View Full Version : 7 Weeks = 700 Members

Officially Retired
02-09-2012, 02:32 PM
I started creating this board in late November, and on December 22nd I opened the gates for membership.

Today (February 9th) marks the 7th week that The Pit Bull Bible Forum has been up-n-running ... and, by coincidence, we just got our 700th member member today too 8-)

I know alot of you are waiting on the database, but trust me when I tell you it will be worth the wait. Even though I haven't posted any blog posts of late, I have been converting each section of my book into different webpages for the final website, so that (once the full database and web presence launches) the entire Pit Bull Bible will be available online to all members for reference, plus articles and sections not in the book that I was saving to put in at another time. I am also working on other features and benefits that, believe me, will be worth the wait once the full site is operational. So what I am saying is that it will definitely be worth your while to save all of your "pedigree-entering" efforts for when the full features of this site have been made available.

In the meantime, please realize that I am one man and my time is limited. I have had a lot of people PM me for help, or seek help by posting some thread topics, and while I really do try to get to them all ... please realize that sometimes I miss them, or I just do not have the time at the moment to respond. That is one of the reasons I am working so hard behind the scenes, so that (once completed) the detailed solutions to so many of these "what to do" matters will already be addressed on the site, all categorized and in chronological order and sequence 8-)

Anyway, in the meantime, I just wanted to give a shout-out and a big "High-5" to all of the members here who have helped develop this site, with both their questions as well as their own knowledgeable input, and to give the site itself a Happy 7 Week, 700 Member Birthday! :mrgreen:



02-09-2012, 02:39 PM
Congrats...good stuff! :)

02-09-2012, 03:27 PM
Hey Jack just a short few words to tell you all the work and time you have put in is greatly appreciated. Thanks for everything.

02-09-2012, 03:43 PM

Officially Retired
02-09-2012, 03:49 PM
You're welcome fellas, and thanks once again for keepin it rolling :mrgreen:

It just goes to show that there is a real need for a quality forum for dedicated dogmen, without all the bullship 8-)

02-09-2012, 04:26 PM
Thanks again jack the site is already sweet, and the additions you mentioned will definetly set it apart from the rest of the boards out there.

02-09-2012, 04:55 PM
I am sure as you know Jack, dogmen come in many different working categories. For myself, I would like to add more than pit bulls. If you could maintain the Db until Armageddon, despite the breed choice, your monetary gain would far exceed that of being pit bull exclusive. One business man to another, just saying.

I'd turn people from all walks of dogs onto this board…

Officially Retired
02-09-2012, 05:53 PM
Naw, I don't really need people from all walks of life here, this is just for dogmen or aspiring dogmen.

But, actually, I did think about building an "all sporting dogs" database and forum, but if I do this it will be on a completely separate website and server. Still, this resource by itself will take nearly all the free time I have to give, to keep it at the top of the heap, and so I very much douth I am going to do any other dog site but this one.

I am working on a completely different website and database, however, but this other project is a photography database and resource (like Flickr), but for macro photographers only (which is what I love). Therefore, in the end it is not just about money, it is equally about spending my waking hours doing what I truly love to do :mrgreen:


02-09-2012, 06:03 PM
Patiently awaiting full function... Avoiding resubscribing to hell :lol: Congrats!

Officially Retired
02-09-2012, 06:13 PM
Why thank you Froggy, I appreciate that :mrgreen:

I promise you, your patience will pay off, because (just like my bulldogs) I always come through in the end 8-)



02-10-2012, 05:02 AM

Excellent Job with the Forum. The real only one place to talk about Dogs...Happy to hear that more and better things are to come.

Keep up the good Work!!!

You can count with my full support.


Officially Retired
02-10-2012, 05:21 AM
Thank you very much for such a vote of confidence, J, it means alot.

I am sure everyone here will appreciate your continued input and perspective, as someone who has created and maintained a multi-generational family of dogs at the top of the food chain, for a very long time now.

Thanks again 8-)


02-10-2012, 03:09 PM
congrats also
like many others I chosen not to renew my acct so i depend on this site for my source of info for updated issues and others topics.


