No Quarter Kennel
02-11-2012, 05:28 AM
I've been involved with the Hammonds' strain of dogs since 1995. I consider Gary Hammonds a supreme breeder and producer of great dogs and more importantly, a friend. I've fed as many ast 42 dogs at one time and like so many, I have whittled that down to a total of 9 dogs currently. Tupark is a dog I think very highly of. He is a very good individual and his genetic structure represents what I like most about his family of dogs. I haven't bred a litter of pups in about 6 years. I will make the following breeding very soon. Missi is due to come into heat any time and when she does, I'll back her up to Tupark. Missi belongs to Gary so a couple will go to him and I'll keep what I want as well. Anything after that, I'd like to see go to a quality dogman or two. If you haven't been exposed to this line much, they are extremely durable and athletic dogs. I don't know if you could find a pup with this much Park Son and Hailstone this close in the world today.

...............................Hammonds' Park Son ROM
................Hammonds' Hailstone ROM 2xw
...............................Hammonds' Vinnie
...Ferguson's Tupark
...............................Hammonds' Park Son ROM
................Ferguson's Calley
...............................Hammonds' Zackitha
...............................Hammonds' Park Son ROM
................Ruf Park
...............................Hammonds' Bullytuts
...Hammonds' Ruf Missi
...............................Hammonds' Hailstone ROM 2xw
................Hammonds' Midgaree
...............................Hammonds' Missi (H's Lucan x H's Traci)

The pups will be $750.
email coachferguson@live.com

02-11-2012, 02:59 PM
Those look REAL NICE! Looking forward to our future breeding a well!

No Quarter Kennel
02-11-2012, 06:12 PM
I agree, but of course I would. This is some outstanding Hammonds' blood.

02-11-2012, 08:50 PM
Great stuff man hope you get a huge healthy litter.keep us posted.

02-12-2012, 03:32 AM

No Quarter Kennel
02-12-2012, 09:26 AM
Thanks guys. I feel confident this will produce some dogs worth their feed.

02-12-2012, 10:11 AM
that hammonds stuff is STILL very successful!!!im sure u will get sum very,very gud bulldogs

02-12-2012, 01:25 PM
Good luck. Looks very good !

02-12-2012, 02:46 PM
NQK I sent you an email! Great breeding!!

No Quarter Kennel
02-12-2012, 05:34 PM
Thanks Guys, I appreciate the positive remarks. That's the thing I love about this network, no bullshit and a lot of positive folks. THANKS JACK!

I have another bitch I need to get bred. Her pedigree is below and I'll take suggestions on what direction to take her. I doubt very seriously there is another dog bred this heavy on the Park Son dog in the world. I owned the only inbred son of Park and got one pup, from one breeding before I sold him to a good dogman in Oklahoma. As tight as she is, I'm open to suggestions.

......................Hammonds' Snort ROM
..............Hammonds' Park Son ROM
......................Hammonds' Rennie B
...Ferguson's Hannibal
......................Hammonds' Park Son ROM
..............Ferguson's Calley
......................Hammonds' Zackitha
Ferguson's Tubbs
......................Bryant's Pretty Boy
..............Ferguson's Amos
......................Hammonds' Tangie
...Ferguson's Scout
......................Hammonds' Park Son ROM
..............Ferguson's Calley
......................Hammonds' Zackitha

To give a little history of these dogs, the Park Son x Zackitha litter was the first "marquee" breeding of my life. There were 6 dogs in that litter. 5 males and 1 female. I kept what I considered the best male, Ferguson's Skeeter. I sold a damn good dog to Dmitry of AC/DC Kennels. This dog was renamed AC/DC Kennels Diablo. There was another one that was at stud at CDE for a while name Change of Luck. The other two, I lost track of. Long story short, this was "one of those litters". All dogs were very good dogs. As you might notice in some of my pedigrees, that litter,,,,,that particular gene pool or structure is what I've based my yard on. That, along with the Hailstone stuff is the backbone of what I feed and what I've seen be extremely succesfull with this family of dogs.

I've seen this stuff do very well with the Snooty/Eli blends and of course, the Tonka-Red Barron stuff. I believe completely this stuff would produce incredibly bred to some of Jack's stuff as well. After all, the TRB stuff here in Texas is actually very similar.

If anyone here has any suggestions on what direction a real tight bred dog like Tubbs would be go in, feel free to suggest. My initial thoughts, based on experience, is to take her to some of the Alligator/Eli stuff to keep the capatibility, but I'm open to suggestions.

Really enjoy this forum. Keep up the great work everyone.

02-14-2012, 10:42 AM
That's very nice. I would say if I had any dogs in such caliber as I'll mention, I'll breed to him in a heart beat...
IRONHEAD -- this blood made some of the good good in Hammonds blood.
Victor Whitsell "CH" STOMPER" blood is another one that uses the genes very well, which is in some of H. blood..
STOMPANATO --again blood up close in his blood would be a kicker also.. Here's is what I'm leading into. This dog was something nice and those who got the REAL ONES off him, knows exactly what I'm speaking of.
http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/mo ... g_id=42355 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=42355)

No Quarter Kennel
02-14-2012, 04:12 PM
Well I would love to have anything off old Zack, but he's been dead for a good while.

Notice, my emphasis on the Park/Zackitha litte as the backbone of my yard. Park is some incredible foundation going back to the Rufus and Snort dogs with links to Melonhead. Then you have Andy L in there, sire to Zack. Zackitha herself is straight off the little maniac Zack himself (Roberto). Hence my preference to the Park x Zackitha breeding I made years ago.

You did get my mind to wondering now though. I'll keep you posted.

02-14-2012, 07:36 PM
VERY NICE !!!!!!

02-21-2012, 08:49 PM
Looks great. I love Gary he's an awesome guy and always willing to help a fellow dogger out. Good luck!