups look great, & I'm glad to see that you're feeding raw. The diet looks good except that onions are toxic to dogs. Here's a link on the dangers of feeding onions to dogs. ;)

Good advice, and nice to see you posting here too Scratchin' Dog!


02-15-2012, 09:52 PM
[quote="scratchin dog":2vulm5ko]Your pups look great, & I'm glad to see that you're feeding raw. The diet looks good except that onions are toxic to dogs. Here's a link on the dangers of feeding onions to dogs. ;)

Good advice, and nice to see you posting here too Scratchin' Dog!


Thanks! It's nice to finally be part of and support a board where people are really interested in learning and or helping teach others with their knowledge. 8-)

Officially Retired
02-16-2012, 02:41 PM
Thanks! It's nice to finally be part of and support a board where people are really interested in learning and or helping teach others with their knowledge. 8-)

Cheers :D