Officially Retired
02-10-2012, 03:59 PM
Thank you bro, let's all make sure that this mutual effort is time well spent for everyone. That is the definition of a truly positive community :idea:

02-11-2012, 05:08 AM
I have been with Peds Online for 10 years now. It was much better in the beginning. First of all, the search function used to actually work very well. Now I have to backdoor my own breedings through key dogs because unless they have a very unique name, the search feature will not take me to them. Secondly, a person at one time could add information to dogs that they knew the pedigreee on, or had photos of and so forth. Now with all of the newbie schmuck internet warriors over there, it has to be on lockdown to keep any semblence of integrity to the existing data.

I am looking forward to the database, a resource that will actually serve the bulldog community well, and because of a judicious operator, cull out the slime that has overrun Peds Online.

Officially Retired
02-12-2012, 06:39 AM
I have been with Peds Online for 10 years now. It was much better in the beginning. First of all, the search function used to actually work very well. Now I have to backdoor my own breedings through key dogs because unless they have a very unique name, the search feature will not take me to them. Secondly, a person at one time could add information to dogs that they knew the pedigreee on, or had photos of and so forth. Now with all of the newbie schmuck internet warriors over there, it has to be on lockdown to keep any semblence of integrity to the existing data.
I am looking forward to the database, a resource that will actually serve the bulldog community well, and because of a judicious operator, cull out the slime that has overrun Peds Online.

Thank you for your support and input.

When our database is up and running, it will be spelled-out clear as day that anyone who posts anything malicious on any entered dog will automatically be culled from the system, and no refunds will be issued. It's as simple as that. There is absolutely no excuse for doing something like this.

If a person pays a $20 cover charge to go into a fine club or restaurant ... and then "starts trouble" with another patron, that beligerant person will get tossed out on his ear and no refunds of the cover charge will be issued. There is no reason other paying customers should have to suffer hazing and verbal abuse, and there is no excuse for any member to conduct himself like this towards others either.

Now then, if a man enters Dog X, and it's an historical fact that Dog X was stopped in :42, then there is nothing wrong with saying, "Dog X stopped in :42," as it is simply a fact. However, if someone types in, "Dog X is a freaking currrr!!," and I learn of this, whoever entered-in the information will immediately get the boot. There is simply no excuse for such low-class immaturity, and all it does is breed more of the same.

A person should be able to enjoy a resource like this without worrying about whether someone else is going to sabotage his dogs. Also, if pedigrees are left "open," to where others can add info, as you mention it also allows old-timers (who have first-hand experience with the dog) to make valuable historical contributions to the entered animal that are informative and might not otherwise have a chance to be known.


02-12-2012, 12:26 PM

02-12-2012, 06:49 PM
As an aspiring I can say I've learned a ton from your book DVD and this forum is endless wealth of knowledge without the b/s. thanks a million to you jack and the old dogman sharing and teaching

02-13-2012, 05:44 AM

Officially Retired
02-13-2012, 05:54 AM
Thanks for everybody's input and I am glad folks are enjoying the ride.

As far as being "safe" from humaniacs, I have no way to answer that question for you (or anyone else). In the end, what you do in real life, what you say in real life, and who you hang out with (and allow into your world) in real life,will determine how "safe" you are from humaniacs (or not).

Posting on this site is not going to make or break you :mrgreen:


02-13-2012, 06:17 AM
I have 5,000 people on my facebook page and I posted your link a few weeks ago. I am sure it brought you a few new members. We just have to make sure that the big mouths that pollute the other board don't come over to this one. If they do, that they wear a muzzle. My frriends that have Gr.Ch.Yellowman told me that one of the moderators of the other boad put a members private information. How someone can resubscribe after that is beyond me.


02-13-2012, 06:32 AM
Just a matter of time until it reaches 2000+, nice work. I've deleted my dogs from peds online a few weeks ago, will sign them up here once its done.

02-13-2012, 06:49 AM
100,000 members would be nice

02-13-2012, 06:56 AM
I have 5,000 people on my facebook page and I posted your link a few weeks ago. I am sure it brought you a few new members. We just have to make sure that the big mouths that pollute the other board don't come over to this one. If they do, that they wear a muzzle. My frriends that have Gr.Ch.Yellowman told me that one of the moderators of the other boad put a members private information. How someone can resubscribe after that is beyond me.


;) I hear to your facebook page buddy..

Officially Retired
02-13-2012, 07:04 AM
I have 5,000 people on my facebook page and I posted your link a few weeks ago. I am sure it brought you a few new members. We just have to make sure that the big mouths that pollute the other board don't come over to this one. If they do, that they wear a muzzle. My frriends that have Gr.Ch.Yellowman told me that one of the moderators of the other boad put a members private information. How someone can resubscribe after that is beyond me.

Thanks for the referral Evo.

There are a few of those "big mouths" from over there are actually on "here" now, but most have been pretty civil. Everybody has the same set of rules to follow here, along with the same protocol: try to keep things positive and respectful. If the transgression is too much, everybody gets 1) a polite warning, 2) a week "time out," and 3) removal. So far, only 5 out of more than 700 subscribed members have been removed, 2 of which were robot spammers posting hardcore porn, so really the system here has been working out very well.

But wow, if some of the mods over there on Peds are posing people's private info, then the "ethics" over must be pretty bad. The moderators over there have usually been pretty cool with me, but they are are apparently getting a little jealous of how things are over here. Where before, they let me advertise my board over there ... which they should , as I am a paid subscriber ... they have since taken down my ad (even though it was properly-placed in the Classifieds).

Worse, now I have heard from two sources now that at least two of the mods over there are now also trying to spread a rumor that I have been secretly "installing tracking cookies" on my board here, desperately trying to steer people away from here :lol: :roll:

The truth is, I don't have to install "tracking cookies," I can see the IP addresses already. Hell, for that matter, I have been selling dog products for over a decade, and have been entrusted with people's physical addresses for many, many years ... and yet I never once have I posted anyone's private information online ... even though I know exactly where some of the people who "bash" me live. There are just some things you can do (argue back and destroy them with logic), and some things you can NOT do (give out personal info).

When someone runs a system like that, and are collecting people's information, they are being trusted with a lot of power, and they have to use that power wisely and fairly. Banning someone for flagrant and repeated misconduct is one thing, but exploiting a person's sensitive information is something else entirely and is never justified under any circumstance. In fact, if I saw a personal friend do something like this (let alone an enemy) I would never again trust that friend in my life.

You will almost invariably learn more about a person's character and basic nature by how they handle disagreements and power, especially if they are in a "total control" situation. If a person, even when very angry, still tries to be fair and reasonable, then such a person proves to be someone you can trust. It is always the person who tries to "nail you" unfairly, when angry, or who will compromise your position (or outright lie) when he gets frustrated, who simply cannot ever be trusted again. Just thinking about this more, I could be mad as hell at someone here, and I might ban them if they repeatedly attack either other members here, or myself, but I would never put out their information. There is just no reason to do such a thing. There may be a reason to give a member the boot, but there is no reason to exploit the information you've been entrusted with. Ever.


02-13-2012, 08:39 PM
that is just wonderful love the board

Officially Retired
02-14-2012, 03:29 AM
Just a matter of time until it reaches 2000+, nice work. I've deleted my dogs from peds online a few weeks ago, will sign them up here once its done.

Thank you very much for your participation & support too. PedsOnline has had over 11 years to reach its ~17,200 membership. We've reached ~730 members in just over 7 weeks. If we keep this rate up, we'll reach the same 17,200 membership in only 3.3 years.

100,000 members would be nice

Wow, as paid subscribers that might be nice ( :lol: ), but I am not sure it would be possible to keep the quality up with that kind of crowd :shock:

In all honesty, I think 5,000-10,000 members would be about the max, to keep everything legit (dogman-wise, or aspiring-dogman-wise), and the environment clean.

Once the database starts, and membership increases all the more, then actually having paid moderators will become mandatory to keep the weeds out of the garden.

;) I hear to your facebook page buddy..

Just make sure they're dogmen ;)

that is just wonderful love the board

Thank you very much & glad you're enjoying it here :)


02-17-2012, 07:22 AM

Thanks for this site. Thanks for keeping it strictly for APBT people. Thanks for keeping it respectable.

Officially Retired
02-17-2012, 03:28 PM
Thanks for this site. Thanks for keeping it strictly for APBT people. Thanks for keeping it respectable.

You're welcome sir.

I appreciate your (and everybody's) sincere participation.

Also, we are fixing to make a major upgrade here within the week ... so stay tuned 8-)


02-20-2012, 09:43 PM
Sky is the limit! Go Jack!